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Post by jennabard »


she's at a very fragile point in her life. and i for one feel very guilty for putting through it all. :(

i truly hope that she finds happiness, seeing her so changed and depressed made my heart cry. she does need a man, immy should have been mincs' dejamma. that way i know she'll be protected, with daynaher gone he will be twice as careful in keeping her safe. minsc for all his wisdom, does not make the same mistake twice.

:D had over the cookie dough ice cream and i'll not destroy the whip cream :D

by the way who or what is tia maria?
sleep takes a vacation when baby is in the house.
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Post by scully1 »

jennabard -- Tia Maria is, basically, the nectar of the gods...a liqueur that defies description...well, MY description at any rate; perhaps another can do it more justice than I...It considered a "coffee" liqueur and as far as I'm concerned the best way to enjoy it is straight with a bit of cream on top (I'm not joking...)

Go out now immediately and purchase some :)

Hey, there is hope for Imoen...she did say that the Bhaal essence is more focused on the PC, so perhaps it's only the PC's destiny...And maybe the PC will "bequeath" her and Anomen to each other upon ascending [along with a weekend getaway in Ust'Natha :D ]

[ 05-13-2001: Message edited by: loner72 ]
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Post by Georgi »

Yeah, poor Immy, tell me about it...
So did anyone else feel guilty telling Anomen that he mustn't avenge his sister's death? I mean, damn my divine soul, Irenicus had to suffer for what he did to her... Although the authorities didn't deal with him very efficiently, is that an excuse to take justice into your own hands? Damn right! As long as you're not a knight of the Order. ;)

So how far is destiny unavoidable? It's all based on the prophecies of the wise Alaundo, right? And he said that all the Bhaalspawn would do battle and kill each other until only one remained? If this is the unalterable fate of the PC, then Imoen has to die, regardless of the weaker Bhaal influence over her. If the PC can alter her destiny, then Immy doesn't have to die, the prophecy will never be fulfilled... and we all live happily ever after?

I find myself thinking of the djinn in Irenicus' dungeon, and the question he asked. Would you sacrifice yourself so that your sibling will survive? It would be an interesting final dilemma, but as a friend of mine pointed out, quite a lot of people would be quite annoyed, having put so much effort into the BG games, if it didn't all work out ok.

Quick Anomen update (man, how OT can we get?!? :D )
I reloaded the bit where he attacks Aerie, and sure enough, he killed her. I was a little surprised that there were no recriminations from the rest of the party, in fact no dialogue at all about it... I guess he spooked everyone into silence!! Not sure what would happen if Minsc had adopted Aerie as his witch...

Gives you a great opportunity to torture Anomen though (were you so inclined) - just resurrect Aerie, then the next day she will harass Anomen again, and he will kill her again... And carry on doing it, condemning him to a lifetime of being reminded about his failure in the Order :eek:
Not that I would ever do that. :D ;)

Also discovered that you don't get the option not to sleep with CN Anomen and continue the relationship. If you refuse, he ends it, and is just so sweet it makes you regret it...
"I shall find another. One day, perhaps... and I hope she will be as beautiful and alluring as you."
PC - "Awwwwwwww! No, Anomen, I didn't mean it! Come back and let me gaze on your body again! Now what did I do with that whipped cream...?" :D ;)
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Post by scully1 »

LOL!! He seems to get over you pretty quick though...
Originally posted by Georgi:
<STRONG>So did anyone else feel guilty telling Anomen that he mustn't avenge his sister's death? I mean, damn my divine soul, Irenicus had to suffer for what he did to her...</STRONG>
Yeah, really... :rolleyes:
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Post by dragon wench »

Re: Anomen, not that I'm a puritan :D but it bothers me a little that sex is made to be the penultimate goal of these relationships. Personally I think that sex is one of the most important elements of any relationship, but there are other reasons (in addition) to stay with somebody. I realise that this is only a game and that there's only so much space for programming, but is it just me who finds this aspect of the game a bit shallow?

I mean we need balance, tia-maria spiked whipped cream at night, shared goals etc. during the day. ;)

The stuff about Anomen killing Aerie is interesting. Yes, you could be really sadistic and keep on resserecting her (have him do it :D :D ). That would make him into Sisyphys sp.? (the guy in Greek myth who, for his punishment, was condemned to eternally push the boulder up the hill, just to have it roll back down upon reaching the top) Now that would be cruel! Poor Anomen, as it is he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. What a choice, kill an innocent guy, or have his father die! They've done their best to make these characters tortured haven't they?

