cellar 3rd level statues
cellar 3rd level statues
need a bit of help here, I've gone through this bit 3 times now trying various ways, I.E picking up common items and placing them correctly to get Magic items. taking magic item first, then placing common item. and by picking up nothing, each time I have gotten to the next to the last room and the statues have come alive and cannot be killed or even targeted. any answers? 
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Try to give the right items first and then take what it's inside. Or start from the last room the giving/taking thing.
"When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong."
Buckminster Fuller
Buckminster Fuller
Ok, this is a known bug - the golems 'come to life' when they are not supposed to, therefore, they can't be killed (though curisouly enough, they can be damaged, but only by magic - strange bug). How to put a stop to it? You will notice that this strange bug occurs when ever you a) fight the wraiths by a door b) you try turning them c) you use magic against them. Simply open a door, and wait for the enemy to come to you. Do not turn, do not use magic. After the fight, save immediately. Continue using this technique until you succeed in reaching the last room. After that, you can fight the golems normally, the xp is not bad.
You may have to reload a couple of times, sometimes the wraiths get 'stuck' in a door, and that sometimes 'activates the golems. Hope that helps...
You may have to reload a couple of times, sometimes the wraiths get 'stuck' in a door, and that sometimes 'activates the golems. Hope that helps...
Thank you for your help, thats pretty much exactly what I did, fight/save to get through it. as for the experiance... well....... I must admit I have been using poredit to advance my characters most at this time are already 16/16 <sheepish grin> had to restart once already after the pump station, possible bug, after offing the arracats and "looking" at dead prisoner, she disappeared and I didn't get the pump working.
oh well means I flew through the dungeon levels rapidly the second time through and am having fun in the cellars now lol. again thanks for the tip and will be posting ??'s as they stump me in the fuiture
oh well means I flew through the dungeon levels rapidly the second time through and am having fun in the cellars now lol. again thanks for the tip and will be posting ??'s as they stump me in the fuiture
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Why do you use the xp cheat in an already easy game? Well, it is your game, so do whatever you want. Personally, I had no real problems with the game without editing my characters, so...
One thing that would interest me, is all the items in the game (especially the multi game). Anybody know? In the multi game, I've ran into items that are pretty ridiculous in power, just wondering what the best ones are.
One thing that would interest me, is all the items in the game (especially the multi game). Anybody know? In the multi game, I've ran into items that are pretty ridiculous in power, just wondering what the best ones are.
well... you are right in that it is a much easier game than I anticipated when I D/L the editor I got the editor mainly to edit stats to reflect characters I had back when D&D was a bit more popular LOL I still have some old character sheets from back in the late seventies.
As for the mutiplayer game or even an items list, maybe next time I go through the game I'll make a list of what items are where along with what items/treasure you get after what battles. myself I haven't tried multiplayer yet, don't even know if its something that I can try w/o going online or being hooked up to a net. If it is solely a net thing then I won't be doing the multi as I have 2 systems one for games and such the other for business, guess which ones hooked to the cable modem, ok thats enough rambling from me, we now return you to your normally scheduled broadcast.
As for the mutiplayer game or even an items list, maybe next time I go through the game I'll make a list of what items are where along with what items/treasure you get after what battles. myself I haven't tried multiplayer yet, don't even know if its something that I can try w/o going online or being hooked up to a net. If it is solely a net thing then I won't be doing the multi as I have 2 systems one for games and such the other for business, guess which ones hooked to the cable modem, ok thats enough rambling from me, we now return you to your normally scheduled broadcast.
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Thanks Shaman, will let you know if I need assist, on the "prison lvl now, shouldn't be to much left of the game before the end I guess, then I'll see what multi offers
quick question, after game ends can you go back to complete unfinished quests? I.E water bells, Life spring wells.
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Yes, after defeating the last end boss, you can then go back and finished any uncompleted quests. I finshed the game with all quests complete, so didn't really have to. However, be sure to visit plimshee (the water naiad) afterwards, she has something interesting to give to you.
One more thing - if you are planning to play the multi game, be aware that you cannot take the NPC's with you. That means that all the items that they are holding are lost for the multi game. To get around that, transfer all the items back to your characters BEFORE you start the multi game. This will save you a lot of fustration (though you will find most of the items again, in the multi game, it just takes longer...). This happened to me. I found out that even if you go back into the single game, and remove all the items from the NPC's and save, that still doesn't make any difference. In the multi game menu, the characters can only be saved once from the single game, apparently.
