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Class Action Lawsuit

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Stormfront Studios' Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor.
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Post by Shortstack »

There is something there about returning the product for a refund that nobody is even thinking about so far..I think the main reason they won't just take the game back is because they risk the chance that you had the cd burned to another cd and are just looking for free money. I personally see no grounds for sueing anyone over this problem, there is no case. I personally see nothing wrong with the game other than occasionally the game throws me to the desktop. And as for an AD&D game, I don't know how "right on" it is to that genre, but from someone that never cared about being some numbnuts that ended up acting in real life that they are some kind of dwarven something or other (I have seen it happen lots of times throughout my years in school) I think this is a pretty interesting game, it is slow, but it is fun.
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Post by WebShaman »

Well, I can sympathize with Dark Karma, it took a long time to get the game to work somewhat on my pc. Haven't had that problem with any other pc game as of yet.

What bothers me are the
a) bugs, there are just to many of them. Very sloppy quality control.

b) The reactions from Ubi soft. Esp. on the boards (I'm active in another forum, and have experienced that people that complained about the game got the boot. This type of arrogance is disturbing. I'm not against booting people who deserve to be booted, but for stating thier opinion of the game? That goes to far, IMHO).

c) I feel that Ubi should have invested either more time in the creation process, or made it evident what the game is really like. By doing this, they would have decreased the amount of dis-satisfied customers, IMHO.

As to my reaction to the game - I've finished it, it wasn't all that bad, but...many problems and poor support. At times (rarely) the game shined. Mostly, however, it was a long, tedious trot from a to b. Much of my thinking processes were involved in how to get around various bugs. What disturbs me the most in the game, is the totally inadequate challenge. The AI is sadly lacking, I guess Ubi tried to make up for that with the die-roll 'cheating'. Combined with some of the most ridiculously powerful items combinations I've ever experienced (outside of FF series), the game quickly becomes a long series of 'see monster, kill monster - next room' trot.

Where the game, IMHO, shines, are the Overland maps, which made for a nice change. Well done, detailed, and contributed to the atmosphere of Myth Drannor. Also, the encounter with Bergos and Co., was very challenging (wish there had been more...). The small side-quest to rescue Beriand was very exciting, the only time in my game where the cult actually used intelligent tactics. The side-quests were enjoyable (to a point - most were very 'buggy' for me, but solvable).

All in all, I would never buy this game. I got it as a christmas present, and am very glad I didn't purchase it. I am shocked that a company like Ubi (which I had only respect for in the past), could make such a monumental mistake. I hope they learn from this, and take the experience learned? to heart. If not, I believe we won't see much of Ubi in the future. After all, in the end, the consumers determine the make-or-break line.
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Post by goldhawaii »

With all due respect DarkKarma, as I will spare any unnecessary rhetoric, I think your sob story is boring. The appeal to pity crap, and your attempt to forming a bandwagon is not going to go anywhere. You are among the 2% that has had serious issues with this "game." Just a game. You had your chance to get your money back I suppose when you purchased the game and tried to install it. If it didn't work then it didn't work. You simply try to get your money back, but if you cannot then take it up the a** like a prison gentleman. Next time try the demo first. I will admit the game has bugs. But I run Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and am not having any issues. I should have issues says Ubisoft, but I am not.
I am not trying to bash you or form some sort of anti-DarkKarma bandwagon. I just honestly think you don't have a chance in court. I'll quote you verbatim, " I take those few dollars that I may not have available for a while again and purchase in good faith what I believe to be a working product." Look bro I purchase a lot of things in good faith. I swear to God half the things I buy do not work. I honestly do not know why this happens to me. Now I do research on the product prior to purchase, and that saves me a lot of problems. I bet the information was already out there regarding POR's respective bugs. In a court of law this will act as leverage, and you will lose. From my own experience, and what I gathered online, the emersive game play blows away any of the bugs. Try selling the game to a buddy, figure out what on your computer is conflicting or causing the issue, or waste what little time you've got *****in' and moaning about a computer game. This also goes for everyone else. If you have little money this should make you that much more weary and apprehensive. Buy a dart board, or a Scrabble board if you are worried about proficiency. Consumer beware and good luck. I am going to return to playing POR, which is definitely one of the "better" games I have played.
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