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Baldur's Gate Multiplayer??

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack.
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Baldur's Gate Multiplayer??

Post by Dax »

I did not see another place for this, so if this is the wrond location I appologize.

I am trying to figure out how to play Baldur's Gate online. It asks for a phone number. Why?? Isn't there a place to play it? And if Not Does anyone know Where I can find a game? I really would like to try the multiplayer game.
Thanks for you time.
Dax. :D
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Post by Yshania »

Have BG CD2 in your CDRom drive but do not start a game.

Go online to [url=""][/url] and register with them. Ignore the text regarding a $20 registration fee - that is only if you want additional offers etc. Gamespy is shareware and free to download.

Once registered click on the tab on the left of your screen where it says "network". Use the down arrow to scroll until you find Baldurs Gate. Gamespy will then download an update to your PC.

You can then enter the chat forum and either create or join a game from there. :)
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