Athkathla II
@Fas+Aegis: Hello? Anybody there?
@craig: Next time could you write a little more?
We have to keep Thryn in pace (timewise) with everyone else. I’d like to limit myself to just guiding everyone else, and focus on advancing my own character.
@Rail: No problem. It’s good reading
Thryn walked over to the man and said,
"That’s a nice secret door. Anyway, I’m looking for employment. Got any?"
“Employment? Well, I could use somebody to organize my wares, but from your looks I don’t think that would appeal to you very much,” the merchant replies, unflustered.
“Come, now. Do you think anyone with half a brain would mistake this for a merchant’s shop? I didn’t come here for small talk. I hear the Shadow Thieves are recruiting, and I’m here to sign up. Got a problem with that?” Thryn asks cooly, casually tossing a dagger in the air and catching it.
The merchant inspects him silently for a moment. “Very well. But it’s your grave if you fail the initiation. We can’t just let young hotheads like you spilling all our secrets, can we?” The merchant walks over and touches a certain spot on the wall, opening the secret door. He motions impatiently for Thryn to step through. “Oh, and the trials have just begun. I suggest you be on your guard,” he says before closing it behind him with finality. No turning back now.
He walks down the hall. He emerges into a dark room with stacked crates of varying heights everywhere. Suddenly, he hears the shuffle of feet to his right. He ducks the incoming blade, sweeping the feet of his assailant. As he falls, Thryn grimly slices his throat. He then blends into the shadows, walking silently, making his way around the room. He detects others doing the same. On the other side of the room, a thrown dagger lodges into someone’s back, hitting a vital spot and ensuring a slow, painful death.
Another dagger comes flying at him from up high. Thryn barely rolls out of the way, the dagger scraping his right arm. The next dagger follows seconds later, but this time Thryn spots the thrower on top of an especially large stack of crates. He dodges it, then slams into the pile, causing it to come crashing down. The thief on top manages to scramble aside, landing on his feet, but another one is crushed under a ton of falling wood. Thryn uses the speed of his boots to close on the dagger thrower in an instant, impaling the surprised rogue on the end of his repaired sword. Abruptly a door opens in the wall on the far side of the room, and light comes streaming in.
“Very good. Everybody that can make it out of the room under their own power will do so now. Any others that yet live will be put out of their misery,” speaks a black-clad woman, silhouetted in the light.
A shadow moves near the door, stabbing towards the newcomer. She whips out a pair of daggers in a flash, parrying the attack with one and slashing the attacker’s throat with the other. Her victim is dead before he hits the ground.
“Anyone else want to try that? I don’t mind putting a few more of you ****y wannabees in your place,” she says, her voice cold and deadly.
Nobody takes her offer. They slowly emerge from their hiding places and walk to the door, six in all, including Thryn. Six more lie dead, two by Thryn’s hand, one indirectly by his actions. But Thryn feels no remorse. A compassionate rogue doesn’t live long.
A series of tests follow, each one examining a different skill. A trap course, a pickpocketing trial, a lockpicking exam. Failure in any one brought death, and by the end only Thryn and two others were left.
“My, but this group is a poor one. Usually at least half survive. Shows that we’ve already got the best, and that trash is all that’s left,” the woman states contemptuously, looking the three over. Her gaze settles especially long on Thryn, making him uncomfortable.
“You two,” she says, pointing to the others. “Go find your rooms.” She quickly gives them directions and sends them off.
“Now for you,” she pronounces, turning to Thryn. “I’ve been watching you. Someone of your skill is uncommon among new recruits. Go to the Promenade after dusk. I’ll be hanging around the Circus Tent. There I’ll tell you your first assignment.” That said, she walks off.
After that, Thryn spends some time familiarizing himself with the place. Then he takes a nap, knowing he probably wouldn’t be getting any sleep that night. When he wakes, it’s time to meet the woman.
He finds her hiding in the shadows where she said she’d be. “Good. I’m Shadowstalker Llira, a title one earns for showing exceptional skill as an assassin . We’re going to meet up with the others outside of the city. The Black Helm has got a weapons shipment coming in. Apparently they got word of our plans to waylay it, and have sent out a few extra guards to supplement the caravan guard. Our task is to ambush this small group before they link up. Shouldn’t be too difficult. The Black Helm will be watching the gates, so we’re taking the sewers. We must hurry now. Don’t fall behind.” She creeps off into the darkness without a backward glance.
Calahan watches their approach, disgust written all over his face. “I can’t believe I’m stuck with cowardly mercenaries,” he mumbles. He’d dealt with their kind before. No spine at all. And they’d desert at the snap of a finger if the going got tough, if they didn’t outright turn against you. When they’d finally come level with him, he addresses them.
“Okay you no-life’s. Know now that the money you get at the end of this depends on the outcome. Full pay if the mission succeeds, half if it fails. I’ll be the judge of which it is, by the way. And if you desert, don’t expect to live much longer. We’ll track you down and deal with you soon enough, if you somehow manage to dodge me. Unlikely, I might add.”
“That out of the way, the caravan’s behind schedule. Seems they were attacked by bandits along the way. So it’ll be a bit longer of a march than we expected. Setting out now, I expect that we’ll meet up with them by dawn.”
