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Watcher's Keep (help needed)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal expansion pack.
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Watcher's Keep (help needed)

Post by Elkor_Alish »

I'm on the second level of WK, in my party is my char (Cavalier), Jahiera, Minsc, the other Paladin you pick up at the Copper Coronet, Nalia and the female mage from the circus.

I had an easy enough time getting rid of all the mage spawned creaures in all the rooms, but the Chromatic Demon keeps healing all the damage I deal before I can get him to anything lover than Barely Injured.


On a seperate note, the first time I played a Paladin for BG ][ At the D' Arnise Keep, Nalia made me a Lord over the castle and I spent a couple amusing hours going back there intermitantly through out the game giving a cleric sancturary, dispensing jutice, approving marriages and defending it against Isea's attack. . .How come I didn't get the option this time? Is it a bug?
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Post by Kameleon »

For your first question, I can only say hit the Demon with everything you have. The notes you find in each library will give you hints as to what to use on each incarnation of the Demon.

For your second question, you never get the Keep playing as a Paladin. You must have either forgotten what you played the first time, or you have found a VERY strange bug, which I have never encountered before. The Paladin's stronghold is the Radiant Heart, who will give you different quests to the Keep ones. The Keep is only available if you play a Fighter, Barbarian or Monk.
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Post by Elkor_Alish »

I play thieves and Paladins exclusively. . .

See me and my roomate have an ongoing debate as to what is better, mage or crude charactors. I say crude coupled with strategy is best, he favours magecraft. . .

We were pretty much tied up until now, I'm stuck and he's already beaten the damn thing. . .I think level ten is too low for the Tower.
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Post by Izgoth »

Any character can get to Watchers Keep. And the demon is very easy. Hit him with everything you have got or lure him to the rom with gas. He will die rather quickly there.
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Post by Izgoth »

Oh nevermind about the any character thing.

[ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: Izgoth ]
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Post by Elkor_Alish »

You're a god amongst men. If I can get my speed on and keep to the fringes, he'll gas himself trying to get me. Thanks!
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