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Post by Magus »

@Xandax: As I imagine it, the Shadow Thieves’ attack on the Black Helm headquarters would be more a free-for-all than an organized assault. Organized assaults are the Helm’s forteit ;)
But no sweat :) I see you’ve gone and dug yourself a nice little grave there :D

@Aegis: Nice :)

@Fas: Any ideas on what you’re going to do next, and when?

* * * * *

Calahan raised his halberd just as quickly as he swung it, quickly arcing it towards Virdel's tiny body. Virdel, again, leapt back, the blade of the weapon coming withen inches of his chest. Virdel didn't stop to think back to the battle he had watched this man win single-handedly earlier in the week. Instead, his mind was racing for ideas on how to stop the significantly larger, and stronger man. Virdel quickly slammed his blade down on the passing halberd, hoping to spilt the shaft in half. His hopes were shattered as he watched his own magical blade rebound with a reverbrating sound off the enchanted halberd...

Virdel leapt back, just in time to avoid another deadly slash.

“You fight like a bad dancer, drow.” Calahan rushed forward, sweeping low with his halberd. Virdel cleared the attack with a standing leap, flying towards him with blades upraised. But in one smooth motion Calahan brought the haft around, blocking the twin blows. Virdel danced sideways, avoiding a well measured kick.

The armored punch came out of nowhere, contacting his head with a dull thunk and sending the drow sprawling to the ground.

“Got him good, sir.” The words seemed to drift across Virdel’s dazed mind.

“Imbecile!” Virdel heard the rasp of cleaving metal, than the dull ring of heavy plate hitting the ground.

“I’ll suffer no cowards in my company.” Calahan glanced at the drow’s prostrate form, then reluctantly walked away. He had a battle to win.

His soldiers had the enemy routed. Only a few pockets of thieves were still fighting in the streets. But the snipers on the rooftops were proving bothersome.

He saw a group of guards finish off a nearby thief. “YOU THERE! GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR AND FLUSH THOSE BASTA*DS OUT!”

A collective “Yes Sir!” went up, then they hurried into the nearest building. Another group followed their example and took the building opposite.

Calahan nodded in satisfaction. Enough sneaking around. It was about time they did this the old-fashioned away.

Turning, he saw only two of the four mages remained standing. Wimps. “We need some damn light so we can see our blasted enemies. Think you can do that?”

The wizards grumbled, not in the mood to be bossed around by some glorified grunt, but nonetheless complied. The sky lit up like mid-afternoon, exposing thief and guard alike. The useless invisibility spell had worn off, revealing scores of men in multi-colored plate. The sight was enough to make Calahan grimace in embarrassment.

* * * * *

“To the death” Xandax cried out, and charged the group nearest to the door.
At Xandax’s rush both groups of men did the same.

His amulet flashed with a blinding blue light, and suddenly a vision swam before his eyes. He saw himself charge into the mass of thieves. One fell, two fell, half a dozen fell, and it seemed he might make it through. Then the blades began snaking their way past his armor, slicing into him in a dozen places. He stumbled, then fell into the welcoming darkness...

All at once he was back, charging into the mass of thieves. Confused and bewildered, he did the first thing that came to mind. He turned and hurled himself through the nearest window.

Glass bit into his exposed skin, and the cobblestones rushed up to engulf him in their rocky embrace. He hit the ground with bonecrushing force, the impact sending him rolling hard into the side of a nearby building. Then it all stopped, and Xandax dazedly realized he was somehow still alive. Sitting up, he discovered himself more or less intact. He looked down to see his amulet glowing like never before...

* * * * *

@Xandax: Acceptable? Hey, it sure beats dying :D

@Aegis: End round 1, Virdel vs. Calahan :D
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Rail »

@Magus- I'll catch us up, if that's okay.

* * *

Aerie nodded, with a nervous glance at the shadowy surroundings of the alley. “So what are we doing next?”