[ 05-13-2001: Message edited by: dragon wench ]
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Post by scully1 »

[QUOTE]Originally posted by dragon wench:
<STRONG>it bothers me a little that sex is made to be the penultimate goal of these it just me who finds this aspect of the game a bit shallow?</STRONG>/QUOTE]

Yeah. :p

No, seriously...that's what I meant earlier when I complained about there not being a "wait" option. Turns out there is one but not right away, you have to give another response first ("I just came here to talk..."). You can't immediately respond with "too soon," you're not given that option. I seriously spent a few solid minutes trying to choose a response since I felt the best one was missing. It also seems that after the lovemaking, the interaction stalls somewhat (though romance is still active per se). And re shared goals etc...In the early stages Anomen does keep saying "let us find your sister and strive to seek her freedom," indicating a concern to see the PC's quest succeed, but at the same time his remarks at taking on tasks for Aran Linvail and in Hell don't show a concern for the PC's situation, only annoyance at being forced into the predicament with her. There's no "this is a bad thing but I will help you because we're in this together." Since (the LG) Anomen is so genuinely pious, it would give the romance storyline more depth I think if there was at least some kind of struggle, i.e., "I don't believe in working for thieves...I don't belong in Hell...can I sacrifice all that for this person?" Ah well...perhaps in ToB...

[ 05-13-2001: Message edited by: loner72 ]
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Post by Georgi »

I do agree, but in their defence... ok, it all happens rather fast, but I think it's partly because Anomen feels the need (especially if he failed his Test) for the PC's acceptance, and he wants to prove his love for her, and that's the only way he can conceive (no pun intended :D ) of doing it. Ok, so that's no excuse for not giving the PC an option of "I like you too Anomen but it's a bit soon". Call it another drawback to Anomen taking the dark path. You can get through the LG romance without sleeping with him. (What happens after you stop him killing Saerk is left to our imagination...)

And sex is not the very end of the romance dialogues. After sex comes... total commitment to the relationship. And to be fair, quite a lot of relationships these days happen in that order, no? And these dialogues are the same whether or not you sleep with him.

@loner72 - There isn't a "wait" option, but in the LG dialogue, Anomen accepts most of the refusal options, although he does try to convince you first. Eg. you can say "Forget it, I just want to sleep", and then "I said no and I meant it", and he will still say "As you wish, perhaps the time is not right..." The trouble is, you can't tell how he's going to react to it, there isn't a less negative-sounding rejection.

You're right about what he says about Aran Linvail and hell... They are just generic Anomen reactions though, not designed to take account of romance situations. Would have been nice if they had. I would have liked to have a dialogue option there, something like "I don't like it either, Anomen, but if this is what it takes to rescue Imoen and find Irenicus, then I have little choice."
And then him realising he was being a pig-headed man, apologising and offering to make it up to you with a lot of whipped cream :D

I like the pre-final-battle speech though
:o :)

I think Bioware just didn't realise how popular the romance stuff was going to be...
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Post by scully1 »

@Georgi -- thanks for clarifying :)

Well there SHOULD be a less negative-sounding rejection!! That was my point...there are only absolutes provided: it's either "yes right away" or "YOU MASHER!!!" ;) All I'm saying is they should have given us a middle ground option, kind of a gentle letdown. Especially for the straightlaced paladins ;) "Gee, Anomen, I feel the same way about you but I'm really not ready for this JUST YET." What's wrong with that, eh Bioware?? It's realistic, isn't it? (I don't know, maybe it isn't...the relationship thing and I aren't real well-acquainted, to say the least :o ...)

And I'm old-fashioned, so I was a little surprised when the sex happened before the commitment...I would have liked to see it reversed...but that's just me: a lonesome specimen from the fossil record :D
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Post by Georgi »

Yeah, I do know what you mean...

