Me - Fighter.. 4 points in bow and taking them down fast. Dex score at 20 (Elf+Tomb), str at 19(tomb), 2nd weapon halbred, best weapon in the world, cant beleive there arent any "special" versions in the game... ohh well, BG2 will help me out.
Minsc - The cannon Fodder
Safana - How can you resist her!?!
Coran - Needed a guy who could shoot a bow.. and hold his own. Plus, he is hitting on Viconia... that cant lead to anything good.
Viconia - Mandatory, never played with out her.
Edwin - I cant seem to play any BG game without him... He's now got a int score of 19, making him even more powerfull and friendly towards the rest of the party.
I would love to have keept Jaheira, Imoen.. but I just find the other NPC's so much more interresting after have played BG2 quite a few times