In BG 1, you could draw out one guy before even seeing Sarevok, then you could cast Fireball at max range a few hundred times to kill off another mage, then you didn't even have to expose and activate the last mage. Then Sarevok was killed using lots of arrows of detonation and finally some sword thrusts (but he was hard as nails, he STILL managed to down Khalid, and was just starting on Minsc when he died). This was a lot less exciting than my attempt to kill him charging with about 50 Gnolls, all of which were killed with about 4 enemy spells

Actually in BG, the first time I won the last fight, just as Sarevok died, my character was struck down from behind by a Doom Knight. Man did I swear

Once you won though you got a short end sequence, which had several potential meanings, and that was it.
BG2, you got a much better deal. It wasn't too hard to win (but once you know you're at the end, do you want ot be there forever?), but you got lots of heroic sayings thrown in to add to the drama (very sweet), then you had to trade spells, and the only reason it wasn't harder was because of the weak AI (which doesn't understand the concept of magic resistance).
The end sequence though was great. You actually got to see a little of the aftermath, and then the cinematics guys seemed to have a bout of "Look what we can do!" as they got bored with swinging cameras around locations and went for some full body animation. The lip synch was awsome! Though they looked a bit too much like liquid

Anyway, it left it open, it almost screamed sequel (cool) which made me happy.
What did you think?

And why was the "Final save" made BEFORE you got all those great stat bonuses?
"Well since you asked, I would like to register a complaint. I want to kill a dragon. Right now. No, don't look. Go kill one now. Go find one and kill it. Right now. That would be SO cool" - Lilarcor