Maybe we should bring it to Bioware's attention? I think they would be pleased to get an email about Anomen that said something other than "he sucks, and why don't we get another choice as romance, it's so unfaaaaaaaaiiiiir!"
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Post by scully1 »

@Georgi -- good idea, but perhaps that would be shutting the barn door after the horse has run out? (Or however that expression goes...) Maybe we could all write a collective e-mail and sign it "Sincerely, Anomen's Harem" :D

[ 05-13-2001: Message edited by: loner72 ]
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Post by Georgi »

Yeah, it's not really likely that they'll do anything about it now, but they might appreciate the feedback so they know what women want!

Damn, I wish I was more of a techie, it would be cool to write a mod to make Anomen more agreeable :)

Maybe we should rename this thread "Anomen Appreciation Society"! :D ;)
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Post by dragon wench »

"Anomen's Harem" I like that. Do you suppose that we could create multiple "Razors"?
The poor dear wouldn't just be writhing, he'd likely slip into an altered plane of existence.
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Post by scully1 »

With the upgrade the Razor can make up to 3 duplicates of itself, but the duplicates only last for 10 rounds.

Well, everyone else has all these guilds and brotherhoods and such...why can't we be Anomen's Harem? :p

We'd better behave or Buck will shut us down...

*bows* w/all respect to Buck, bien sur ;)

[ 05-13-2001: Message edited by: loner72 ]
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Post by Drakron Du´Dark »

Anomen most powerful foe killed:

- Waterdeep city constrution.

- Shadowdale low level adventure module.

- Rashmare /Thay high level adventure module.
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Post by scully1 »

@Drakon -- right on :)

Did he sling or spell Firkragg to death? I'm always interested in dragon strategy.
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Post by Drakron Du´Dark »

Its was a dificult fight, Anomen did have 6 lv spells and Aerie had about 3 "lower resistence" spells.
I got Anomen (Sir Anomen, WIS does give more spells slots) with all the "Holy Smites" that he could get and Aerie will all of those and about 3 "Lower Resistence"(she had the "Robe of Vecna"....good thing that the robe look will be changed in ToB, it will now look as a "Robe of the ....Archmage"
Battle started by Aerie launching "lower restistance" and after that it was Aerie and Sir Anomen using the "holy Smite" spell until Aerie run out of those and she launced "magic missiles" but she only got two ("contigence" spell") and at that time the dragon was at "badly injured" statues (my fighters could not even hit him.....not even with the dragon killing weapons) Sir Anomen casted one or two more and dead dragon.
Not easy but my Figther/Mage also got a couple of "Magic Missiles" in a "contigence" trigger just in case but I wanted for Sir Anomen get the kill.

[ 05-13-2001: Message edited by: Drakron Du´Dark ]
- Waterdeep city constrution.

- Shadowdale low level adventure module.

- Rashmare /Thay high level adventure module.
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Post by dragon wench »

Holy Smite is one of my favourite spells. It's also very effective on those damn umberhulks in Nalia's Castle (I never seem able to find all the dog meat). About 3 Smites and they're toast, even with a low level party. I love the way that clerics and druids have so many good offensive spells in BG2 (as opposed to the original game). Combined with a good tank lke Anomen, and watch out nasties. (just wish you could euip him with the robe of vecna). Although, not sure I'd want him too hastened.......
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Post by Georgi »

@DW - :eek: :D if you mean what I think you do...

I just have a problem with dragons. Even with a few lower res. spells, holy might only seems to do about 25 damage. I've never been able to kill a dragon in an honourable way!

So, fellow Harem members, I think we need a signature, any suggestions? ;)

BTW, I've got a fence in Athkatla who can get us a plentiful supply of double chocolate and tia maria flavour squirty cream for our inaugural ceremony... at a price :D
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Post by scully1 »

My problem is that I can never get any spells out since my characters for some reason need to walk right up to about four yards away from the dragon in order to cast :rolleyes: and of course Wing Buffet always gets them. [Hey...wing buffet...sounds like a salad bar full of spicy chicken...Firkragg throws buckets of buffalo wings at the party?!...that would explain the red dragon breath :D ]

My mind is blank regarding a sig...I'll have to sleep on it...
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Post by Georgi »

I really, really hate wing buffet! I can never get a tank close enough for long enough to do very much damage... And even if my mages stand well back, after the first WB, they are all blown back, the dragon comes forward to attack, and then there's nowhere to hide from it. *sigh*
At least it's possible to get away without having to fight most of the dragons.
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