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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: Deja vu... ;)

* * * * *

He merely sat down on a nearby chair, and stared towards the image, curious of its powers....

“You like the pictures too?”

Startled, Virdel spun around. The effort cost him his balance in his weakened state, and he fell.

“Sorry,” Aerie added, looking chagrined. She stooped down to help him to his feet. He waved her off, rising shakingly to his feet. There was an uncomfortable silence. Aerie walked over to the opposite wall. She pointed to a picture. “This has always been one of my favorites.” It showed a beautiful city high atop a granite cliff, carved seamlessly into the stone itself. Avariel in flight peppered the background. In the foreground an elf-maiden in cleric’s robes tended to a boy with a broken wing. Her expression was both scolding and loving. His mother, no doubt. As they watched, the picture seemed to move. The child’s expression changed from a grimace of pain to a smile before their eyes.

Aerie turned back to Virdel. “I wanted to thank you for helping Magus back there. He would have died if you hadn’t distracted the skeleton.” Silence again. “Well, let me see if I can fix your hand,” she said, embarrassed. She pulled his severed hand from a pocket. It had been cleaned, and the fingers were now relaxed.

“It’s best that you sit,” she remarked, bewildered that he was still standing.

* * * * *

@all: You know how I said I was going to go on?
I lied :D It looks like Aegis has something up his sleeve...

[ 11-22-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
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Post by Aegis »

Virdel eyed Aerie, not sure what it was that drove her to help people, especially those of the Underdark. He bowed his momentarly, thinking through what it was he was going to say. After a moment, he raised his head, and placed his hand on it's twin in Aeries hand. He pushed it away, although not forcibly, shaking his head.

"I cannot accept your help. I must remain without that hand, if only to remind me of my callious behaviour. It would not matter now anyway. Having lost the hand, it would never be the same. The magic would not reproduce the sensitivity, or gentile motions it once had. It would be a burden, not a blessing." He saw Aerie shy away, possible thinking she offended the Drow in some way. Virdel merely grinned in her direction. It was a reassuring look, and seemed to comfort her a bit.

"If you don't wish your hand back, then what is it you want done?" Aerie questioned him, perplexed. She had never met a person who cared so little about his own dismemberment.

"The assasin friend of Magus. His arm, it is artificial, is it not?" Aerie nodded. "would your lover be able to do something like that, as a replacment for my hand?"


@All: two posts in one day... Phew.. tired.. :D

@Magus: The request is now your call. BTW, I really wasn't leading up to anything, just making it interesting. I also the pictures were a nice addition.
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Post by Rail »

@all- sorry for the lack of posting. Hardly any time for long posts. Well, at least I wasn't the one who had to save Magus this time. :D It gets tiring, doesn't it, Aegis. ;)

* * *

Rail wandered through the Rift, seemingly striding from room to room at the drop of a thought until he stood in the very room he had first entered upon accepting Void's offer to enter the rift after following the ill-fated paladin. He thought of his friend he had met that day, the barbarian Fallout, now in charge of his own tribe. He recalled TripWire, the irrepressible bard still hunting the vampire-lord Melosh, as far as the assassin knew. What had possessed him to throw his lot in with that bunch on that day? For years he had felt his life was not his own, that despite his power and abilities, he was being swept along in the river of time by events constantly out of control.

He thought of his friend, Magus, now lying on a bed elsewhere in the rift, recovering from his ordeal. His friend. Those words sounded odd in his mind, yet there was truth to them. Magus, a man he would rather see dead, were it not for the friendship he felt.

And a debt. Rail glanced down at his weakend hand, slightly withered and tatooed with runes of the only magic the assassin would allow Magus to instill. He clenched the hand into a fist, feeling the taut sinews pull uncomfortably. His thoughts travelled back through his ordeals from his father and the Coweled Wizards, to Magus and the necromancer Ubik, to the foul wizard Raistlin who had crippled his hand. He unclenched his fist, staring distantly as the fingers relaxed, as though the hand were not his own. There was little strength to the grip at all. But there was power in a different form.

I can give you power.