This news inspires some surly muttering among the group. Calahan singles one of them out. “You don’t like it, and I can end your misery right now, maggot. Is that what you want?” he shouts in his face.
“No,” he grumbles.
“WHAT’S THAT!,” Calahan bellows, brandishing his halberd.
“NO SIR!” the wretched man yells, standing at attention.
“Good,” Calahan says, apparently satsified. “Move out. I’ll take the rear to keep an eye on you sorry sellswords.”
@all: I’d write about Magus and Void, but this is already two pages in Word, and at least 3.5 hours of time. No more for today...
@Xandax+craig: You guys can see where this is heading, hopefully, so feel free to continue.
@craig: Next time could you write a little more?
@Rail: No problem. It’s good reading
Thryn walked over to the man and said,
"That’s a nice secret door. Anyway, I’m looking for employment. Got any?"
“Employment? Well, I could use somebody to organize my wares, but from your looks I don’t think that would appeal to you very much,” the merchant replies, unflustered.
“Come, now. Do you think anyone with half a brain would mistake this for a merchant’s shop? I didn’t come here for small talk. I hear the Shadow Thieves are recruiting, and I’m here to sign up. Got a problem with that?” Thryn asks cooly, casually tossing a dagger in the air and catching it.
The merchant inspects him silently for a moment. “Very well. But it’s your grave if you fail the initiation. We can’t just let young hotheads like you spilling all our secrets, can we?” The merchant walks over and touches a certain spot on the wall, opening the secret door. He motions impatiently for Thryn to step through. “Oh, and the trials have just begun. I suggest you be on your guard,” he says before closing it behind him with finality. No turning back now.
He walks down the hall. He emerges into a dark room with stacked crates of varying heights everywhere. Suddenly, he hears the shuffle of feet to his right. He ducks the incoming blade, sweeping the feet of his assailant. As he falls, Thryn grimly slices his throat. He then blends into the shadows, walking silently, making his way around the room. He detects others doing the same. On the other side of the room, a thrown dagger lodges into someone’s back, hitting a vital spot and ensuring a slow, painful death.
Another dagger comes flying at him from up high. Thryn barely rolls out of the way, the dagger scraping his right arm. The next dagger follows seconds later, but this time Thryn spots the thrower on top of an especially large stack of crates. He dodges it, then slams into the pile, causing it to come crashing down. The thief on top manages to scramble aside, landing on his feet, but another one is crushed under a ton of falling wood. Thryn uses the speed of his boots to close on the dagger thrower in an instant, impaling the surprised rogue on the end of his repaired sword. Abruptly a door opens in the wall on the far side of the room, and light comes streaming in.
“Very good. Everybody that can make it out of the room under their own power will do so now. Any others that yet live will be put out of their misery,” speaks a black-clad woman, silhouetted in the light.
A shadow moves near the door, stabbing towards the newcomer. She whips out a pair of daggers in a flash, parrying the attack with one and slashing the attacker’s throat with the other. Her victim is dead before he hits the ground.
“Anyone else want to try that? I don’t mind putting a few more of you ****y wannabees in your place,” she says, her voice cold and deadly.
Nobody takes her offer. They slowly emerge from their hiding places and walk to the door, six in all, including Thryn. Six more lie dead, two by Thryn’s hand, one indirectly by his actions. But Thryn feels no remorse. A compassionate rogue doesn’t live long.
A series of tests follow, each one examining a different skill. A trap course, a pickpocketing trial, a lockpicking exam. Failure in any one brought death, and by the end only Thryn and two others were left.
“My, but this group is a poor one. Usually at least half survive. Shows that we’ve already got the best, and that trash is all that’s left,” the woman states contemptuously, looking the three over. Her gaze settles especially long on Thryn, making him uncomfortable.
“You two,” she says, pointing to the others. “Go find your rooms.” She quickly gives them directions and sends them off.
“Now for you,” she pronounces, turning to Thryn. “I’ve been watching you. Someone of your skill is uncommon among new recruits. Go to the Promenade after dusk. I’ll be hanging around the Circus Tent. There I’ll tell you your first assignment.” That said, she walks off.
After that, Thryn spends some time familiarizing himself with the place. Then he takes a nap, knowing he probably wouldn’t be getting any sleep that night. When he wakes, it’s time to meet the woman.
He finds her hiding in the shadows where she said she’d be. “Good. I’m Shadowstalker Llira, a title one earns for showing exceptional skill as an assassin . We’re going to meet up with the others outside of the city. The Black Helm has got a weapons shipment coming in. Apparently they got word of our plans to waylay it, and have sent out a few extra guards to supplement the caravan guard. Our task is to ambush this small group before they link up. Shouldn’t be too difficult. The Black Helm will be watching the gates, so we’re taking the sewers. We must hurry now. Don’t fall behind.” She creeps off into the darkness without a backward glance.
Calahan watches their approach, disgust written all over his face. “I can’t believe I’m stuck with cowardly mercenaries,” he mumbles. He’d dealt with their kind before. No spine at all. And they’d desert at the snap of a finger if the going got tough, if they didn’t outright turn against you. When they’d finally come level with him, he addresses them.
