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Durlags tower with a level 5-6 party.

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The Regent
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Durlags tower with a level 5-6 party.

Post by The Regent »

I have done the top of the tower and before descending I want to know:

Is it possible to actually do it with a lvl 5-6 party?

Its proabably stupid seen as it was probably meant for characters that had reached the XP cap in original BG (before TOSC)...

I don't want to spend an age (according to other posts) on a dungeon that I will never complete...
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Post by Xandax »

I would suspect that it can be done, but it'll properly need a lot of resting inside, plus be sure to stock up on combat-potions also.
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Post by Sojourner »

I've done it :D . My advice is: stock up on the combat potions, wands of fire and monster summoning, and all the Protection from Undead scrolls you can find. Make an archive save whenever starting a new level. I ended up returning to Nashkel after clearing the first dungeon level because there was too much to carry.
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Post by RA »

You can beat the demon lord easy ( I did it solo with a level 10 bard).
keep him accupied with some monsters and hit him with arrows of piercing (I had the boots of the cheetah so i could run around).
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Post by Gruntboy »

***************BIG DAMN SPOILER**************
Don't you just crack the mirror then finish off what's left? That defeat's him *real* easy. Wouldn't like taking on Aec'Letec solo though. :D
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Post by RA »

Nope, I didn't crack the mirror because I didn't see it.
Pretty stupid.
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