I've just finished Durlag's Tower, and it seems that experience cap is stuck --or it's normal? Take Coran's stats for example:
Fighter L7, exp: 80.500, next L: 125.000 Thief L8, exp: 80.500, next L: 110.000
Well, I was looking forward to seeing this 110.000 coming true, but nope! I was sooo disappointed...
Anyway. Is it normal for ToSC or is there something wrong? Anyone could possibly help?
• "You cannot pass."..."I am a servant of the Secret Fire, Wielder of the Flame of Anor, You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go Back to the Shadow! You cannot pass."
Gandalf the Grey
BG Xp cap is 89,000 while the TOTSC Xp cap is 161,000.
So as a multiclass you'd get 80,500 for each class (161,000 / 2) which is correct with your statement, so no, Coran will not improve, unless you take the XP cap off.
And a FMT/FMC you have 53,667 XP per class max.
Hope this helps
The Present is an Illusion, The Future is a Dream and The Past is A Lie!
Well, I have just arrived from Amn and didn't know exactly how things work here.
Thanks, Mr. Snow. You helped a lot.
• "You cannot pass."..."I am a servant of the Secret Fire, Wielder of the Flame of Anor, You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go Back to the Shadow! You cannot pass."
Gandalf the Grey