“Okay you no-life’s. Know now that the money you get at the end of this depends on the outcome. Full pay if the mission succeeds, half if it fails. I’ll be the judge of which it is, by the way. And if you desert, don’t expect to live much longer. We’ll track you down and deal with you soon enough, if you somehow manage to dodge me. Unlikely, I might add.”
“That out of the way, the caravan’s behind schedule. Seems they were attacked by bandits along the way. So it’ll be a bit longer of a march than we expected. Setting out now, I expect that we’ll meet up with them by dawn.”
This news inspires some surly muttering among the group. Calahan singles one of them out. “You don’t like it, and I can end your misery right now, maggot. Is that what you want?” he shouts in his face.
“No,” he grumbles.
“WHAT’S THAT!,” Calahan bellows, brandishing his halberd.
“NO SIR!” the wretched man yells, standing at attention.
“Good,” Calahan says, apparently satsified. “Move out. I’ll take the rear to keep an eye on you sorry sellswords.”
@all: I’d write about Magus and Void, but this is already two pages in Word, and at least 3.5 hours of time. No more for today...
@Xandax+craig: You guys can see where this is heading, hopefully, so feel free to continue.
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
Calahan started walking outwards in the wilderness, Xandax and the other 4 started walking after him. There were some disgruntle among two of the mercenaries, they kept mumbling that they hadn’t signed up for marching.
Calahan sat an impressive pace into the night.
“10 minutes break” Calahan had stopped suddenly.
Everybody sat down and rested.
“So you are the best of the mercenaries this time” Calahan shook his head as his eyes wondered across everyone. “Can you even fight?” He was taunting the group.
“Yes – can you” one of the unsatisfied men said while grinning to what properly was his friend.
”Well let’s see” Calahan said and trusted out whit his halberd. The other mercenary barly rolled out of the way.
”He is fast” Xandax though as he viewed the spectacle.
The loud-mouthed mercenary stood up, wielding his weapon – a nasty looking mace. His friend did the same.
“Oh, so you both think you can fight?” Calahan kept taunting.
The 2 men charged and were quickly cut down.
“He was very fast and deadly” Xandax though while trying to size up Calahan – “One wouldn’t think that just by looking at him”
“We are moving out – let their bodies lie” He said as he started moving out. The last 2 men and Xandax moved quickly after him – nobody said a word.
Dawn was coming and they would soon rendezvous with the transport.
Xandax reached down, just to reassure himself that his sword was still there – the hilt felt warm again.
Calahan sat an impressive pace into the night.
“10 minutes break” Calahan had stopped suddenly.
Everybody sat down and rested.
“So you are the best of the mercenaries this time” Calahan shook his head as his eyes wondered across everyone. “Can you even fight?” He was taunting the group.
“Yes – can you” one of the unsatisfied men said while grinning to what properly was his friend.
”Well let’s see” Calahan said and trusted out whit his halberd. The other mercenary barly rolled out of the way.
”He is fast” Xandax though as he viewed the spectacle.
The loud-mouthed mercenary stood up, wielding his weapon – a nasty looking mace. His friend did the same.
“Oh, so you both think you can fight?” Calahan kept taunting.
The 2 men charged and were quickly cut down.
“He was very fast and deadly” Xandax though while trying to size up Calahan – “One wouldn’t think that just by looking at him”
“We are moving out – let their bodies lie” He said as he started moving out. The last 2 men and Xandax moved quickly after him – nobody said a word.
Dawn was coming and they would soon rendezvous with the transport.
Xandax reached down, just to reassure himself that his sword was still there – the hilt felt warm again.
Insert signature here.
@all: Ok, I'm not dead.
I ran out of hours on my free internet service, and it wouldn't let me log on. But now that I'm on vacation I can use my relative's provider. I'll have a post first thing in the morning.
@Aegis+Craig: Belated private message response coming your way. I swear I'll check them more often from now on.
@Aegis+Craig: Belated private message response coming your way. I swear I'll check them more often from now on.
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
{OOC sorry people, i have been busy with apartment stuff, packing, legal stuff for swiss etc etc etc. Spent the whole week doing that, haven't even been able to post or read this forum. So i was thinking magus could my char like be kidnappped or something, knocked senseless or something, till i come back, that way you won't have to do anything and people can continue with their stories. Also the once a week posts are not possible as a family member is in the hospital i doubt i will have time to eat let alone check the net.
So ok folks i am off have a great vacation to everybody and over do everything, just don't overdose!!
So ok folks i am off have a great vacation to everybody and over do everything, just don't overdose!!
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
Virdel gave a final nod to the cloaked man who had been sent to find him. He sent the man back to the Rangers hideout, saying he would follow shortly. The man nodded, and took off through the streets, vanishing shortly after. Virdel turned around, and looked towards the building he and Kierran had taken to, to avoid a few patrolling gaurds of the Black Helm. The last patrol they dodged, had a rather familar looking member to it, and he could've sworn he knew him. He entered the building, and made his way straight to a small chest.
"We're moving out again, Kierran." Virdel spoke, little emotion. He had not grown friendly with the Ranger since they met. Whether it was from what was going that kept Virdel from befriending the man, or it was just how Magus had put them togethor, without his consent. "Gather your things quickly, it's not far. We're going to see some like people."