Magus continued. “Thryn is meeting with Aran, so all that’s left is to assess the Black Helm’s true role in this conflict. If they confirm what the Cowled Wizards said, then the Shadow Thieves were probably behind all of this after all. But first, I’d like to hear what Rail found out before his bout with Lazal.”

Though the signs must have been fairly obvious, Magus’s dead-accurate intuition never failed to surprise Rail. He grimaced at the recollection of the confrontation with the evil spellcaster, his face darkening with traces of contempt, hatred, and vengeance. He shook his head, not sure where to start. "He is not what he seems, my friend."

Magus' brow furrowed, but he simply waited for the assassin to continue. Aerie sat on a nearby empty crate, listening intently to the conversation.

Rail brushed his scarred hand through his hair and continued distantly. "The man interweaves the magic of the arcane with the magic of the divine. It is something I have never seen before. He is not exactly a wizard, but he's far from a cleric. I don't understand. It's as if he wields a power from another source." Rail glanced up as the half-elf raised an eyebrow at his last comment. "Look at me like that if you wish, you should know me better..."

Magus put up his hands defensively. "My friend, I meant no disrespect..."

But is was Rail's turn to interrupt, shaking his head in self annoyance. "I know. I'm sorry, Magus. It's been a long day, and I'm a little strung out."

Magus smiled in sympathy. "I think we all fall into that category, my friend, but we can ill afford to rest. There is to be an attack upon the Thieves this very night."

Aerie gasped.

Rail looked up with a start. "Are you certain?" Before Magus could answer, the assassin waved off the question, moving on. "Lazal, seemed unconcerned about impending events. He went about his routine just as he had the day before. Study, rituals, practice. It was as if he was detached about the impending guild war. As if someone else..." His voice trailed off in thought.

Magus patiently waited for his friend to continue, filing all the bits of spoken information into his mind, hoping..., no,expecting to make sense of it all.

Rail sighed in frustration. "He seems to be in constant communication with someone."

"Who?" Aerie chimed in. She had slid off the crate and strode over to Magus, putting her arm lovingly around his waist.

"Who or what," Rail added with a puzzled expression. "I don't know for sure, but he seemed to be taking direction from someone. It was as if he was in constant communication with his, directed from hit, maybe a puppet for him." Rail sighed again, shaking his head with a frown. "I just don't know. Maybe Lazal isn't the greatest of our worries. Maybe he's just a puppet. A figurehead. I just don't know." He glanced up at the pair, another thought entering his head. "You must know, Magus, I didn't start this fight."

Magus could tell his friend was rather exhausted, mentally, despite the effects of Aerie's heal spell. The assassin's thoughts were bouncing from subject to subject. Fortunately, Magus didn't need continuity of thought to connect ideas and information. "Continue," he prodded his friend.

"He knew I was there." Rail shrugged in both frustration and confusion. "Somehow, and I don't know how, but he could tell approximately where I was. And I can avoid all detection! All! I was hidden perfectly, Magus, mind and body, but somehow he could sense about where I was. It was almost as if he was told..." The assassin again drifted off in thought.

With another prompt from Magus, Rail detailed the events of the battle, from the moment the golem burst through the wall to Lazal's final spell.

Magus took it all in, asking only a few clarifying questions of the beleaguered assassin. Things were beginning to become much clearer to the sorcerer, but he did not like the direction his thoughts were taking him.

Rail concluded his story with an annoyed warning, "And Magus, you must know! Lazal wants me to betray..."

Magus gasped, perking up alertly as if hearing a distant trumpet call. "Magic! It is beginning all too early!" Rail and Aerie gave puzzled looks toward the half-elf sorcerer., but Magus had little time to explain. "The battle begins! Come! Let us depart."

With a thought and an absent gesture, the familiar teleportation magics surrounded the three, and they disappeared from the alley to the strategic location Magus knew they would shortly be needed.

[ 09-23-2001: Message edited by: Rail ]
Matti Il-Amin, Paladin, comedian, and expert adventurer. Proudly bearing the colors of the [url=""]Blades of the Banshee[/url]
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Post by CM »

I have no idea Magus, but i can think of something.
If you want something specific pm with the details.
Otherwise it would be as follows:
I get up tell Ribal about everything continue my lessons, work in the evening hear about the attack and try to get as much out of the local drunks as possible and try to get in touch with you to see if everything is ok.
Is that fine?
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
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Post by Xandax »

{ooc: well it was not the first choice of escape I had thought of, but it will do – I do however have plans for my amulet though, so I don’t think it could/should hold many more powers :D }

Xandax got up after his, well it should have been fall, but was – well he didn’t know.
Xandax looked at his amulet, and sent a silent thanks to his late mother.
He didn’t expect his amulet to hold more powers than he had already found out, though in his thoughts he kept remembering his mothers words ”the true power of your amulet? – just remember the words: effingo statua

Quickly snapping back into reality Xandax looked up at the window which he jumped out of, he then noticed a band of men, properly part of the thieves attack on the building – they looked at Xandax with disbelief, they couldn’t imagine a full armoured man “falling” out of a window on the third floor, just getting up with minor bruises. They looked at each other and then ran off.

Trying to gather his thoughts, arrows started to rain down upon Xandax from broken windows on the floor where Xandax were a moment ago. Running to get out of the line of fire, Xandax knew he had to find this mage, Magus. The thieves had known about the Helms plans.
Whether somebody inside the Helms, or maybe inside the mage organisation, or by some third party had tipped them off, Xandax didn’t know. Maybe even this other mage, Lazal or something, were interested in all three factions getting weakened. There must have been a higher meaning for this attack, both from the Helms and wizards and from the thieves.
This was getting confusing.
Xandax ran down the streets of Atkathla towards the Copper Coronet. As always this seemed as the place to find somebody, either in the temple where the priests knew about Magus and in the tavern where Magus also seemed known.
As Xandax ran he heard sounds of battle – it must have been skirmishes between thieves and helmsmen, Xandax didn’t care much right now, he was still shocked from his previously encounter with the ground.
Xandax started to rationalise again – this Magus surrounded himself with strange people, this elf-women that had healed Magus’ other friend, an assaisain, whom to Xandax seemed dark at heart. And now a drow fighter, another possible dark assasian and a cleric in traning. And of course himself – a strange group of people, all seemingly banding together to fight for something, or against something, nobody seemed to now what was.

Xandax reached the district wherein the Copper Coronet was located – all was quite, people were keeping indoors this night – Xandax didn’t blame them.
It started to rain, Xandax welcomed the water onto his face.

[ 09-24-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
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Post by Craig »

{ooc where's magus?
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Post by Aegis »

Virdel watched Calahan as the large man carelessly turned his back on the Drow, obilivous to the deadly prowess of Virdel's blades. He slowly rose to his feet, careful not to attract the attention of Calahan, or his nearest lackies. He noticed the big man distracted by his troops suddenly appearing in a wash of rainbow coloured armour. Virdel flicnhed slightly as the stinging pain of the last hit finally found it's way to his mind. He didn't let it stop him. He brought his right scimitar in front of him, Lash-bearer, and callously ran his finger over the bottomless black gem on it's hilt. As he did so, his mind focused on the image of the power Earth Elemental. He wished this was not needed, but with the way the Theives were being beaten back, he knew it was the only course of action availible. A deep green mist then encircled Virdel's feet, and seeped all around him, entrenching everyone in a thick fog.

Calahan took a great deal of notice to this, and spun on his heel, his smug look turned to that of anger as he saw the Drow standing strong, and defiant. He saw the way Virdel held is one weapon forth, full of pride, and strength. Besdie the Drow, he saw the Mist. Thinking it was only a trick cast by the Dark Elf to confuse his senses, Calahan charged forth, eager to strike the Drow the down. The blazing blue halberd came closer to Virdel, yet he didn't flinch. He knew what was going to happen.

When Calahan was mere inches from striking the Dark Elf down, a large stone fist came charging out of the mist, stirking down on Calahan's weapon. The halberd slammed to the ground, but it's magical properties keeping it from shattering. The large Elemental came lumbering out of the mists, bits of dirt, and gems crusted onto it's large form. It's eyes showed nothing but the blind obiedence to his master. It lumber forth a few more steps, towards Calahan. The large man did nothing but snarl, and raise his weapon again. He let another mighty swing of his weapon crash down on the large earthly monster, chipping bits of rock to the ground.

By this time, several of Calahan's men came charging forth, in order to help their commander. A score of men began to hack at the Elemental, chipping bits of rock off, and slowing it, if only slightly. The large creature didn't feel any of it. It continued to bound forth, sending it's fists in any direction it chose. Every now and then, the body of a Black Helm soldier could be seen above the rest of the melee, as the Elemental flung it's enemies around.

Virdel, too, now joined the fray, his scimitars working in perfect unison. A wash of blood and steel was all that was seen as the Drow cut a swath of death through the group. Each cut and slash was made with such precision, barely a man could raise his weapon to defend against such an attack. Eventually, he faught his way back to Calahan, standing before the large, smug warrior for a second time. He wouldn't be so careless this time though. The predictable swing of the Halberd came earlier this time, and Virdel merely jumped back. Instead of waiting for the next attack though, Virdel launched himself forward, forcing his shoulder into the large man's chest. He felt the tough metal armour bite deep into his arm, but he ignored the pain. This sudden attack knocked Calahan backwards, but he quickly reasserted himself, and prepared for another attack. Virdel was quicker though. Already, the Drows twin scimitars were blazing a path towards the man, one aimed for Calahan's wrist, the other hooking around to the back of the mans knee. Wuickly spinning the scimitar so that the dull edge would impact the back of Calahan's knee, he hooked it. The other scimitar was merely a distraction, and Virdel knew it worked when he heard the resounding clang of metal, and Calahan's breif chuckle. Virdel finished the movement, and forced the scmitar back, towards him, sending Calahan off balance, and stumbling backwards. The large man had not expected such an attack, and was caught off gaurd. Virdel charged his shoulder forth again, knocking Calahan to the ground.


As Virdel and calahan fought, two of the Black Helm soldiers decided to wait, and see if their commander would need their help. As they watched the man fall, they nodded to each other, and advanced forth, weapons at the ready. They charged in, behind the Drow, weapons poised to make a killing blow, both their faces contorted in a grimace of hate. As the two men neared the Drow's exposed back, the twang of arrows could be heard from the distance. Whistling through the air, both arrows notched their way firmly into the Warriors backs. On both the arrows, the symbol of Mielikki was etched...


@Magus: Round one, goes to Calahan. Round two, Virdel. Round three? :D
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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: You’re bent on a showdown, aren’t you? :D

@Rail: Gee, you roleplay my character almost better than I do :) Thanks for catching us up. Often I get so busy with everyone else that I don't have time for my own character :)

@Xandax: Not your first choice of escape :eek: What else could you have done? Plow through 20 veteran thieves while the other score hack at your exposed back :D

* * * * *

Virdel charged his shoulder forth again, knocking Calahan to the ground. His helm rolled across the ground, and for the first time Virdel got a glance at his grim, scarred face. He charged in for the finishing blow, one scimitar descending on his exposed head and the other angling toward his hip. As the blades streaked towards their mark, Calahan’s arms shot out and caught each in his armored hands. Blood trickled from the severed metal.

Something kept Virdel’s hands firmly on his blades, something kept his eyes glued to his opponent’s. For a second they just stared like that, taking each other’s measure.

Then Calahan’s grip on the scimitars relaxed, his hands dropping to his side. “So it ends... Then finish me, drow, and revel in your carnage.” His voice was resigned, laced with contempt. But whether for himself or his foe, Virdel couldn’t tell.

“Magus!” came a sudden cry nearby.

* * * * *

The three watched from a rooftop as the battle ebbed back and forth. Aerie urged Magus to do something, but he merely shook his head. Rail wondered what was going on in his mind, but he gave no indication.

Suddenly Magus jerked in surprise.

“What is it?” Aerie exclaimed, hand on his soldier, her face drawn up with anxiety.

“Such a vile presence...” he muttered, shaking his head repeatedly. “Could it be the elemental?”

Aerie started as his hand shot out without warning, a huge bolt of swirling energy sent streaking towards the rampaging creature. It engulfed it on impact with a blinding flash, and a second later nothing remained but a smoldering pile of rubble.

“No, it’s still there...” he murmured, his face darkened by the grim realization.

* * * * *

@Xandax: I’ll let you decide your course for now.

@craig: Magus is at the battle near the Shadow Thieves’ headquarters. You can find your way to him I suppose, though he’s a bit busy right now ;)

@Fas: That’s fine with me. Just remember there’s only an hour or two between the fight with the demons and the current battle.
BTW, your ties with the Copper Coronet might get in the way in the near future. I mean, working’s all good and well, but would you rather be rubbing down tables or spitting baddies on your sword? :D As for your apprenticeship, I’ve got an alternative that would keep you closer to the party...
But it’s all up to you :) This would just be a way to keep you more involved in the action.

@Aegis: Just thought I’d warn you that you’re approaching a crossroads...

[ 09-24-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
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Post by Xandax »

Originally posted by Magus:
@Xandax: Not your first choice of escape :eek: What else could you have done? Plow through 20 veteran thieves while the other score hack at your exposed back :D
Oh no - nothing as simple and blatant as that :D , but nevermind that now :D
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Post by Rail »

@Xandax- if you need any help plowing through a horde, you know you can write one of us in the story to help. I don't mind joining the fray to help a teammate.
Matti Il-Amin, Paladin, comedian, and expert adventurer. Proudly bearing the colors of the [url=""]Blades of the Banshee[/url]
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Post by Xandax »

Originally posted by Rail:
<STRONG>@Xandax- if you need any help plowing through a horde, you know you can write one of us in the story to help. I don't mind joining the fray to help a teammate.</STRONG>
I'm out of the "horde" for now - I'm running around the city searching for Magus - I think I'll have time to post a part later.
And my "escape"-idea was not as simple as "polwing" trhough them all, that would be a tat unrealistic(*lol*) :D
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Post by Craig »

{OOCSorry to be a baby but can one of you(namly Magus) play me in i have Players block(?) and don't have a clue how he finds you.
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Post by Xandax »

Reaching the Copper Coronet Xandax noticed some city guards standing around arguing.
Not paying attention to him Xandax ran inside the Coronet, looking for Magus. Nobody had seen him since he left last time with the elf woman and the assassin.
Xandax walked outside – the guards were still there, Xandax decided to confront them.
”We were ambushed by thieves” one of them told Xandax, noticing the Black Helm insignia on his armour.
”There were countless masses of them, emerging from every dark corner” another said.
“They even had enlisted drow” the first interrupted.
Xandax immediately though of Aegis, and reasoned that it might be a place to find Magus.
Xandax got directions to the location – and quickly ran off towards it.
2 of the guards apparently thinking Xandax was running to join the battle, followed him – they wouldn’t let a mercenary show them of in bravery.
The city was quite as Xandax ran through the alleys. Only distant sounds of battle floated in the air.

Xandax got to the point explained – it was horrible – dead bodies everywhere. Xandax had not seen so many dead since the campaigns in Comyr. A few people were still fighting scatter around, but it was clear the battle was over. Then Xandax noticed the drow stading above Calahan, standing with scimitars ready to end the life of Calahan when instructed so by the drow.

sorry - was the best I could think of tonight :o
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Post by CM »

Originally posted by Magus:
@Fas: That’s fine with me. Just remember there’s only an hour or two between the fight with the demons and the current battle.
BTW, your ties with the Copper Coronet might get in the way in the near future. I mean, working’s all good and well, but would you rather be rubbing down tables or spitting baddies on your sword? :D As for your apprenticeship, I’ve got an alternative that would keep you closer to the party...
But it’s all up to you :) This would just be a way to keep you more involved in the action.
If you mean Aerie, you have to role play that offer and the rest.
You can meet in the morning or wake me up after the fight if you like.
Yes i would like to split baddies, killing them then healing myself and then killing more again! :D
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
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Post by Aegis »

@Xan: Your moving kind've fast. The battle where Virdel and Calahna are fighting is still raging on. In terms of time, it has only been about 10 minutes since the fight started.

@Magus: I just wanna clarify.. did you blow up my Elemental?

@All: I'll post some more later.
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Post by Aegis »

@Magus: I'm not sure if you have anything more planned for Calahan, so I'll won't kil him.... Yet... :D


Virdel stood, looming above the fallen warrior. He was slightly taken aback by the man's sudden willingness to die. Perhaps, Virdel thought to himself, he had some sort of honour, however twisted it may've been. Virdel shook all the thoughts out of his mind. The battle was still raging on around them, and he couldn't afford to wait any longer. Spinning his scimitar in his hand, he grasped the hilt firmly, and slammed the flat of his blade onto Calahan's waiting face. The large man merely slumped into a deep slumber, one that he would wake from hours later.

Virdel quickly turned on his heel, leaving the comatose man on the ground. The battle was almost over. A few pockets of fighting were still around, but nothing overly dangerous. He glanced over to where the Elemental should've been, but noticed it had finally been defeated, a small cloud of dust was still lingering over top the pile of rubble. To Virdel, it appeared as if his intervention was the deciding point of the ambush. HE stood with his usual competent look, and surveyed the field. His keen Drow eyes didn't find it difficult to spot the two flechtings the were protruding from two of the fallen Helm's men. A small smile etched onto his face, and silently thanked Ferchen and her Rangers for helping.

The Theives had pushed the rest of the Black Helm back, and the battle was over. Both sides were badly decimated, having taken horrible casualties. Down the streets, Virdel could here the cries for vengence as the Black Helm brigade fled. The few remaining Shadow Theives slowly made their way to the mysterious Drow, who had callously thrown himself into a battle, they felt, he had no obilgation to. The usual apprehension of people when coming into contact with a Dark Elf fled their tired, and beaten bodies for the time being, and they were all eager to find out the reason for the Drow's timely intervention.

One such Theif approached Virdel, beads of sweat covered his brow, and a thin trickle of blood traced it's way down the man's forehead. "I am Tiras, liuetenant of the Shadow Theives. Who are you, and why did you help us?" Tiras stood in front of Virdel patiently, a dumbfounded look upon his face. He had obviously thought no help would come, especially from a third party, such as Virdel.

"I am Virdel Mae'Shar. I am working with Arch-Mage, Magus. We learned of a plot by the Black Helm to eliminate you, and were trying to find a way to avoid it." Virdel looked about at the beleagured faces. "But it seems you knew well in advance."

"We have are sources." Came Tiras response.


@All: I'm tired, and I just hit my block. I'll be back with more tomorrow. G'night!
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Post by Magus »

@Fas: Quote: "If you mean Aerie, you have to role play that offer and the rest."
But of course :)

@Aegis: That WAS a genuine offer for Virdel to kill Calahan.

@Xandax: We were just teasing :) You didn’t mind me interfering, did you?

@Aegis+Xandax: Even though it seems on paper that the battle’s only been going on for ten minutes, I think realistically that it would have taken a lot longer. So I can understand where Xandax’s coming from. Plus no one said the Shadow Thieves attacked the Helm headquarters at the same time the Helm attacked the Thieves’ headquarters. It’s open to interpretation ;)

* * * * *

“No, it’s still there...” he murmured, his face darkened by the grim realization.

Magus looked back across the battlefield. Bodies lay strewn everywhere, and there weren’t many left to fight, on either side. Their attack foiled, the sparse remnants of the Black Helm force began to retreat.

Abruptly he felt the disturbing presence dissipate. He couldn’t sense its power, only an aura of great evil. It was like it was there, but not really...

Aerie watched his expression turn from grim to troubled. She walked away a few steps, deciding it best to leave him to his thoughts. He would say what was on his mind when he was ready. Looking down, she saw a group of thieves approach a confident-looking warrior. She recognized the drow from the Copper Coronet. Occupied with Rail before, she had taken little notice. But watching him now, standing amidst the carnage cool and composed, completely unaffected, the bile rose in her throat.

“There’s that drow,” she finally spoke stiffly, rousing Magus from his thoughts. He gazed down and observed a bit as Virdel talked to thieves. Judging by the blood on his armor, he hadn’t been a mere bystander.

“Let’s see what’s going on.” Rail and Aerie nodded, Void hovering behind silently.

* * * * *

"We have are sources," came Tiras’s response.

A swirl of magical energy suddenly formed a few meters away. The thieves readied their weapons, some sliding around the side with short swords drawn while others fitted bows. Virdel prepared to rush the magic users before they could pull off any spells.

They relaxed somewhat when Magus appeared, followed by a couple of others. Void hovered overhead, seen only by Virdel.

Magus nodded his head in greeting to the thieves, then looked at Virdel. He was drenched in blood, though his injuries were slight. The worst was an ugly black bruise forming near his temple.

“I see you’ve been busy,” Magus remarked.

* * * * *

Thryn crouched in the safety of the shadows as Virdel approached the group of thieves. He had no idea where to find Magus, so he figured he’d just follow the drow for now. Sooner or later he’d lead him back to Magus.

Apparently sooner, for a moment later Magus appeared just a few feet away from his hiding place. Thryn decided to wait a minute to see what they’d say.

* * * * *

A couple of soldiers lifted Calahan on their shoulders as the column retreated. As they withdrew, a few guards recognized the dark elf as that afternoon’s intruder in the headquarters. Rumor reached the ears of the two remaining Cowled Wizards, who teleported away to report it to their superiors.

* * * * *

[ 09-25-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by CM »

Ok Magus, just clue me in when that is happening.
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

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Post by Xandax »

Originally posted by Magus:
@Xandax: We were just teasing :) You didn’t mind me interfering, did you?

@Aegis+Xandax: Even though it seems on paper that the battle’s only been going on for ten minutes, I think realistically that it would have taken a lot longer. So I can understand where Xandax’s coming from. Plus no one said the Shadow Thieves attacked the Helm headquarters at the same time the Helm attacked the Thieves’ headquarters. It’s open to interpretation ;)
{ooc: my thoughts excatly - and no, I didn't mind ;) .
BTW I've got trouble writing much concrete when nothing "much" is happening, so it is mostly my characters thoughts and views I can write :)

Xandax stood and watched Virdel knocking Calahan unconscious. He was puzzled by this behaviour, this drow fighter had often expressed contempt for other people’s lives, but maybe there was not enough “sport” in it, to kill him that way – Xandax didn’t know.

Xandax surveyed the battle scene, and told the 2 Helmsmen that had followed him, to pick up Calahan and take him back to the compound, or what was left of it.
Looking around at the bodies – Xandax felt disgusted at the dead bodies. His exploits were often more honour bound than a simple ambush and civil war. Hunting monsters or outlaws that had broken the laws of rightful rulers did not compare to this … waste of life.
Xandax sheeted his sword, and unstrapped his shield. His amulet was dull, so Xandax thought himself safe.
He saw the drow again, talking to the one of the thieves – as darkness to darkness, was Xandax’ initial thought.

Then Magus teleported in, or simply became visible – he approached the thieves and Virdel.

