Now the original spell: Contingency, can contain one spell of 1 spell level pr. 3 character lvls, to a max of 6th spell level
meaning that when you are lvl 18 the contingency will be able to contain a spell from 1st-6th level
HOWEVER with Chain Contingency, which can contain spells of any level, you _should_ be able to set 9th lvl spells in it at lvl 27 mage, but i can only go to 8th lvl, which pretty much disrupts all my clever plans of making eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil contingencies
(Hence 3(character lvl)*9(spell lvl) = 27)
,,What are you planning, Shalifi? If you choose to turn your back on the world and everything within it there is only one thing left!"
,,Yes, apprentice, you are right."
,,But it's madness, Shalifi!"
,,It's possible! It is only you who cannot grasp the idea of becomming a divine presence, Fool!"
The description of chain contingency explains that only up to 8th level spells are allowed, although timestop, improved alacrity and perhaps mislead would be nice to have for a rainy day...