Rail groaned inwardly. He had thought the power of the rift might give him a reprieve from the now familiar voice, but he should have known far better. You had your answer. Why do you continue to pester me?

The assassin felt a dangerous wave of outrage and anger, thought the voice continued to be as calm and beckoning as usual. It was not the answer from your heart. It was a coward's answer. It came not from your heart, but from your fear of change and the unknown. Yet you know what you could do if you say yes.

But I said no. Leave me be! Rail's mind reeled in fear, though he knew there was no place to retreat. Thankfully, the presence resceded, far sooner than it had been of late.

Rail thought of the gem the undead horde was after. Why had the voice not wanted the skeleton to reach it? It was the one deciding factor that had given pause to the assassin, preventing him from stepping from the shadows to aid the drow in his tiem of need. The thought of Virdel made Rail's withered hand flex involuntarily, and the assassin frowned, though more out of anger than any guilt.

Was it the gem he thought it was? There were still unanswered questions, and he needed to talk to his friend. spinning on his heels, he strode to the nearest wall and stepped through to the room where Magus lay asleep. Rail never knew of the Rift's defenders could detect him or if he was simply allowed to move about, but he doubted they were more than a breath away at any time. The rift was a tricky place. Rail took a seat in a comfortable chair and waited for the mage to return to consciousness. He hoped he was alone in his thoughts, though he doubted it.
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Post by Craig »

Trapped, neither prisoner nor guest.He knew the confines a mage could bring about a person.His parents suffered the same fate yet worse.Why was he here not fighting that damned mage who imprisoned themm in stone we're Lazal and the mage conected?He strongly doubted it.Yet magic is a strong disguise.
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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: Gotcha ;)

@craig: I could help you tie that in if you give us some background on Thryn’s parents :)

@Rail: I think Melosh died. BTW, welcome back ;)

* * * * *

"The assassin friend of Magus. His arm, it is artificial, is it not?" Aerie nodded. "Would your lover be able to do something like that, as a replacement for my hand?"

She looked at him strangely, returning the hand to her pocket. “I suppose he could. You’ll have to ask him yourself. It’s a draining and time consuming process.” Virdel nodded, satisfied with her answer.

“He should wake soon. Would you like me to take you to his room?”

“Yes...that would be fine.”

* * * * *

Magus stirred. He opened his eyes and sat up, realizing with a start that he was in his room. He was tired and weak, as if just recovered from some deadly illness. Rail was quietly watching from a nearby chair.

Magus smiled weakly. “So our foray against the undead didn’t go well, I presume?”

Rail suddenly realized that Magus didn’t remember the battle.

* * * * *

[ 11-23-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

[ 11-23-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
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Post by Craig »

{OOC Thryns parents were turned to stone when an evil mage wanted to(simple evil)
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Post by Magus »

@craig: Yes, but could you give more detail about this mage?
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Post by Craig »

Uh not with out thinking and im really tired but he could be one of lazals henchmen stoping the threat of elves stopping him
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Post by Aegis »

@Craig: Just writing advice. Not everything has to tie in witht he story. If you want to make something elaborate, or unique about your past, go for. It doesn't have to have anything to do with Lazal... :D
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Post by Magus »

@craig: I like to know a little about other people's characters. It helps me roleplay them better ;) That's what I meant about tying it in to the story.

@Aegis: Looks like Rail's busy, so feel free to jump in.

[ 11-23-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
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Post by Aegis »

Ferchen looked out the window of her building. The streets of Athkatla were empty, which was odd, especially for the early morning. Usually mothers and servants were out to the market, buying their goods for the day. but, somethign was ary. No one was around. She had known about the undead horde during the night. she had lost two of her Rangers protecting a family from being consumed. She still bore a crude mark across her skin from an attack made by one of the undead. She turned back from the window, and stood in front of her desk. She sighed, and sat down. It had been a few nights since she had last seen Virdel. When she last saw him, she kissed him. she was hoping those were just spur of the moment feelings. Time had passed, and she felt a deep longing for the Drow. She sat quietly at her desk until the sun rose fully, thinking, and hoping...