Xandax started to think. “This battle had reduced the numbers of the Black Helm significantly and the thieves were possible also weakend. That left only the mages counting all but full numbers. Were they next, or were they behind this. Nothing were as it seemed. “

Xandax decided to approach Magus and the others, making sure to remove his Helm insignia upfront.
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Post by Aegis »

Virdel eased his grip on his blades as he saw the familar face of MAgus appear before him. He also, to the Hakeshar's annoyance, noticed Void floating protectivly over head. He placed his two scimitars back into their sheathes, and stood calmly before the mage. Be fore saying anything, though, he shot a breif glance over to the pile of rubble that was once his summoned Elemental.

"Your doing?" He asked, a hint of sarcasm tipping his words. He also jutted a thumb towards the debris. A small smirk formed on his lips. "Decided not to get your hands dirty, or did you just arrive late." This was spoken with a bit more hostility, but still in good humour.

"I had more pressing matters." Magus responded calmly, and then surveyed the battle grounds, and the few remaining Theives. "It seems my help was not needed anyway." A wry smile formed on his face. "You have much fighting prowess, Drow. Perhaps, in the future, you may learn to use for the better good, and not your petty assinations."

Virdel chuckled, "Perhaps, Magi. Whats news have you? Has the crisis been averted, or is there more to do?" Virdel waited patiently for the response. In the corner of his eye, he could see Xandax coming to join them...


@Magus: As your the only one who knows what your planning, I'll leave the next bit up to you. :)
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Post by Magus »

"I had more pressing matters." Magus responded calmly, and then surveyed the battle grounds, and the few remaining Thieves. "It seems my help was not needed anyway." A wry smile formed on his face. "You have much fighting prowess, Drow. Perhaps, in the future, you may learn to use for the better good, and not your petty assassinations."

Glib words hid his real motivations, which couldn’t be spoken in front of the thieves. They wouldn’t care to hear that he was neutral between the guilds as of yet. He wondered why Virdel had taken sides in the matter, so openly supporting the thieves. Surely he didn’t think himself immune to the machinations of the vengeful Wizards and their allies. Or did he? Maybe his drow arrogance had finally gotten to his head.

Virdel chuckled, "Perhaps, Magi. What news have you? Has the crisis been averted, or is there more to do?" Virdel waited patiently for the response. In the corner of his eye, he could see Xandax coming to join them.

“Think about it,” Magus replied. “This attack was launched almost unilaterally by the Black Helm. Both the Shadow Thieves and the Helm sustained heavy losses. But what about the Cowled Wizards?” Magus asked, lips curving at the irony.

“My thoughts exactly,” came Xandax’s voice. Magus nodded as he approached.

“The reason the wizards didn’t attack is they’re a bunch of cowards,” Tiras retorted angrily.


A winded-looking rogue leaped down from the rooftop above.


The thief whispered briefly in his ear. Tiras nodded, and the rogue ran into the guildhouse a block away.

Tiras smiled. “The Black Helm headquarters has been razed to the ground. That’ll show them what happens when you cross the Shadow Thieves.”

Xandax remained silent.

“We need to find Thryn. He still hasn’t reported back yet,” Aerie reminded Magus.

He nodded. “Good luck, Lieutenant. Hopefully you’re correct about the Wizards.”

“Our thanks for your help, drow. And yours, Archmage.” Tiras motioned to his men, and they disappeared into the guildhouse.

Magus gestured with his hand, and Thryn stepped out of the shadows, to everyone’s surprise except Rail’s.

“So what did you find?”

“Besides the obvious? During our meeting, Aran referred to the Wizards as 'treacherous'. Make what you will of that.”

“If each leader tells the truth, I fear something sinister is going on. And I bet Lazal is somehow involved,” Magus replied gravely.

Rail’s good hand clenched involuntarily. He didn’t bet Lazal was involved. He knew.

* * * * *

@Fas: You can join in when you feel your character’s rested from the battle with the demon.

@craig: Sent you a PM.

[ 09-27-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

[ 09-27-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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