Also, because you can't take the NPC's with you, you will have to create new characters to take into your party to fill their place...and, of course, these new characters all start at 1st level. However, the xp's are awarded 'normally' in the multi game, and the monsters that one fights in the multi game is dependant on the total party level, whcih means you can advance the new characters rather quickly. Whcih is kinda fun...you can try out all the different class combinations and see what works, and what doesn't, without having to spend tons of time on it. And of course the encounters are 'easier' in this regard, because it takes an average of all character levels, making it much easier for your high level characters to munch the monsters...great xp's for low level characters without risk...just don't let them fight for awhile...
One more thing - if you are planning to play the multi game, be aware that you cannot take the NPC's with you. That means that all the items that they are holding are lost for the multi game. To get around that, transfer all the items back to your characters BEFORE you start the multi game. This will save you a lot of fustration (though you will find most of the items again, in the multi game, it just takes longer...). This happened to me. I found out that even if you go back into the single game, and remove all the items from the NPC's and save, that still doesn't make any difference. In the multi game menu, the characters can only be saved once from the single game, apparently.
Also, because you can't take the NPC's with you, you will have to create new characters to take into your party to fill their place...and, of course, these new characters all start at 1st level. However, the xp's are awarded 'normally' in the multi game, and the monsters that one fights in the multi game is dependant on the total party level, whcih means you can advance the new characters rather quickly. Whcih is kinda fun...you can try out all the different class combinations and see what works, and what doesn't, without having to spend tons of time on it. And of course the encounters are 'easier' in this regard, because it takes an average of all character levels, making it much easier for your high level characters to munch the monsters...great xp's for low level characters without risk...just don't let them fight for awhile...
Wow, thanks for the heads-up about the NPC items getting ummm... lost. That in itself most likely wouldn't be a tragedy for mine, I didn't give them much more than better armor to keep from having to constantly ressurect them, but I'll definately "strip" them before last save, just in case. its good to know that I can go back and finish un completed quests as I blew by several on this second attempt to see why I couldn't get to the catacombs, for some reason one the first try I did something wrong at the pump staion so that the "pool" didn't retreat, oh well practice makes perfect. as for the Multi game, I did give it a 5 min. check the other day and while there is of course NO story line to it, its fun for just hack and slash. The only thing I don't like about it is that there is no treasure distribution screen, makes it a pain to find out what the heck you just picked up. I understand WHY they have it that way, just that I don't like it, personal opinion.
And as a personal aside, I visited your web site, and as I don't speak very much German at all, I very much liked your navagational graphic and was wondering if you designed it your self or if it was part of a set you picked up somewhere. And am still trying to figure out how the "mouseover" on one image/cell affects/ activates a different image/cell. Oh well one day I'll be intelligent too, most likely the day that I get run down by a very large truck, LOL. Have a great day and thanks for all the info.
And as a personal aside, I visited your web site, and as I don't speak very much German at all, I very much liked your navagational graphic and was wondering if you designed it your self or if it was part of a set you picked up somewhere. And am still trying to figure out how the "mouseover" on one image/cell affects/ activates a different image/cell. Oh well one day I'll be intelligent too, most likely the day that I get run down by a very large truck, LOL. Have a great day and thanks for all the info.
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No, I designed it myself, that's one of the 'perks' of being a web designer. As for english, if you click on the english flag (over here in europe, an english flag normally means english language), you'll see the site in english. Most of what is there is all experimental, just a place I use to try out new, interesting stuff. As for the tuts, there are so many tuts in english, I'm not really sure if I should convert them. Here in germany, it's hard to find good tuts written in german, so that's really where I decided to concentrate.
I'm working on a re-design, but it will take awhile, even though the interface is done, I still need to re-organize the content better. Someday I'll get around to it...
BTW - that with the treasure distribution disturbs me too, but heck, I can accept that, at least the game doesn't crash to the desktop every so often, and the monsters are more challenging.
As for storyline...did the single player even have one? I think I remember that it did, but that thought has long since gone to the place of all lonely thoughts...too much hack-n-slash, dull, boring dungeon crawls, that bunch of undead that looks exactly like the last 5096 encounters....
I'm working on a re-design, but it will take awhile, even though the interface is done, I still need to re-organize the content better. Someday I'll get around to it...
BTW - that with the treasure distribution disturbs me too, but heck, I can accept that, at least the game doesn't crash to the desktop every so often, and the monsters are more challenging.
As for storyline...did the single player even have one? I think I remember that it did, but that thought has long since gone to the place of all lonely thoughts...too much hack-n-slash, dull, boring dungeon crawls, that bunch of undead that looks exactly like the last 5096 encounters....