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Post by chesky »

I bought this game as a break from BGII, (which is getting intense at the moment)and I am really enjoying so far...BUT
I just bought tattoos from Fell and they say I should invoke them to gain memories - maybe I'm just stoopid but I don't seem to be able to do this.
Some kind soul please tell me how :confused:
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Post by fable »

@Sorcha, hi. Could you be a bit more specific? Which tattoo(s) did you buy?
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Post by chesky »

I bought tattoos that appeared after I brought the severed arm back to the shop.

I bought three altogether:
Weeping stones
Silent Coins
Lost Incarnation

would like to buy more if I can work out how to 'invoke' them.

[ 04-27-2001: Message edited by: Sorcha ]
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Post by Sojourner »

To use tattoos, click on the Use button on the tattoo description, or put the tattoo in your quick item slot and use it from the right-click pop-up menu.
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Post by fable »

@Sojourner, I think the Silent Coins one won't go in a quick slot, and doesn't seem to add any experience. I know I found it buggy, both times I ran through the game.

Lost Incarnation just needs to be placed on one of the two tattoo fields of your personal character. It is, IMO, among the most useful tattoos in the game, since it gives you a quick heal. :)
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Post by chesky »

@sojourner, none of the tattoos I have display a use option in the description box and no increase in experience or even a message in the dialogue box appears when I use the right click menu (which, by the way, after getting used to this, I really like! In fact, I went back to playing BGII last night cos I was p*****d off with the tattoo stuff and found myself trying to right click on the main screen :D
Maybe I should try buying different tattoos?
@Fable, I have three tattoo fields :confused:

[ 04-28-2001: Message edited by: Sorcha ]
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Post by fable »

@Sorcha, it could well be three: I haven't played the game in about 6 months, and it's that sort of detail which slips the mind (what's left of my mind, at any rate) after a time.

For what it's worth, I concentrated on the stat-enhancing tattoos (with the exception of Lost Incarnation). I tried to have a small variety available for all circumstances, which I could switch out. Usually, during dialogs I'd keep intelligence, wisdom and/or charisma enhancing tattoos active.

Here's one really good tip I can give you, concerning tattoos: emphasize a single class on your main character. After you make 7th level, a tattoo for that class will appear at the shop, offering an attractive bonus. But should you take the *same* class up to 12th level first, before any other classes, you get an even better tattoo.

For example, you get the Tattoo of the Art at 7th level, giving you a +1 INT and an additional 1st and 2nd level spell (this, from my notes). But assuming you take that mage up to 12th before hitting 12th with a fighter or thief, you get the Tattoo of the Magi: +3 INT, and you double 1st and 2nd level spells. Note, if you make it up to 12th in a different profession, you don't get a higher quality tattoo.

Hope that helps.
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Post by chesky »

@fable, you are a fountain of knowledge :)
Did you have any problems with the game constantly crashing inside the tenement of thugs - I just killed loads of bad guys and had to raise one of my party (oops) and the whole thing crashed :mad:
I hope this doesn't keep happening cos theres nothing more frustrating - I have saved just before the fight but thats not the point.
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Post by fable »

@Sorcha, glad to help. :)

I never had any problems with crashes in P:T--in the Tenement of Thugs, or elsewhere. I wonder if it's somehow linked to your use of the rezzing spell. Try saving the game, next time, before rezzing, and see if that works.

How much RAM do you have, too? And what size cache?
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Post by Sojourner »


It's been a while since I've played PS:T, so I've forgotten a few things. For him to be able to get the "use" button on some of the experience-granting tattoos, he has to be the right class, since some of the tattoos are class-specific. I've didn't have trouble with the game crashing very often (compared to Bioware's other games), but I did notice the "Slowdown Bug" in specific areas. To fix this you can get the official patch or do a full install. Also, with this game, I highly recommend making an archive save every time you leave for a new area. It will save you a lot of grief.


The reason you didn't see the Nameless One gaining experience from some of the tattoos may have been because he didn't gain it in the active class.
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Post by fable »

The reason you didn't see the Nameless One gaining experience from some of the tattoos may have been because he didn't gain it in the active class.
@Sojourner, you can't use a class-specific tattoo like Silent Coins on the Nameless One unless the appropriate class is active. I believe that particular tattoo is simply buggy.
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Post by chesky »

@fable and Sojourner, may just be a bug cos I was thief at time of purchase of silent coins tattoo and no change in experience, have since changed to both mage and fighter and still no increase in experience or 'use' buttons. :(
@fable - have 64MB RAM
also, game crashed several times - ball lightening had been cast on me, I returned with reign of anger, my screen went red/pink as usual then froze...with an odd flickering over the pause button! Oh the trials and tribulations of RPG playing :)
Next q. where do I get the patch from?
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Post by Sojourner »

You can get the patch [url=""]here[/url]. You may also want to get the latest version of your video and sound card drivers.

Also, you can obtain information on solving some problems, including the "Slowdown Bug", at [url=""]The Pit's FAQ page[/url] and [url=""]The Pit's Planescape: Torment FAQ page[/url]. The second page contains spoilers.

[ 04-29-2001: Message edited by: Sojourner ]

[ 04-29-2001: Message edited by: Sojourner ]
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Post by fable »

@Sorcha, it does sound like a possible video card compatibility issue. You might want to see what the readme file says about that.

Deleting the contents of the cache subdirectory before loadingwas one way I got the game to speed up.
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