Scar - where did he go?
Scar - where did he go?
Hi and thanks in advance! I talked once to Scar in the Flaming Fist HQ, after which he stepped outside, and now I can't find him anymore. I killed the Doppelgangers in the 7 Suns Inn, killed the Ogre Mage in the sewers, got rid of the Iron Throne in Baldur, so I would like to collect my xp and gold! Can anyone tell me where to find him?
I'm not entirely sure.
I have only met him at:
1. Outside the Iron Throne Building
2.In the first corridor when you enter the Iron Throne.
and (where I think he may be for you)
On the 2nd floor of the Iron Throne building. In the main area where all the jail cells lead up to there is some stairs in the corner, up the stairs he will introduce you to Duke Eltan, da' duke will give you the quest to dispose of the Iron Throne and it is then that Scar will dissapear.
To report that you have finnished your quest you must talk to Duke Eltan (note: only do this when you have done EVERYTHING in Baldurs Gate).
Hop that helps
[ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: Alexander Denethorn ]
I have only met him at:
1. Outside the Iron Throne Building
2.In the first corridor when you enter the Iron Throne.
and (where I think he may be for you)
On the 2nd floor of the Iron Throne building. In the main area where all the jail cells lead up to there is some stairs in the corner, up the stairs he will introduce you to Duke Eltan, da' duke will give you the quest to dispose of the Iron Throne and it is then that Scar will dissapear.
To report that you have finnished your quest you must talk to Duke Eltan (note: only do this when you have done EVERYTHING in Baldurs Gate).
Hop that helps
[ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: Alexander Denethorn ]
"I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!"