Kierran barely moved. He just stood, and gathered his few meager possesions. He made his way to the door, but stopped, waiting for Virdel. "You realize it's been a day, and I still have not been told your name." Virdel didn't look around to face. "You know, it might help towards trusting you, if you at least speak your name." Virdel just continued to pack his things, until turning around. He shot a stare at Kierran, warning him to back off. Kierran just sighed, shook his head, and headed out the door, and waited for Virdel to take the lead.
"These Guilds have grown out of control!" shouted a hooded figure. He and five others sat around a table, and all had the same brown hood covering their features. "It was enough for us to tolerate the Shadow Theives, and Cowled Wizards, but now... now the Black Helm!" The man's anger was clearly evident, as was his feelings for his colleagues.
"Remain calm." said the man across the table from him. "We know that with the addition of a third Guild to the city, conflict has arisen, but there is nothing we may do about! If we voice or decisions publicly, you, as every one here, know we will have breached our own law. We would be revealing our identities to the public, and then... Well, we all know..." The man remained calm, but his shrouded gaze remain fixed on his counter-part across the table.
"But if we do nothing, then we could have a civil war withen our own city!" A third man stood from his chair, and pounded his fist on the table, more for effect then to prove a point. "The Black Helm are nothing but mercanaries, and have caused nothing but trouble in this city!" He snapped his around the others sitting at the table. "We must do something-"
"You will do nothing!" A robed man entered the room, oblivious to the faces of disgust made by the Council of Six. "As of now, everything is as planned. You will not disrupt my plans." Lazal walked to the side of the table. "All three Guilds will remain in Athkatla, and all three will have conflict. Once that happens..." A twisted grin over took Lazal's features as he thoughts of the effects. "Both the Black Helm, and the Shadow Theives will be no more of a threat then a hapless babe..." He looked about the table, and seeing no objections, whether out of fear, or utter acceptance, he smiled, and turned back to the door.
"Lazal," the second man spoke up, and turned to face the powerful Wizard. "You will cease to disrupt this council any further. Regardless of your position in the Cowled Wizards, and your obvious power, this is the Council of Six, and the governing body of Athkatla. Regardless of your plans, we will do something to remove this threat of a Guild War erupting on our streets!"
Lazal offered another of his smiles, but didn't turn around. "Very Well then..." He turned to face the council again, this time without the smile. A look of anger had replaced it. The council then realized what they had done. Lazal chanted the words to a spell, and pointed at each of the Six. Before any could react, they had dropped, each one now a lifeless husk, and not even a sweat on Lazal's brow. He snapped his fingers, and the door opened again as six hooded figures entered the room, all with the exact identity of one of the fallen Six. "You know what to do." Lazal turned, and exited the room...
@Magus: I thought that could advance the story a bit, and maybe add a bit of light on how truly evil and powerful Lazal is. I tried not to do anything extremly plot thick, and realiezed the Council of six was a good idea. So, now Lazal has the governing body under him, so it could open a lot more possiblities for you.
"We're moving out again, Kierran." Virdel spoke, little emotion. He had not grown friendly with the Ranger since they met. Whether it was from what was going that kept Virdel from befriending the man, or it was just how Magus had put them togethor, without his consent. "Gather your things quickly, it's not far. We're going to see some like people."
Kierran barely moved. He just stood, and gathered his few meager possesions. He made his way to the door, but stopped, waiting for Virdel. "You realize it's been a day, and I still have not been told your name." Virdel didn't look around to face. "You know, it might help towards trusting you, if you at least speak your name." Virdel just continued to pack his things, until turning around. He shot a stare at Kierran, warning him to back off. Kierran just sighed, shook his head, and headed out the door, and waited for Virdel to take the lead.
"These Guilds have grown out of control!" shouted a hooded figure. He and five others sat around a table, and all had the same brown hood covering their features. "It was enough for us to tolerate the Shadow Theives, and Cowled Wizards, but now... now the Black Helm!" The man's anger was clearly evident, as was his feelings for his colleagues.
"Remain calm." said the man across the table from him. "We know that with the addition of a third Guild to the city, conflict has arisen, but there is nothing we may do about! If we voice or decisions publicly, you, as every one here, know we will have breached our own law. We would be revealing our identities to the public, and then... Well, we all know..." The man remained calm, but his shrouded gaze remain fixed on his counter-part across the table.
"But if we do nothing, then we could have a civil war withen our own city!" A third man stood from his chair, and pounded his fist on the table, more for effect then to prove a point. "The Black Helm are nothing but mercanaries, and have caused nothing but trouble in this city!" He snapped his around the others sitting at the table. "We must do something-"
"You will do nothing!" A robed man entered the room, oblivious to the faces of disgust made by the Council of Six. "As of now, everything is as planned. You will not disrupt my plans." Lazal walked to the side of the table. "All three Guilds will remain in Athkatla, and all three will have conflict. Once that happens..." A twisted grin over took Lazal's features as he thoughts of the effects. "Both the Black Helm, and the Shadow Theives will be no more of a threat then a hapless babe..." He looked about the table, and seeing no objections, whether out of fear, or utter acceptance, he smiled, and turned back to the door.
