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Your oppinion on the meaning of life.

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Post by Vicsun »

Ok, there's another of my crazed theories:

Life does not have a meaning. It has been created by pure chance when oxygen hydrogen and God knows what else got mixed together...
Vicsun, I certainly agree with your assertion that you are an unpleasant person. ~Chanak

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Post by Onyx »

Please tell me this is one of your many more theories to came :D
Maybe he also added BBQ sause.


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Post by Vicsun »

Originally posted by Onyx
Please tell me this is one of your many more theories to came :D
Maybe he also added BBQ sause.

I like BBQ sause. :p :D
Vicsun, I certainly agree with your assertion that you are an unpleasant person. ~Chanak

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Post by frogus »

Life does not have a meaning. It has been created by pure chance when oxygen hydrogen and God knows what else got mixed together...

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Post by AbysmalNature »

Life is meaningless, only the meaning we ascribe to it is what we think defines it's meaning.

The meaning of life is simple life, to live, to experience new things, to love and to hate, to hurt and not hurt, to feel and not feel. To live life in all its intricacies, twists and turns, to fall down and get right back up. To be miserable and happy, just surviving or really living. To have sex or no sex, procreation or just plain fun. Life is just about life, and nothing else could more accurately feel what I say describes the meaning of life.
I care not for endings or beginnings, but for the eternal and infinite spaces of the universe, and for the endless exploration of eternity, and mysteries which I will find plumbing the infinite depths.

"Do not turn inward to find peace and wisdom, turn outward instead to find liberation from the narrow boundaries of self", quote from Gary Paul Nabhan, paraphrased of course

"When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong" quote from Arthur C. Clarke, thought it was interesting.

Tips on living longer: eat right, exercise, and yes castrate yourself, eunuchs live longer then normal people.
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