@craig: There isn’t a mage in this battle. There’s 8 Shadow Thieves (you, Llira, and 3 thieves each blocking either side of the Black Helm party). The Black Helm party originally consisted of 5 fighters, but Calahan killed one and another died so far in the battle. That leaves Calahan, Xandax, and one fighter.
@Xandax: You’re welcome to continue/control the battle. If you don’t, I’ll see if I can think of something tomorrow. I don’t have any master-plan in mind right now, so feel free to take creative license. Just don’t kill off Calahan; he’s obviously an important figure.
* * * * *
After visiting with the head cleric of the Temple of Ilmater, Faisal decided that some soul searching was in order. Tempting as Magus’s offer was, he felt somehow…incomplete. He embarked on a quest to find a deity, temporarily escaping the turmoil brewing in Athkatla. But though destiny can be delayed, it cannot be avoided, and somehow Fas knew that he had not seen the last of the troubled City of Coin…
{OOC: I think that’s a good way of putting Fas’s character on hold, not to mention it continues something that Fas himself started. If he wants, he can update us occasionally on Faisal’s progress, or merely cram it into a brief post when he gets back. Or he can keep it a secret, revealing it to us piece by piece…}
* * * * *
While part of his mind digested the rest of Rail’s information, another part pondered the meaning of Lazal’s mysterious acceptance by the council. He knew for a fact that the Council looked upon Lazal with a great suspicion that would never be allayed by mere bribes. A few in particular would sooner perish than even think of dealing personally with him. For the members of the Council were for the most part good men; a rarity indeed in Athkatla these days. Hot-tempered and irrational at times, but good men nonetheless. Their acquiescence to the likes of Lazal did not bode well…
Beware! We have company. The sudden message prompts a step back, causing him to almost trip right over Void’s feline form. Rail instinctively slips into the nearby shadows, knowing that his presence would only complicate matters.
Seconds later a group of four competent-looking Cowled Wizards turn the corner. Spotting the black-robed mage standing alone in the alley, one breaks away and comes forward.
“You there. You’re new to this city, correct?”
“Newly arrived, but not new. I come from the northern borders, a battlemage in the service of the Amnish border patrol.”
“What brings you here, then?” the wizard asks suspiciously. “Do you admit to desertion?”
“I think not. I was relieved of my duty by my commander, who complied with the Cowled Wizard’s order recalling inactive mages to headquarters.”
“Then let’s see your transfer orders.”
Magus reaches into a pocket in his robe, withdrawing a worn but neat scroll of parchment. Opening it, the wizard inspects it closely.
“Hmm…the seal checks out. Regardless, you must accompany us to headquarters. Resist and your stay in Athkatla shall be cut short…permanently.” The rest of the Cowled Wizards advance sternly.
* * * * *
[ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]