In character creation it says that haflings and gnomes have a natural ressistance to magic. But when I look under ressestances when I have created one It doesn't say anything. Is it a MR % or something totaly different? If it is, what is it? Thanks
Telthos - I think that they get a saving throw (vs magic) bonus rather than a contribution to magic resistance as such. This is how the rule book (2nd ed AD&D)explains it. - Curdis
The warlord sig of 's' - word
Making a reappearance for those who have a sig even longer
[quote="Dilbert]That's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard[/quote]
[quote=Waverly]You all suck donkeys[/quote]
[quote={deleted after legal threats}]I am so not a drama queen![/quote"]
Making a reappearance for those who have a sig even longer
[quote="Dilbert]That's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard[/quote]
[quote=Waverly]You all suck donkeys[/quote]
[quote={deleted after legal threats}]I am so not a drama queen![/quote"]