"Lazal," the second man spoke up, and turned to face the powerful Wizard. "You will cease to disrupt this council any further. Regardless of your position in the Cowled Wizards, and your obvious power, this is the Council of Six, and the governing body of Athkatla. Regardless of your plans, we will do something to remove this threat of a Guild War erupting on our streets!"
Lazal offered another of his smiles, but didn't turn around. "Very Well then..." He turned to face the council again, this time without the smile. A look of anger had replaced it. The council then realized what they had done. Lazal chanted the words to a spell, and pointed at each of the Six. Before any could react, they had dropped, each one now a lifeless husk, and not even a sweat on Lazal's brow. He snapped his fingers, and the door opened again as six hooded figures entered the room, all with the exact identity of one of the fallen Six. "You know what to do." Lazal turned, and exited the room...
@Magus: I thought that could advance the story a bit, and maybe add a bit of light on how truly evil and powerful Lazal is. I tried not to do anything extremly plot thick, and realiezed the Council of six was a good idea. So, now Lazal has the governing body under him, so it could open a lot more possiblities for you.
@Aegis: You’ll have to help me a bit because I know zil about the Council of Six.
* * * * *
Dawn was coming and they would soon rendezvous with the transport.
Xandax reached down, just to reassure himself that his sword was still there – the hilt felt warm again.
They were walking into a little gulley formed between two small but steep hills. A sudden dread fills Xandax- something wasn’t right. Calahan stiffens, and Xandax hears the clang of bows. He instinctively rolls behind the nearest rock. A couple of barbed arrows fly through the mist where Xandax was only a second ago. In a flash Calahan pulls out a large green shield strapped to his back, backing against the cliff wall. The shield glows as several nasty-looking arrows speed towards it. But instead of hitting it, they turn about only inches away, and speed back the direction they came. Groans of agony erupt from the shadows, and a couple of hooded figures fall from their perches. Nearby one of the mercenaries is hit, and he collapses to the ground, writhing in his death throes from some deadly poison.
“Shadow Thieves! Get to the other end of the gulley!” Calahan yells.
But some of the ambushers jump from their hiding spots, landing neatly on the ground and blocking the exits.
“This way!” Calahan shouts, and charges the three Shadow Thieves blocking the forward exit. Three more close from the rear, and two remain atop the cliff, firing down arrows.
* * * * *
Shadowstalker Llira smiles atop the cliff. “We’ve got them now. I’ll get that one. You shoot the one ducking behind the rock over there (Xandax). When they’re down, the rest can surround and deal with the leader,” she tells Thryn, who is only a few feet away. Thryn’s keen eyes home in on his target, and he pulls back the bowstring for the shot. But suddenly he sees an all too familiar amulet, glowing brightly on his prey…
* * * * *
* * * * *
Dawn was coming and they would soon rendezvous with the transport.
Xandax reached down, just to reassure himself that his sword was still there – the hilt felt warm again.
They were walking into a little gulley formed between two small but steep hills. A sudden dread fills Xandax- something wasn’t right. Calahan stiffens, and Xandax hears the clang of bows. He instinctively rolls behind the nearest rock. A couple of barbed arrows fly through the mist where Xandax was only a second ago. In a flash Calahan pulls out a large green shield strapped to his back, backing against the cliff wall. The shield glows as several nasty-looking arrows speed towards it. But instead of hitting it, they turn about only inches away, and speed back the direction they came. Groans of agony erupt from the shadows, and a couple of hooded figures fall from their perches. Nearby one of the mercenaries is hit, and he collapses to the ground, writhing in his death throes from some deadly poison.
“Shadow Thieves! Get to the other end of the gulley!” Calahan yells.
But some of the ambushers jump from their hiding spots, landing neatly on the ground and blocking the exits.
“This way!” Calahan shouts, and charges the three Shadow Thieves blocking the forward exit. Three more close from the rear, and two remain atop the cliff, firing down arrows.
* * * * *
Shadowstalker Llira smiles atop the cliff. “We’ve got them now. I’ll get that one. You shoot the one ducking behind the rock over there (Xandax). When they’re down, the rest can surround and deal with the leader,” she tells Thryn, who is only a few feet away. Thryn’s keen eyes home in on his target, and he pulls back the bowstring for the shot. But suddenly he sees an all too familiar amulet, glowing brightly on his prey…
* * * * *
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
Ferchen qietly sat at her desk. It had ben a day since she sent the Ranger out to search for Virdel, and she was growing quite impatient. She scrolled over some scattered notes on her work space, making sure everything was in place, if the Rangers were needed to interfere with the cities happenings. She had not wanted to do this any more then the three other Rangers, but Mielikki commanded it. She heard the door to her room open, and softly close. She didn't even bother to look up at her visitor.
"Yes?" Ferchen questioned, slightly annoyed. The past day had been a stressful one for her, and she was in no mood for idle "chatter".
"I would've believed I'd receive more of a greeting then that." Virdel grinned as he watched Ferchen snap to her feet, with a large smile. She ran around her desk, and threw her arms around Virdel, hugging him tightly. Virdel, sheepishly, returned the hug, and gently pushed her away. "I see you have been worried." He smiled again.
Ferchen quickly gathered herself, and stepped back from the Drow. "I have been worried, that's all." She saw Virdel quirk an eyebrow, but he did not pursue his own thoughts. "Where have you been? Sfter my Rangers heard of your encounter with the Pit Fiend, we were worried that we had lost our best ally!" A small look of concern crossed her face as she spoke.