@All: I felt some other character posting was in order. :)
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Post by Rail »

Magus smiled weakly. “So our foray against the undead didn’t go well, I presume?”

Rail suddenly realized that Magus didn’t remember the battle. "Well, it depends on your point of view. It seems the tide of undead has been stemmed, though the battle went poorly for us." Rail clasped his hands at his belt and set his feet up on the plush ottoman before him.

Appeased would be more accurate, thief. The assassin started, but was releived to find it was only Void. The hakeashar gave Rail a curious look. He could tell something was going on in the assassin's mind, though he could not tell what it was, and that troubled him. It was not a complex mind and should be easy to read, but lately it was suspiciously erratic and inconsistent.

"Indeed," Rail said with a tired sigh. "They took the gem."

Magus stiffened at the words, though it brought no regognition of the battle to his mind, only vague images as if from a story he had been told. The gem. He frowned at the thought. That troubled him as much as the appearance of the hoarde.

"Any idea why Lazal's master wouldn't want that to happen?" Rail's question was vague, but he said it with a rhetorical, almost toying tone to his voice.

Magus regarded the assassin curiously. "No. Why?" Even Void's eyes seemed to narrow and brighten at the same time.

Rail shrugged, clearly not willing to go further into the subject. "There is much that doesn't make sense. Much," The assassin was distant for a moment, lost in thought before clearing his head and returning to the conversation. "I have used the pieces of the Crown as bait many times, though this is different. Unplanned. I went through a great deal to get that, and I don't intend it to fall into the wrong hands for long."

As if on cue, Aerie and Virdel opened the door (an unnecessary thing in the Rift) and strode into the room. Aerie smiled in concern at her love and rushed quietly to his side. Rail glanced down at the drow's missing hand and set his jaw, revealing nothing but an unwillingness to feel at all. He nodded curtly to the pair as Magus sat up and gingerly swung his feet to the floor.

[ 11-23-2001: Message edited by: Rail ]
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Post by Aegis »

@Rail: The crwon of Thrones eh... :p
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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: When did Ferchen kiss Virdel? It seems vaguely familiar, but I can’t find it for the life of me!

* * * * *

Magus rose, slapping Aerie’s supporting hand away playfully. He stood, shakily at first, then seemed to find his balance. A greeting soured on his lips when he saw the stump where Virdel’s hand had been. “So I wasn’t the only casualty...,” he murmured. His gaze wandered involuntarily to his friend, whose arm had once been similarly dismembered. He eyed Virdel directly. “You want me to replace your hand, then.” It was a statement, not a question.

Virdel’s brows rose. He wondered if his thoughts were his own. You never knew with the wily mage. “Yes. I’ve served you well the last few days. Grant me this and I forfeit my payment til now, and into the near future. I’ve also some coin I’ve saved from my last few jobs.”

Magus stared at him silently. Virdel returned his gaze unblinkingly, wondering what to expect.

“Love, he saved you back there. Were it not for him, you would have been dead before I got to you.” Though his face remained expressionless, Virdel was surprised by the elf-maiden’s support.

Magus nodded, his eyes still on the drow. “I’m curious. What happened after we parted ways?”

Virdel, thinking the question rhetorical, waited for him to go on. But the mage continued to stare at him intently, as if waiting for a response.

* * * * *

@Rail: I’m not ignoring you. Really :D Actually, you’ve got me thinking more about the greater plot again...

