I just noticed after the battle with Gromnir that I was no longer wearing my Robe of the Good Archmagi. I checked and my alignment was now neutral evil and both my wisdom & charisma have been lowered to 4 & 5 respectively. I tried "remove curse" but it had no effect. I did not fail any tests at the end of SoA to my knowledge and am sure I had my Robe on until just recently. Any idea how to correct this? Thanks!
I am in the process of using Shadow Keeper to restore my alignment, but you can't simply change the alignment back to "good." There are what looks to be around a half-dozen "global variables" that need tweeking. If anyone knows the exact values for these variables, that would be an immeasurable help.
Yay, someone's searching. (Don't mind me) By the way, with the new version of Shadow Keeper, the Affect is actually known now, so it's now call: Alignment Change (or something similar, Param 2 is still the same)
After changing Param 2 to zero, I have NO alignment. An interesting way to play; the game hasn't crashed (yet), but my familiar says that without an alignment I have no soul )