"I have been...." Virdel paused to think of the words to say it. "Occupied. I was approached by a Mage. Magus, I believe his name was." Ferchen nodded in recognition of the name, and Virdel continued. "He has asked me to help him, but with what, I am not sure." He paced the length of the room, and stood by the small window that served as a light source in the day. "I thought it would be best to return here, and have assistence from my friends, if need be." He turned his head a flashed a smile to Ferchen.
Ferchen returned the smile, and walked up behind Virdel, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Of course. You may always have aid from us. Anything I.. The Rangers" She blushed as she spoke, "Can do to help you, you have but to ask." She stopped momentarly, slipping around to face Virdel. "Will you be staying in the building? If so, I can have Rodel clean a room up." Virdel nodded before raising his hand, and signalling he had brought another with him. Ferchen nodded. "I would like to meet him then."
"Alright. His name is Kierran, he is a Ranger, like yourself." Virdel made his way to the door, and opened it slightly. He motioned for Kierran to enter the room, so Ferchen could get a good look at him. "Magus, for his own reasons I assume, told him to accompany me. You two talk, perhaps you may be able to help each other. I will talk to Rodel about the rooms." Virdel then exited the room, off to find the Ranger Rodel.
@Brink: Hey man, I need you back here. I can't keep playing your character unless you tell me to.
"Yes?" Ferchen questioned, slightly annoyed. The past day had been a stressful one for her, and she was in no mood for idle "chatter".
"I would've believed I'd receive more of a greeting then that." Virdel grinned as he watched Ferchen snap to her feet, with a large smile. She ran around her desk, and threw her arms around Virdel, hugging him tightly. Virdel, sheepishly, returned the hug, and gently pushed her away. "I see you have been worried." He smiled again.
Ferchen quickly gathered herself, and stepped back from the Drow. "I have been worried, that's all." She saw Virdel quirk an eyebrow, but he did not pursue his own thoughts. "Where have you been? Sfter my Rangers heard of your encounter with the Pit Fiend, we were worried that we had lost our best ally!" A small look of concern crossed her face as she spoke.
"I have been...." Virdel paused to think of the words to say it. "Occupied. I was approached by a Mage. Magus, I believe his name was." Ferchen nodded in recognition of the name, and Virdel continued. "He has asked me to help him, but with what, I am not sure." He paced the length of the room, and stood by the small window that served as a light source in the day. "I thought it would be best to return here, and have assistence from my friends, if need be." He turned his head a flashed a smile to Ferchen.
Ferchen returned the smile, and walked up behind Virdel, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Of course. You may always have aid from us. Anything I.. The Rangers" She blushed as she spoke, "Can do to help you, you have but to ask." She stopped momentarly, slipping around to face Virdel. "Will you be staying in the building? If so, I can have Rodel clean a room up." Virdel nodded before raising his hand, and signalling he had brought another with him. Ferchen nodded. "I would like to meet him then."
"Alright. His name is Kierran, he is a Ranger, like yourself." Virdel made his way to the door, and opened it slightly. He motioned for Kierran to enter the room, so Ferchen could get a good look at him. "Magus, for his own reasons I assume, told him to accompany me. You two talk, perhaps you may be able to help each other. I will talk to Rodel about the rooms." Virdel then exited the room, off to find the Ranger Rodel.
@Brink: Hey man, I need you back here. I can't keep playing your character unless you tell me to.
@all: People sure aren’t posting…
Sure you guys want to keep this up?
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
@All- sorry. Real life's been kickin' my rear, lately.
* * *
Rail leaned in the shadows of the stairwell as the stranger came into the alley, seemingly searching for someone. The man was unfamiliar to the thief, though clearly a wizard in nondescript robes carrying a mundane staff and trailing an obviously well-fed black cat. Rail kept a hand on the hilt of his dagger as he methodically crept closer to the stranger, careful to stay deep within the early morning shadows. He kept his mind carefully clamped closed as he studied the man.
The stranger walked confidently down the alley, searching for something, but unafraid of what he would find. The cat followed close behind, seemingly bored.
You fool, Rail, Void's voice boomed in his head, seemingly coming from the cat. Open your mind, not your eyes. The cat also seemed to be scanning the alley, though with less patience than it's owner.
Rail frowned, puzzled, but quickly began to understand the situation. Slowly he allowed his thoughts to return to their normal state. No sooner had he done this, when the man and cat suddenly turned in his direction, apparently finding their goal.
He still trusts about as much as when he first entered the Mists of the Rift, Void said only to Magus.
The man simply nodded in return as Rail stepped from the shadows and into plain view.
Rail raised an eyebrow as he took in Magus' new form. "What happened," he began puzzled, though a smile started to form on his face. "You've really let yourself go downhill, Magus."
Magus smiled and nodded. "We each have our own way of investigating. I'm glad you approve."
Rail glanced down at the cat and his smile broadened, but Void cut off any comments. Don't even think about it, human. Being in this form has just about taxed my patience to it's limits.
I kinda like the change on you, Misty, though I would have chosen something different for you, Rail responded. Like maybe a tabby, or a calico, or perhaps a scrawny alley cat with little tufts of...
Things can be arranged for you to join us, you know. Void began, half playful, half spiteful. You'd make an excellent mouse.
Rail rubbed his chin in thought, nodding to himself. You know..., I do believe my blade cuts cleanly through cats, though I would probably never get rid of the smell.
"Well," Magus interrupted, smiling at the exchange. "I'm glad to see you two are so happy to see each other."
The assassin nodded, then returned to the slightly bewildered look from before the exchange. "Couldn't you two have changed...," he made a circular motion with his hand before waving off the thought. "Never mind. I don't really want to know."
"It's a long story and a tiring process. No need to attract undue attention."
Rail's hand shot reflexively to his hilt at the thought of Cowled Wizards who would respond to the magical surge.
"What have you discovered?" Magus' expression turned serious. The events of the past few days had troubled him greatly. He sensed an upcoming storm, one like the city hadn't seen in a decade, and the impending winds of change seem to be plodding ever forward.
Rail's expression darkened, as if he could surround himself by shadow at will. "This is no ordinary mage, Magus."
Void appeared to be paying little attention to the conversation at hand. He was concentrating hard on keeping the conversation shrouded from any prying ears or scrying, and scanning the alley warily.
Rail continued. "He has many wards guarding his place, most of which I recognize, though some are unfamiliar to me at all." Magus raised an eyebrow at this, knowing the assassin's lengthy experience with wizards. "Six are common wards known to many wizards. Two seem to have clerical magic woven into them. One as if a glyph of warding, but with necromancy and abjuration embedded deeply in the spell. All wards seemed cast as if by the same wizard, though."
Magus creased his eyebrows in thought, mentally taking notes, though what this all meant seemed just beyond his grasp. Something just didn't make much sense about this mage, though it seemed vaguely familiar.
"One more thing," Rail added, shifting his stance uncomfortably. "I followed him to the Council headquarters." The assassin paused, trying to gather his thoughts and put them to words. "None moved to oppose him, as though all had been charmed or bribed or allied. It was as if he was there by right, and all knew it but me. It seemed odd. I don't know how to explain it."
Magus frowned deeply at this news. Certainly if he had used some form of mass charm, both he and the Cowled Wizards would have noticed the energy. It had to be something else, but that thought seemed to bring no comfort.
"He knew I was watching."
Magus seemed taken aback, catching his jaw as it began to drop in surprise. He knew well the assassin's skill in avoiding detection. When the shadowy human did not want to be found, even Magus was challenged in discovering the man, and that was with the knowledge he was lurking about.
Rail continued, puzzled and uncomfortable. "He stopped his studies several times to scan the area I was hiding, both magically and mentally. He never seemed to find me, but I do not know how he could sense I was there at all." The assassin continued to describe Lazal's studies and habits in as much detail as he could, given the day's meager observations. Magus filed the information away, though he couldn't help but think there was some clue he was missing. Frowning and shaking his head, he almost tripped over Void as the cat rubbed up against Magus' leg.
Beware! We have company.
* * *
@All- That's about all I can do this evening. Feel free to expand and I'll try to add more soon.
* * *
Rail leaned in the shadows of the stairwell as the stranger came into the alley, seemingly searching for someone. The man was unfamiliar to the thief, though clearly a wizard in nondescript robes carrying a mundane staff and trailing an obviously well-fed black cat. Rail kept a hand on the hilt of his dagger as he methodically crept closer to the stranger, careful to stay deep within the early morning shadows. He kept his mind carefully clamped closed as he studied the man.
The stranger walked confidently down the alley, searching for something, but unafraid of what he would find. The cat followed close behind, seemingly bored.
You fool, Rail, Void's voice boomed in his head, seemingly coming from the cat. Open your mind, not your eyes. The cat also seemed to be scanning the alley, though with less patience than it's owner.
Rail frowned, puzzled, but quickly began to understand the situation. Slowly he allowed his thoughts to return to their normal state. No sooner had he done this, when the man and cat suddenly turned in his direction, apparently finding their goal.
He still trusts about as much as when he first entered the Mists of the Rift, Void said only to Magus.
The man simply nodded in return as Rail stepped from the shadows and into plain view.
Rail raised an eyebrow as he took in Magus' new form. "What happened," he began puzzled, though a smile started to form on his face. "You've really let yourself go downhill, Magus."
Magus smiled and nodded. "We each have our own way of investigating. I'm glad you approve."
Rail glanced down at the cat and his smile broadened, but Void cut off any comments. Don't even think about it, human. Being in this form has just about taxed my patience to it's limits.
I kinda like the change on you, Misty, though I would have chosen something different for you, Rail responded. Like maybe a tabby, or a calico, or perhaps a scrawny alley cat with little tufts of...
Things can be arranged for you to join us, you know. Void began, half playful, half spiteful. You'd make an excellent mouse.
Rail rubbed his chin in thought, nodding to himself. You know..., I do believe my blade cuts cleanly through cats, though I would probably never get rid of the smell.
"Well," Magus interrupted, smiling at the exchange. "I'm glad to see you two are so happy to see each other."
The assassin nodded, then returned to the slightly bewildered look from before the exchange. "Couldn't you two have changed...," he made a circular motion with his hand before waving off the thought. "Never mind. I don't really want to know."
"It's a long story and a tiring process. No need to attract undue attention."
Rail's hand shot reflexively to his hilt at the thought of Cowled Wizards who would respond to the magical surge.
"What have you discovered?" Magus' expression turned serious. The events of the past few days had troubled him greatly. He sensed an upcoming storm, one like the city hadn't seen in a decade, and the impending winds of change seem to be plodding ever forward.
Rail's expression darkened, as if he could surround himself by shadow at will. "This is no ordinary mage, Magus."
Void appeared to be paying little attention to the conversation at hand. He was concentrating hard on keeping the conversation shrouded from any prying ears or scrying, and scanning the alley warily.
Rail continued. "He has many wards guarding his place, most of which I recognize, though some are unfamiliar to me at all." Magus raised an eyebrow at this, knowing the assassin's lengthy experience with wizards. "Six are common wards known to many wizards. Two seem to have clerical magic woven into them. One as if a glyph of warding, but with necromancy and abjuration embedded deeply in the spell. All wards seemed cast as if by the same wizard, though."
Magus creased his eyebrows in thought, mentally taking notes, though what this all meant seemed just beyond his grasp. Something just didn't make much sense about this mage, though it seemed vaguely familiar.
"One more thing," Rail added, shifting his stance uncomfortably. "I followed him to the Council headquarters." The assassin paused, trying to gather his thoughts and put them to words. "None moved to oppose him, as though all had been charmed or bribed or allied. It was as if he was there by right, and all knew it but me. It seemed odd. I don't know how to explain it."
Magus frowned deeply at this news. Certainly if he had used some form of mass charm, both he and the Cowled Wizards would have noticed the energy. It had to be something else, but that thought seemed to bring no comfort.
"He knew I was watching."
Magus seemed taken aback, catching his jaw as it began to drop in surprise. He knew well the assassin's skill in avoiding detection. When the shadowy human did not want to be found, even Magus was challenged in discovering the man, and that was with the knowledge he was lurking about.
Rail continued, puzzled and uncomfortable. "He stopped his studies several times to scan the area I was hiding, both magically and mentally. He never seemed to find me, but I do not know how he could sense I was there at all." The assassin continued to describe Lazal's studies and habits in as much detail as he could, given the day's meager observations. Magus filed the information away, though he couldn't help but think there was some clue he was missing. Frowning and shaking his head, he almost tripped over Void as the cat rubbed up against Magus' leg.
Beware! We have company.
* * *
@All- That's about all I can do this evening. Feel free to expand and I'll try to add more soon.
Matti Il-Amin, Paladin, comedian, and expert adventurer. Proudly bearing the colors of the [url=""]Blades of the Banshee[/url]
Xandax rolled behind a rock, just as a couple of arrows hit the ground where he stood just a moment ago. Xandax looked at Calahan reading a shield, Xandax did the same with his.
A couple of arrows flew directly at Calahan, but his shield seemed to deflect them back to whomever sent them flying.
Xandax noticed his amulet glowing eerie again.
“What, where and how many?” Xandax though as he tried to get the situation under control.
”This way” Xandax hears Calahan yell out. Xandax gets on his feet and prepare to run in the direction as Calahan pointed out.
{OOC: can't do anymore before I know if craig fires an arrow.
Sorry it took so long time to reply- I've been working on a website
A couple of arrows flew directly at Calahan, but his shield seemed to deflect them back to whomever sent them flying.
Xandax noticed his amulet glowing eerie again.
“What, where and how many?” Xandax though as he tried to get the situation under control.
”This way” Xandax hears Calahan yell out. Xandax gets on his feet and prepare to run in the direction as Calahan pointed out.
{OOC: can't do anymore before I know if craig fires an arrow.
Sorry it took so long time to reply- I've been working on a website
Insert signature here.
{OOC I've been busy loads out to the sea and all over my cousins etc
Shadowstalker Llira smiles atop the cliff. “We’ve got them now. I’ll get that one. You shoot the one ducking behind the rock over there . When they’re down, the rest can surround and deal with the leader,” she tells Thryn, who is only a few feet away. Thryn’s keen eyes home in on his target, and he pulls back the bowstring for the shot. But suddenly he sees an all too familiar amulet, glowing brightly on his prey, seconds before letting go Thryn reliezed who it was and sliped in shock shooting a near by rock...
[ 08-03-2001: Message edited by: craig ]
[ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: craig ]
Shadowstalker Llira smiles atop the cliff. “We’ve got them now. I’ll get that one. You shoot the one ducking behind the rock over there . When they’re down, the rest can surround and deal with the leader,” she tells Thryn, who is only a few feet away. Thryn’s keen eyes home in on his target, and he pulls back the bowstring for the shot. But suddenly he sees an all too familiar amulet, glowing brightly on his prey, seconds before letting go Thryn reliezed who it was and sliped in shock shooting a near by rock...
[ 08-03-2001: Message edited by: craig ]
[ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: craig ]
We really should try and get this back on the road. I've had a lot of people say it's really good. They really like the fight scenes (Thats a particular thanks to Magus). I'm sure Magus can handle Fas for a while, I can deal with Brink's char. Xan, you and Craig can handle yours. We should be able to pull this off.