Power Word, Silence him before he get ANY thing off...
It CAN be done, in the message box it goes:
Jon Irenicus- Silence
And yet 6 seconds later he is done casting time stop and other nasty spells...
he seems very fond of maze *grumble*
So silence doesnt work...
I have tried on liches, mages, i even used the horn of silence on those annoying quasits in Watchers Keep that keeps causing wild surges (i know this is a BG II SoA forum but since you can acces Watchers keep from SoA im posintg anyway, besides it wont kill you that this palce contains info on ToB) to no effect whatsoever!
Also the best tactic to killing liches was just using incindary cloud targetted somewhere in front of them, since there is no spell protection against 'area effect' spells (asides from stuff like protection from fire etc.) it killed them almost instantly, what with the being mages and having NO hps at all
But apparently that only works with "unnamed liches"
With "named" liches and spell casters etc. it just goes in the message box:
Thakrintiz casts Incindary Cloud
Autopause: Spell cast
Kangaxx- Spell Ineffective
Well thats really informative!
There is NO way that they can resist that!
Liches may be immune to electricity, cold, and acid but not fire, dammit!
I have encountered many other similar "errors" but i have, no matter how hard i think the message box through, check the manual, read the monstrous manual for 3rd edition, i havent found a logical solution to this!
Also the THAC0 is not exactly right....
My 14lvl Priest of Talos/27lvl Mage has a base THAC0 of about 10, now weilding Crom Faeyr, the "real" THAC0 is at -1, and against a War Dog (animal summoning I) i have to spend around 6 rounds trying to hit the bastard! (reason i summoned one in the first place was to study the THAC0) Also for that purpose i had set it to display To Hit Rolls, and it works fine, overlooking that it ONLY displays your own characters to hit rolls when they actually hit something! Other monsters To Hit Rolls are displayed whether they hit or not!
And it also states that i have 1 attack pr round, however when i count to 6 (one round) i have attacked at least 3 times...
With improved haste i also attack at least three times, even though it states that i now have 2 attacks pr. round....
Please if you know ANYTHING about these topics: