Symantec finally fixed the false positive with all the Baldurdash installers after I whined excessively in their forums and sent a test archive to them, so grab new definitions and you won't be seeing IRC.Mimic. Heck, grab new definitions anyways to keep Nimda as far away from your computer as you can.
Also thanks to those who posted some nice bugs as well. I've noted the ones that sound promising. Without good feedback I wouldn't have done half of what I have so far. Baldur's Gate players are a sharp-eyed bunch.
Quitch: What quest was the Chapel Key for? I have never seen this quest mentioned and you have piqued my curiosity.
Jaker: I have been stuck with those bugs myself. I can't use a hex-editor or compiler to fix them unfortunately. I think this is because I've lost touch with reality from being involved with Baldur's Gate for too long.
Still get the multiple spawning brus, see earlier post in this thread.
special note, I was planning to buy robes of vecna immediately, so I cheated and hacked in about 1 million gold in irenicus dungeon, this would affect the timer for valen talking to you, so this may be a non bug for most people. also all the spawned brus disappeared after few seconds.
also got a new one. I spend the 6-8 th rest in copper coronet, and got a merchant room. got the second bhaal dream, and after finished got the pic for resting out doors instead of the hotel room animation, you know, the one with the mouse?
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly:
<STRONG>I spend the 6-8 th rest in copper coronet, and got a merchant room. got the second bhaal dream, and after finished got the pic for resting out doors instead of the hotel room animation, you know, the one with the mouse?</STRONG>
I always get the outdoors animation after a dream sequence, no matter where I sleep.
[url=""]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
thanks! must not have noticed that previously. also, i just realized...all dream seq are scripted using the engine, no movies and such, so after the dream the party is actually resting outside in a deream dungeon!
More bugs:
It seems that Dispel Magic won't remove Deafness/Blindness (though the spell desciption of those refer to it).
It seems that Time Stop won't reveal the invisible SpellCaster (seems chessy).
hey, its been a looonngg time since I posted on these boards, but neways, Kevin, great job on the new fixpack. Ive only found one problem, and Im not even sure its a problem:
the Firekam full plate says that it is usable by keldorn and a few select others, so I think it is supposed to be able to be used by LG monks donno about half-orcs tho. but other than that I think that the fixpack is WONDERFULL.
"Ballet, what a wonderfull thing...Men wearing pants so tight you can tell what religion they are."
--Robin Williams
In the description it says that it creates a decoy and casts improved invisibility in the caster.
However the spell inpr inv was bugged (was not giving the 4 points bonus to AC and savings). It was fixed by kevin's patch (excellent work, by the way!!), but the impr inv that you receive with mislead was not fixed.
Being an Evil Overlord seems to be a good career choice. It pays well, there are all sorts of perks and you can set your own hours. However every Evil Overlord I've read about in books or seen in movies invariably gets overthrown and destroyed in the end. I've noticed that no matter whether they are barbarian lords, deranged wizards, mad scientists or alien invaders, they always seem to make the same basic mistakes every single time. Therefore, if I ever happen to become an Evil Overlord, ...
Originally posted by Kovi:
<STRONG>It seems that Time Stop won't reveal the invisible SpellCaster (seems chessy).</STRONG>
Neither does Draw Upon Holy Might, but only attacking spells are supposed to break it, I believe. Not stuff you cast on yourself (and in most cases stuff you cast on party members as well).
[url=""]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
Draw Upon Holy Might, just like all defensive/blue) spells don't reveal invisibility while offensive/red ones usually do. White spells are somewhat inconsistent.
I have the following list as the problematic ones: Melf Minute Meteors (red), Time Stop (red), Improved Alacrity (red), True Sight, Project Image, Simulacrum, Limited Wish, Wish don't reveal; while Polymorph Self, Haste reveal invisibility.