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Post by Aegis »

The words of the demon echoed inside his skull, powerful and strong. The Blade didn't flinch once. He knew Lazal, or rather Laznaliasoth, was a powerful demon, even more so among the ranks of the Tana'ari, yet held no fear. The usual demon fear seemed not to touch or affect him. He watched the Prince's limb calm as his spoke, and watched as the scimitar that brought the demons attention towards the group fall to the ground, and clang protestingly. Virrilis made a mental note of where it now laid, so that he could retreive it at a moments notice. He looked from the Prince, it's massive body heaving with every intake of breath, the foul stench of it's breath came wafting towards them. In the corner of his eye, he saw Faisal Blanche at the smell. He turned fully to the rest of his comrades in arms.

"This is it." He spoke calmly, and quietly. He knew Laznaliasoth could hear him speak, but paid no head. He looked to the determined faces of the people around him. The people who had earned respect from not only the powerful Arch-Mage, but from himself. Magus's death was fresh in there minds, and he knew that would be a powerful tool, especially for the Averial, and Assasin. He looked to Faisal, Thryn and Xandax. "You do not have to fight this battle. You have nothing to lose if you decide to walk. Magus meant something more to this two," He motioned to Aerie and Rail, "But he was little more than a employer to you three. as for myself, I have stakes in this, much higher then you could imagine." He turned back to the full group. He still heard the rythmatic breathing of the demon behind him. "I will fight, with or without you. I may not have known Magus very well, nor did I care too, but the Crown must not be given to the Demons of the Abyss. I have sworn this to Labelas Enoreth. I won't fail." He turned back to the Demon Prince. "Your in our plane, or Realm. You intended to take that which we would not give you. You are the Blood of that which is the darkest evil. I have been charged to destroy the Crown of Horns, and those who possess it, and do not intend to dishonour that charge." HE helf his scimitar more tightly, the mystical aura seemingly becoming brighter, more radiant. "I am Virrilis Fel'hanlo. Blade Singer of the Court of Suldanesselar. Protector of Queen Ellesime. Former Blade of the Hand of Seldarine! For that which is in my power, I shall use to send you back to foul pits of the Abyss, and banish you from this realm for one hundred years!" He crouched low, his impressive speech over, and waited to attack...


@Magus: I'll post something for Fas and Sethin tomorrow.
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Post by Magus »

“DAMN IT ALL!” Calahan cried, smashing his halberd into the side of the tower. Not even a dent. The same couldn’t be said of his blade. Hurling the weapon to the ground, he yelled a string of obscenities to make a sailor blush. The tower must have been solid stone, yet Magus’s hired thugs had passed through like hell-cursed wraiths. Heads would roll when he found a blasted way inside...

-The Scale of Fate begins to tilt. Will they follow, or forge their own path? Struggle as he might, he is destined to die...-

Turning his head, Calahan found himself face-to-face with that shadow fiend again, this time shining bright blue. “Stay back, you spawn of the Abyss!” Calahan shouted, stumbling backward and grabbing his halberd.

-Come now, no need to be testy. You really are amusing, you know- Unlike before, the voice in his head was...female.

“Who...what are you?” He lowered his weapon, somehow knowing the creature meant no harm.

A musical laugh enveloped his mind, engraving into it the image of a beautiful woman clad in flowing white silk. –No one special. Just someone who has an interest in the outcome of this little conflict-

Calahan nodded numbly. What had he gotten himself dragged into? What God had he angered to deserve this? Oh, might as well make the best of it. “Excuse me,’am. Do you know the way inside?” He pointed to the tower.

The glowing hakeashar gazed up at the tower, in consideration it seemed. It looked back to the warrior. –Sorry, I can’t help you. I musn’t interfere, not yet-

“Gee, thanks,” Calahan muttered under his breath. He felt the creature smile. Urrgh...this was getting weirder by the moment.

