Dear Craig,
I'm so sorry for having neglected my duties as investigator of your psychological health (or rather, lack thereof). However, after previous examinations and a long period of observation of your behaviour, my conclusions are as follows:
Anamnesia: We have here a young human specimen of male gender, called Craig. During the time our patient has spent on GB, many interesting notifications have been made. Not only does our patient have pointed ears and an affinity for eating live frogs, he has also reports having a blue aura around him, and identifies himself with Brink.
He has also shown clear signs of perseveration ( ie a tendency to repeat a monotonous behaviour over and over again), as manifested in his spumping of this thread. .
Without question, the most prominent symptom Craig shows, is his highly unusual language functions. Although vaguely reminiscent of the English language, this young man seems to have developed a language of his own, incomprehensible to anyone save Weasel, who has sometimes acted as interpretor for Craig.
Findings: Initial routine investigation of Craig's brain, revealed no extraordinaty findings. We should however not be deceived by this superficial normality - deeper analysis of images obtained with brain-scanning, show highly abnormal functioning. Therefore, it is no surprise that the personality tests reveal a morbid nature, fascinated with macabre things like death, body parts, viscera and waste products.
The pointy ears, which I first suspected was a sign of exposure to environmental toxins during early childhood, turned out to be self-inflicted. Self-mutilation is a serious symptom, and analysis of Craig's learning pattern, made it is obvious that our young patient has learned this behaviour by social model learning from Waverly, who is known to suffer from a severe self-mutilation condition. Although Craig's behaviour is in no way as dramatic and harmful as Waverly's, it is of outmost importance to assure that self-destructive acts do not develop further. Craig must at all cost be protected from the dangerous and destructive influences from Waverly, and here we face a problematic issue.
A DNA analysis revealed that Craig is indeed - horror of all horrors - the hybrid offspring of Weasel and Waverly. How this miraculous reproductive event could happen is unfortunately beyond present scientific knowledge, but future developement in the area of artificial life, might provide an explanation to this frightening result. In the meantime, speculation in the nature of Craig's conception is contraindicated, since such thoughts would rapidly induce a dramatic decline of the general health on this board.
Treatment: The combination of our patient's youth, his strivings to distance himself from Waverly and his high learning ability, make the treatment prognosis good. A healthy development for Craig can be obtained by making sure Craig does not spend time alone with Waverly, and the introduction of stable and sane social models. Therefore, I recommend that Weasel and his COMM:ers take custody of Craig, and focus on helping Craig develop his communication abilities. Perhaps Fable could be conviced to act as a consultant in Craig's language skill development. In addition to this, a series of 12 Electrocuting treatment sessions is, as always, indicated. Should the patient survive this treatment, I further recommend that responsible persons like Thantor and Yshania keep an eye on Craig so that he does not fall victim for Waverly's future manipulations.