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You know what baldurs gate 3 needs......

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You know what baldurs gate 3 needs......

Post by Dangerous10K »

an online deathmatch

so i would for example take my party of 6 and pit it against your party of 6

and it could have like a league w/a rating like a basketball season w/playoffs for the championship and if you win then they make you a magical item for your main charecter

for example if you were a mage they might make you like a moonblade like xzan has but made for you and its like a moonblade +8

or something else depeding on what kinda person you charecter is

an full plate mail +12 of regeneration would be sweet esepcially if it didnt take charges

man i wish they would see this and implement it

plus you could choose different places to fight like the tight corrodors of the gullykin maze or the huge forest of cloakwood

or in the city streets of baldurs gate or sewers of baldurs gate
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Post by Dangerous10K »

any comments?
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Post by Dangerous10K »

awesome idea?it sux ass?this is the stupidist thing i ever heard i dont want to test my might against humans that can think better than a 2 yr old on crack dont suggest anything ever again?

comment on this damnit
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Post by Nippy »

I apologise but with a tune like that no one will comment on it. Just because people don't post on your topic does not mean they don't read it. Maybe they thin it's a bad idea or just not worth posting for and to be honest the way you have written I am not surprised. Rephrase yourself and be a little more polite. And having +12 armour is stupid! :D :D
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Post by Dangerous10K »

-12 i mean im a mage dont screw w/that fighter stuff so i was wrong but this has been unreplied to for like 3 days im starting to get annoyed as you should be

but you deserve something ultra powerful for beating everyone in a tournament of probally 200 6 man parties
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Post by Nippy »

I can understand your anger but directing it at other people makes them angry (sheesh I'm starting to sound like a Psychologist!). Putting that aside, what's the point of -12 ac armour? If you use it in a proper game it will be unfare as you can send one person in and s/he wouldn't be touched.
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Post by RA »

the point is it doesn't work.
When you go play such a deatmach everybody(altough some people)cheats.
A super human palladin with carsomyer +6
A thac0 of -100 stats wich are all 25.
People go cheating and it doesn't work any more.
And what do you expect to see?
A level 40 fighter verses the same level 40 fighter with the same equipment.

Deathmatch doen't work for crpg's.
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Post by Dangerous10K »

yea but it would filter out any stats over 18
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Post by Dangerous10K »

another thing is it would matchup your parties for instance

one party has a bunch of wands cloaks and magical stuff plus is higher level

the other party is way less talented it tells ya that before the match so you can find someone who is pretty even w/ya

and maybe the superstat ppl could play each other somewhere else
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Post by Dangerous10K »

also i was just making an example w/that armor but you should get some kinda dominate item for dominating everyone
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Post by RA »

Filtering those stats out woul be unfair to other classes like dwarves, elves, halflings, half orcs and gnomes.
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Post by Dangerous10K »

well then anything above 19
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Post by Nippy »

I apologise Dangerous10k but RA is right the idea soes not really make sense. What abot the people with tomes and the people who set their stats at 19.
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Post by Dangerous10K »

epic would find a way to limit it or simply jus fight your friends and dont fight ppl you dont know if ya dont want cheaters

besides ppl cheat in muliplayer now so how would it be any different in dm
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Post by Dangerous10K »

i ask you this would this be a bad thing?

and if so you wouldnt have to play it

i think it would be very fun,seems how computer opponets are tough but rarely do i lose
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Post by Nippy »

I agree Dangerous but the thought of playing unfairly sickens me. You only cheat yourself as the saying goes.
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Post by Dangerous10K »

well you would only play your friends then that way you woulndt have to worry about cheaters well maybe you would but still

there probally wouldnt be any more cheaing then there is in normal multiplayer right now
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Post by Nippy »

And that there is your problemn there is already cheating!
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Post by Dangerous10K »

for the actual part where you win an item they could make it so everyone makes a brand new party and can only fight other ppl online and have like a half an hour to fight various monsters to gain experience and can

that way they know for a fact that you are not cheating

and you could use any charecter you want for when it doesnt for anything besides bragging rights
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Post by Nippy »

Thats a good idea Dangerous. I thought that there already was a multiplayer for TOB though. Does anyone else know? Correct me if I'm wrong.
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