* * * * *

[ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Aegis »

Sethin didn't listen to the Demon Prince, nor did he really care about anything it had to say. All he really cared about was that the attention was no longer on him. He staggered to his feet, feeling sharp twangs of pain as he did so. He supported himself against one of the walls with his hand. He grinned at the irony of the situation. The very person he was disobeying, was, at the same time, the person he was obeying. Fates cruel sense of humour. He dragged himself off, carefully stepping away so he would draw no attention...


Faisal heard Virrilis speak, but he didn't care as to what was being said. He had already decided on what he would do. He was going to fight. He knew that he could walk away, and that he would probably live by doing so, but it didn't matter. He had formed a comradery, if not a friendship, with these people, and he would help them regardless of the consequences. He slapped the shaft of his war hammer across his palm, then looked to Laznaliasoth, an intense determinating burning in the Calim****es eyes. He heard Virrilis' speech, and then stood beside him.
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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: Sent you a private message.

@everyone else: I refuse to let Aegis write the whole ending again! :D (remembers Roleplaying in Athkatla) We need your input, your characters' choices, to go on. And don't be afraid to let Laznaliasoth get his way, just because you think you'll miss out on the final battle! The ending's cool either way... ;)
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Post by Rail »

Rail's low voice was nearly a whisper. It was difficult to tell if his words were intended for the Tana'ari Prince or if the assassin simply didn't care if he was overheard. "If you trust the word of that dead god," he nodded at the demonic hand that still held the Crown piece, "then you deserve the fate you will find by reassembling the Crown." Rail shook his head in disbelief again. "Even you don't have a clue what you're doing." The assassin frowned, but sheathed his sword.

Turning toward Aerie, Rail's face softened for a moment. "Give my regards to Magus, m'lady. I wish you safety till then. Your husband may yet wake up in time to abandon the Rift and collapse it on this..., creature." With a wink and a slight bow, looking once more in dissappointment at the stupidity of the arrogant Prince, Rail faded from sight.
Matti Il-Amin, Paladin, comedian, and expert adventurer. Proudly bearing the colors of the [url=""]Blades of the Banshee[/url]
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Post by Craig »

A million thoughts and questions tore across Thryns mind, one stood clear though, he held no debt to magus, dead or alive.Thryn focused on the clone, "He must not escape!" he cried and threw a poisoned dagger at the leg of sethin, and charged in after it.
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Post by Aegis »

Ack! why does everyone want to kill Sethin!

Also, Craig, there is a big friggin demon in front of you, and you're unconcerned with it... wow... you got some balls... Oh well, I'll just have to make Sethin kill you... :D
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Post by Magus »

@craig: Well-written :) BTW, sent you a private message.

@all: This is going to be interesting...things are turning out differently than I expected. Just need one more person to move on...Xandax :D I hate being a pest, but we need to keep moving if we ever want to finish this :)

@Aegis: I know you're itching ;) ...but wait until Xandax, and then I, post first. Otherwise this will just descend into a free-for-all.

[ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: Magus ]

[ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Rail »

Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>Ack! why does everyone want to kill Sethin!
Take that as a compliment to you as a writer. Now, everyone hates him, and that's just how it should be for a good villan! :D

I explained my decision to you and Magus in an email.
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Post by Xandax »

{ooc: sorry been without Internet for a couple of days :( }


The demons words rang false in Xandax’ head.
“What to do.” They were both evil, but the clone where the lesser evil of the 2 – and certainly the easier defeatable one. Xandax looked around – at the others, reading their actions.
The elf whom formerly had been disguised as a drow spoke to the group – Xandax was not still sure what his role was in all this, he was a strange one, and he had not earned any trust from Xandax.
His new found friend Faisal, the young warrior cleric was apparently determined to join the elf’ side in this, what seemed hopeless battle, his enthuisames for this combat and the words of glory it would bring shinned from him, as did the belief in his god, whom had choosen him.
Poor lad, Xandax though – glory helps no man in the end.
The elf’ assassin known as Thryn – a strange creature indeed, but always feisty seemed to have focused on the clone creature, and indeed – he was the one with this “Crown” at present, could be a wise choice.
The other assassin – Rail – seemed to bring some sense into the picture, and mumbled some words, then faded into shadows, although Xandax couldn’t belive that he would leave the scene of such a battle unless it was to find the clone or what happen to Magus.
“Magus” Xandax wondered “Is he dead or just biding time?”
“Well nevermind” Xandax thought.

“I have never sought my own death, nor have I ever feared it, it is the concision choice of warrior. I have had many ghost in my past many have fallen due to determination. Thus I never flee combat. My sword is here – and it is to be used” Xandax spoke to the bladesinger.
Xandax felt the warmth of Ferox, the sword almost anticipating the battle – the engraved letters shined brightly – with ferocity. Xandax looked over his shoulder; his copy was still there – and true enough, the sword in its hand, shined as his own.
With a firm grip on his weapon and shield Xandax knelt for what could be his last time – sending a small thought to his mother and stepfather – his mentors, and to the remains of his real father, his nemesis.
Xandax cleared his mind.
Insert signature here.
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Post by Magus »

"Give my regards to Magus, m'lady. I wish you safety till then. Your husband may yet wake up in time to abandon the Rift and collapse it on this..., creature." So her long-time friend said before he disappeared.

“Farewell, Rail,” she whispered. She turned to Virrilis, the enigmatic bladesinger, a man of two personalities. Looking at him, she wondered how much of Virdel had truly been an act. The act was too flawless, too perfectly done to not have a ring of truth, however faint.

Suddenly Thryn, with a cry, darted after Sethin, having made his choice. Xandax stood beside Virillis, the veteran warrior offering his sword to defeat the greater of two evils. She envied his attitude of calm determination. Inside her raged a turmoil that refused to subside, despite her best efforts. Nonetheless, she was decided.

“I am with you, Virillis,” she said softly. She looked up at the hulking form of Laznaliasoth, embodiment of all that was vile and despicable. “I would never trust the word of a demon. The Crown shall not be reassembled. For Magus, and for all that is good and just, I fight.” She stood tall, the timid, innocent little girl gone forever.

Laznaliasoth stared down at the four foolish figures insolent enough to stand in his way. To the side he sensed Sethin already locked in combat with the elven thief. Excellent. “SO BE IT. THEN DIE, AND KNOW THE UTTER FUTILITY OF YOUR PITIFUL CAUSE.” His eyes flaring red, he roared terribly and charged forward, aiming to quickly dispose of the four pests before the clone could overwhelm its opponent.

* * * * *

As the creature came thundering towards them Virillis felt a tingling spread through his body. Aburptly he felt light as a feather, his muscles bulging with nervous energy. His thoughts cleared, and his sight sharpened as he focused on his enemy. Silently thanking the elven mage/cleric, he sprang into action.

* * * * *

@Aegis+Xandax: Aerie/Virillis and Xandax/Faisal seem to have an affinity for each other, so it would make sense if their battle tendencies reflected that. Aerie would be inclined to help Virillis, while Xandax and Faisal’s friendship would influence Faisal to aid Xandax more, I believe.

[ 01-15-2002: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Craig »

Laznaliasoth NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO It's nalia in decise Run for the hills!!!
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Post by Magus »

Err...that was a rather random spaz attack :D Actually, the nalia in it is just a coincidence. I didn't realize that word was there until I looked at it on paper. Besides, it's pronounced differently, with an accent on the i.
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Aegis »

Virrilis didn't wait long to take advantage of the magical haste, and protection spells Aerie had bestowed upon him. He charged forth, swiftly dodging the demons attacks as they came forth, his target was his fallen scimitar. When he came within a few yards of it, the Blade Singer sprang, and leapt into the air, curling up, and passing narrowly close to one of the Tana'ari's pincers. He hit the ground, and rolled, snatching his scimitar up as he pasted. He then jumped back to his feet, and spun to face the Demon.


Faisal finished his own incantation, and directed it's effects at Xandax. Instantly, the fighter felt his armour and weapon become lighter, and his movements seemed faster, as the warrior charged in, just slightly behind the lighter elf, Faisal began his next spell. Though his repetoire was still reletivly small, he had managed to learn a few of the more offensive powers clerics had available. He raised his hands into the air, and waited. He watched Laznaliasoth strike at the armoured warrior, after watching the elf fly past. When the demon reared it's head, Faisal brought his arms down swiftly. Above the head of the demon, a large magical cudgel appeared, and slammed with tremendous force into the creatures back. Furious, Laznailsoth roared in frustration, and continued his attack. Faisal was already preparing his next attack.


Thryn was already to the hurt Sethin, and making a full attack. Sethin, having been hurt more in pride then in body, returned the attack with a sudden ferocity, having been routed from his escape. The clone deftly deflected the attacks the theif made. Though they were skilled, the clone was more so. Sethin pressed forward, trying to eliminate the annoying theif, and hopefully escape the blasted Rift before Laznaliasoth decided to turn his fury back on him. Thryn made a skilled cut at Sethin, but his blade met only screeching halt as it rebounded off Sethin's right weapon. He then lashed out with his free hand, trying to punch Sethin in the nose, and to distract him. His plans were shot short again as the clones deft blades moved in to slam his hands away, and then push his body away. Sethin leapt back, establishing a defensive posture, narrowly missing the hidden Rail as he snuck into position.
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Post by Aegis »

@All: chapters 14 and 15 are now up. and jsut for a reminder, the site is [url=""][/url] . It is under books, then forgotten realms, titled Discourse in Amn. :)
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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: I read a little of Chapter 16. You blended our two “Council” posts together, I see. Only problem is that six greater dopplegangers and a pair of pit fiends go unaccounted for :D

Quote: “...the clones deft blades moved in to slam his hands away...”
All I can say is ouch...goodbye hands :D

@all: It’s getting a little late, so I’ll post tomorrow.
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Craig »

Not the sharp bit but the flat of the sword(i hope)
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Post by Aegis »

Originally posted by craig:
<STRONG>Not the sharp bit but the flat of the sword(i hope)</STRONG>
Umm.. .yes... the flat part... :D
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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: Laznaliasoth doesn’t have pincers. He has humanoid-type hands with long claws for nails. He also has long blades sprouting from his elbows and shoulders (I described him more in-depth back in his transformation sequence).

* * * * *

Faisal raised his hands into the air, and waited. He watched Laznaliasoth strike at the armored warrior, after watching the elf fly past. When the demon reared it's head, Faisal brought his arms down swiftly. Above the head of the demon, a large magical cudgel appeared, and slammed with tremendous force into the creatures back. Furious, Laznaliasoth roared in frustration, and continued his attack. Faisal was already preparing his next spell.

But the demon’s next move caught all of them by surprise. He stopped trying to fend off the fighters and simply charged forward, their weapons barely scraping his tough outer hide as he bowled past them. Too late they realized his target. The fledgling cleric caught in the midst of spellcasting, they could only watch as defenseless Faisal’s abdomen was ripped open by a single swing of the tana’ari’s great elbow blade. He collapsed to the ground, his fate a slow, painful death without the aid of a very powerful healing spell. One which he couldn’t cast in his condition, had he even the ability to perform such a difficult spell.

Aerie shook her head sadly before prying her eyes away from the grisly spectacle. She could heal him, but not in the midst of battle. It was too risky, and she’d be left weakened and drained. They would just have to win first. She began another spell, ready to teleport at a second’s notice if the demon should come after her next.

* * * * *

From the corner of his eye Sethin spotted the first person fall before Laznaliasoth. He blazed onto the offensive against the pesky thief in front of him, knowing it was only a matter of time now...

* * * * *

@Aegis: I know you’re carrying out Rail’s idea, but be cautious in how far you take it. It’s not going to go off exactly as planned ;)
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Magus »

Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>Umm.. .yes... the flat part... :D </STRONG>
I gathered that, but why would he use the flat part? A brief flicker of mercy, perhaps? ;)
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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