@Xandax+Fas+craig: I AM ignoring you :D Why don’t you guys get some fresh air? ;)
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Post by Xandax »

Originally posted by Magus:
@Xandax+Fas+craig: I AM ignoring you :D Why don’t you guys get some fresh air? ;) </STRONG>
I'm trying to figure out how to get out - and I'd expect the mirror to do it - just not sure what to write :(
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Post by Craig »

Thryn lay on the floor thinking suddenly a black sleep encompassed (SP?) him he found him self inside a wood, his home yet it was wrong all wrong the light did not pour through the trees and the sky had no moon so, so unnatural.
Caught off guard, he spun and saw a dark cloud so dark it was possible to see in the gloom "So, you have come"
"No it is you who brought me here"
"You are quick" Thryn suddenly relised he wasn't using word it was emmotions in his mind, feelings.
"So your time is near"
"I will never give in" Said thryn
A demonic form started to grow from the cloud not pure demon, Thryn relised and and found a glowing sword in his hand, and strood to the demonic mage a large bone structure matirialised in front of him large scythes for hands.
Thryn jumped as one of the colosle hands swung towards him,
"Never, I shall fight for my parents till the end" at these word the bone-struct(is this ok change it to bone construct if you don't like it) shrunk to thryns size, and it promtly slashed thryns eyes and in retalliation he cut an arm of the construct, amazingly it vanished save the arm.
A scream shook thryn it was the mage's soul being torn apart by the demon inside and with out a host it disperst(sp) blacking out Thryn smiled gripping the arm and sword, his own one it had found its way to him and with the gem inside it too.
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Post by Magus »

@craig: I like it :) His sword reappearing was a nice touch, not to mention necessary ;) Here’s a writing tip: Don’t go out of character within the story itself- (is this ok change it to bone construct if you don't like it). Save the comments for the end.

* * * * *

Xandax woke suddenly. He looked around the room. The mirror still stood, large and mysterious. He noticed some pictures hanging along the walls. He didn’t remember seeing those. Then again, he had been too tired to really look around. Light streamed in through a window across the room.

Now he was sure that hadn’t been there before. “Magic,” he muttered under his breath, shaking his head. With nothing else better to do, he looked out the window. A vast garden stretched as far as the eye could see. The sky was a strange light purple color, neither day nor night. It reminded him of descriptions he had heard of the Abyss. Looking down, he saw he was in a tall bluish-purple tower. The material seemed to pulse as he watched. It was cold and hard to the touch.

Thee vieew, yoou liikke?” whispered a voice on the wind.

Xandax spun around, hand reflexively straying to his sword. A mist-like creature, barely perceptible, floated before him. An aerial servant, if he remembered his lore.

“Excuse me, but how did you get in here?”

Throough thee walll, off courssse.” It passed through and reappeared to demonstrate.
I’vve seeen thee oone knoowwn as Raaiill doo itt tooo.” it added, reading the question in his eyes.

Xandax touched the wall. It seemed solid enough. “That’s great for him, but I don’t think I can do that.”

The creature seemed to shrug. “I’vve seeen otheers usse thee miirroorsss.

Xandax walked over to the mirror. It shimmered as he approached. Abruptly the reflection changed. No longer did it show an unshakable warrior, tempered by experience’s flaming brand. Instead it showed a kid, lonely and frightened. Himself. The apparition bowed his head and disappeared, replaced by his true reflection once again. The aerial servant stared back at him. He wondered if it had also seen.

Curious, Xandax extended a hand to touch the surface. It was solid. His mind wandered to thoughts of the assassin. The creature had said he walked right through the walls. Was Xandax just missing something, or did something unnatural hide behind the assassin’s shadowed eyes?

He looked at the mirror. To his surprise, Rail looked back from within. Wait...he wasn’t looking at Xandax. As if on cue, the vision seemed to turn. A haggard-looking Magus stood staring at Virdel, who gazed back silently. Instinctively he touched the glass, and this time it gave like water. It all gave him the feeling he was in some sort of twisted playhouse.

* * * * *

@Xandax: Hope that helps. I roleplayed your character as closely as I could :)

@Fas+craig: Now you know how to get about the Rift. You don't necessarily have to go to Magus's room though ;)

@Aegis: The mage continues to stare at you intently, waiting for a response...and he’s getting some serious eye strain :D It may seem pointless to retell the battle, but I actually have a reason for wanting you to do so. How Virdel tells it will be important ;)

[ 11-24-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

[ 11-25-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
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Post by CM »

[ooc]Whoa man has this picked up or what??
Fresh air ok I will try something.

Faisal concentration broke as he thought he saw the tapestry change color and shape. Now looking at it closely the scene had changed. He needed a break, he had no idea how long he had been in the room, but some time had passes. "A Mystery" he thought. Good I need a break and need to stretch my legs as well.

There were 5 such arts on the wall each depicting a scene in the history of Faerun. None were familiar to Faisal yet he was drawn to this one simple picture of a temple being built in some land. Moving closer to it, Faisal got the urge to feel the tapestry, and placed his hand on it. To his great surprise his hand went right through the tapestry.

Shocked Faisal quickly pulled his hand back and inspected it for any ill effects but there were none. Faisal decided, it was best he did not test this weird thing even further. Faisal decided to look at each of the art works and see if his hand would pass through each.

He walked around the circular room and pushed his hand through and his hand returned each time. Growing more confident by the second Faisal decided to try the mirror next. Walking up to the mirror Faisal tried to place his hand through the glass. But it didn't work. Faisal then imagined the armory in the rift and the image appeared in the mirror, to Faisal amazement. Smiling to himself Faisal was happy he had figured a way out.

Faisal moved away from the mirror and looked at the tapestries once again. There were 5 with there an empty space for a 6 piece of art. Each of the Tapestries showed a different story and characters yet something was very similar in all of them. With nothing better to do Faisal walked over to the first tapestry he had seen and basically closed his eyes and put allot of faith in Magus and his goddess and he walked through.

Faisal felt a jolt and when he opened his eyes he was in front of what seemed to be the making of a large temple. Two clerics were walking around, and one stopped and said: "Our last sacrifice to our Goddess. Her first Temple built in her name and infused with our loyalty and faith in her."

"Aye brother." the other replied "May lady luck grant us luck in our endeavor. Brother it is time, the first temple of Tymora will be finished."

With that Faisal was jolted back and he stood just in front of the tapestry. Shocked and confused Faisal looked around the room and all the characters were wearing the symbol of his goddess. In one a group of Paladins were fighting 2 dragons a red and a black. The picture quickly changed to show the death of both the Dragons and the Paladins gaining some divine healing as the goddess watched on from behind a cloud.

Looking over the entire room, Faisal felt at calm at once, with all these remembrances of warriors who had died and given so much for their goddess. He only wondered if he could do the same.

Faisal decided that it would be best if he go find Magus and see how he was and what was the next plan of action. But first... Faisal walked over to the mirror and imagined the armory once again. Upon seeing it surface, Faisal walked through and entered a large room filled with a vast assortment of weapons and trinkets. He walked around the room looking for some magical weapon, which could aid him and his team.

He walked around and saw this one silver war hammer with the emblem of lady luck on it. I don't think Magus would mind if I took this, but I think I should ask him anyway, plus he could tell me what exactly the magical properties of this war hammer are.

He tried to pick up the war hammer, but it was very heavy, only a barbarian could have held this thought Faisal. But then the symbols on his shield and amulet flared up and the war hammer seemed much lighter and readily accepted and allowed Faisal to wield the magical weapon.

Moving back to the mirror, Faisal willed the mirror to show where Magus and the rest were.

OOC there you go.
You can make me enter whenever you wish, but some time should pass.
Magus I was thinking of going all out and getting Armour etc.
But I decided not to piss of the mage!! :D
Esp. in the current mood! :D
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Post by Craig »

{OOC Hmm magus i actualy planed the next bit(this is realy odd things normaly go wrong when i plan) uh thryn is unconsious and i didn't want to get Aeris's charector(or fas's) wrong cos he is deeply unconsios
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Post by Magus »

@Fas: I'll also have to consider the properties of your new hammer ;) Large as his collection may be, he wouldn't have too many divine hammers laying around, not to mention one specifically blessed by Tymora. He would make most of the magical items he has, and he's no cleric. And Aerie isn't exactly into instruments of war :)
Don't get me wrong. It's perfectly alright. But don't expect the hammer to be a legendary weapon of champions or anything :D
And don't even get me started on what I would have done if you pilfered a suit of full plate from a mage's armory :D

[ 11-25-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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