Are you serious about the Barbarian rage making him immune to imprisonment???
I conducted some experiments.
I leveled up a Human Monk, Human Beserker and a Human Barbarian each to level 40.
I gave the Barb. and Beserker a Warblade 4+, a Full Plate Mail and a Plain helmet. They both had the same AC, yet the Monk remained a few higher (I hacked this down to make it even)
The first run was the Barbarian v Beserker using their Rage abilities. The Barbarian won 7/10 times.
Then I tried it without rage abilities but this time with greater whirlwind engaged. It was the Beserker this time with his grand mastery in Two Handed swords wich rose above the Barbarian. The beserker won 7/10 times.
I then tried the Monk v Barbarian (I hacked a plain helmet on the monk to avoid critical hits)without abilities the Monk 9/10 times. He rarely missed. With enrage abilities the Monk won 8/10 times. Same went with the Beserker.
I then tried Monk v Barbarian with Greater Whilwind. The Barbarian won 10/10 times. As did the Beserker. This time it was the Monks lower hitpoints which determined win or loss.
As you can see it is quite clear that the Monk owns the other two classes without abilities, hands down. But with Abilities (such as Greator Whildwind) He was dead before the Ability ended. (1 round)
I am still unsure as to which class is more 'Efficient' I am really after a TANK which can take AND deal large ammounts of Melee damage. I am leaning considerably towards the Monk than the Barbarian, however. This is because in 3rd ADnD rules the Monk gets its proper Special abilities like Balthazar. Solar Stance and Dragon Fist to name a few.
[ 09-08-2001: Message edited by: ReignsOfPower ]