I've joined the staff here to help update the SB page primarilly, and hopefully take part in some of the other more grand going-ons around the site. email is fairly simple, celegorm@gamebanshee.com, your more then welcome to toss me a line if you have any questions about SB, or in general. Although i can't promise much outside of my realm of knowledge.. ie, ask someone else the D&D original rules questions please... i have no clue
Game experience is also simple. i played EQ to level 55, and still have an active account with the name Celegorm Valkyrre floating around as a ranger. (if you see my corpse on Terris just give this ol ranger a tell, cuz i need a res
so again, really not much to say other than hello and i hope to befriend at least a couple of ya over the corse of my tenure here. toss me a line for the shadowbane discussion or eq rant, which ever you prefere
ps - yes i know its a mad face, but it looks kinda cool don't it?
[ 10-20-2001: Message edited by: Celegorm Valkyrre ]