It has really wonderful atmosphere - all these dark schemes in Baldur's Gate city, dark dungeons of Durlag's Tower, Gullykin - everything had its "magic" - even if I knew all these things because I have played BG1 earlier. This time I have focused my attention on all things connected with the divine of main character - Manveru Telcontar, that will result probably in some interesting conclussion in ToB. I have finished my game playing F/M/C Manveru Telcontar + supposed party of BG1 PC in BG2 - Jaheira, Khalid, Imoen, Minsc and Dynaheir - Sarevok was a piece of cake for my party hardened in Durlag's tower (I hope he will be much better in ToB). After small break (still waiting for my ToB) I will start new game in BG2 (aargh , again Irenicus's dungeon).
It doesn't change the fact that BG1 is the game that could be played many times and one could always find some new interesting things in it....... it is good that I still have many hours of playing - Irenicus's scheme and story conclussion
just musings.......
So sayeh
Wise Manveru Telcontar, The Mighty Wizard from Eregion
Originally posted by Manveru:
<STRONG>I will start new game in BG2 (aargh , again Irenicus's dungeon).
It doesn't change the fact that BG1 is the game that could be played many times and one could always find some new interesting things in it....... it is good that I still have many hours of playing - Irenicus's scheme and story conclussion</STRONG>
Somehow, Candlekeep (first time) and Irenicus' Dungeon are the only parts I don't want to see again. The rest: definitely
Originally posted by Alexander Denethorn:
<STRONG>I have finnished BG1 with a palidin and I want to start again with a different class.
Any suggestions?</STRONG>
Warriors are the most powerful and easiest to play, so if you're looking for challenge and variety, I'd recommend not choosing a warrior class. Some odd multis might be twice the fun, double the trouble
[url=""]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
I'm totally with you Manveru. I've started a new game to go to the end of the saga. Now my party is : Me (fighter to be dualled to specialist mage at lvl 3); Kegain (to be replaced by Korgan ); Edwin; Jahiera (future romance); Imoen (let her as plain thief for all BGI and then edit her in BGII); Shar Teel
So i'll have Ed, Jahiera and Imoen until the end.....i love this game. The long walking in the open air, some great places to visit, the gnoll stronghold.....ahhhhhhhhhh great feelings
Edwin, mighty founder of the Council of Mages; Co-founder of the Shadow Mages
Sorcery and Shadow together as one, the arcane and the dark united. Through our knowledge and skill none can stand against us. We are as one, infallible and invincible. The Shadow Mages.
Yeah - the story in BG1 really rules, I can still remember the first time I played, how surprised you get when advancing the story.
I'm midway through BG2 again with a Beskerker - but it is a bit boring still eventhough he cuts through enermies like a hot knife through melted butter
So I'm thinking about starting up in BG1 and ToSC playthrough and the BG2+ToB wich I'm getting soon (hopefully tomorrow).
But I don't know wich class to play
@Xandax: i started the game with the fighter dualled to specialist mage, but i think i'll have problems to import him in BGII where dual to a specialist mage is not allowed.
So maybe i'll start another game (i've played only a couple of hours...) and i also don't know which class to choose....
I think i'll end up with a druid (never played before....) or a fighter to be dualled to druid, to get more proficiencies and HP.
Edwin, mighty founder of the Council of Mages; Co-founder of the Shadow Mages
Sorcery and Shadow together as one, the arcane and the dark united. Through our knowledge and skill none can stand against us. We are as one, infallible and invincible. The Shadow Mages.
I useally also play fighter dualed to something because I like magic and I like meele - but it's getting boring.
I've thought about a druid, but I can't picture myself being a neutral treehugger
To duel to druid you have to have 17 Wisdom AND 17 Charisma (plus 15 strength). I couldn't figure it out for a long time either, but this combination does work.
I am also playing through BG1 again to take my PC through the whole series. It is great, I am really enjoying it. I guess I am able to pay attention to the details a litle closer. I never noticed such things as the conversation with 'Lord Foreshadow' and such. Also, BG1 definitely is more difficult in comparsion to BG2 but, I guess this is just from being low level. The amazons right next to the Nashkel mine exit are really tough.
As for my PC, I am playing as a thief to take into BG2. I have really underused the thief in my previous games and I was reading about the high level abilties that seem really cool. Until I was reading some posts in the BG2 forum I never used just normal abilites like 'detect illusion' in BG2. So I am putting in some effort to be a better thief and I am having a good time at it.
Originally posted by Lauf Oldrion Geutsin:
<STRONG>Start with fighter every skillpoint in darts
Darts rule in BG1 </STRONG>
Sling! One-handed, uses ammo slots (you have to refill darts just about every fight), gets Strength bonus (may be a bug).
[url=""]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.