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Anyone here playing BG with Windows ME?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack.
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Anyone here playing BG with Windows ME?

Post by Krimmy »

The reason I ask is I'm having intermittent crashes back to the desktop, most of the time that's the case sometimes it'll freeze. I know that WinME isn't officially supported for BG, I was just wondering if anyone else ran into similar problems?
I have TOTSC installed with the latest patch as well as the DirectX 8 patch. I was thinking it might be memory related(hardware)but I'm a little iffy on that because I can run SOA w/TOB no problem.

By the way you should see this crash, as crashes go its a thing of beauty, most of the time it happens during the beginning of an encounter the game just winks out clean back to the desktop like I was never playing the game.

Its more a nuisance than anything else as I've been able to get pretty far in the game and most time I can restart the game and continue from where I left, there have been a few occasions where it crashes in the same spot....kinda frustrating.

Anyway thanks for reading and let me know you ideas of what it could be.
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Post by Stilgar »

I played BG under Windows ME, and haven't had anyproblems at all, smae gous for windowsXP!
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Post by Mr Sleep »

It might be a driver conflict, i recall some soundcards (creative IIRC) didn't respond well the BG1. TOTSC sorted the problem for me though.
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Post by Krimmy »

I do have a Creative Live card, and It's worth a try to upgrade my drivers for it even though I had EAX disabled in the game.

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