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MOD's are confusing....

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal expansion pack.
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MOD's are confusing....

Post by chanser69 »

Ok *sigh* where to begin.... I WANT the improved slayer changes... and i want the bhaal powers given by the challengers... thats all i care about... now i know this has something to do with ascension... BUT i know ascension has alot to do with improved battles... now i'm thinking... i barely killed Yaga-Shura... had to revive some ppl afterwards... do i really want to make it harder? no... not on the first time through the game.... lol.

I was wondering if Ascension does include the harder battles or if those are separate addons?

Also... I found the zip where you can change your pocket plane so you get the bhaal powers with each challenge and thats installed... but i read somewhere that you can get it so your slayer change is different at 2million xp, 4 million, and 6 million... with the last allowing you to change into "the ravager" the ultimate bhaal incarnation or something along those lines. Is that included in ascension only? Is it separate? Does anyone have more information on that cause i don't really know.

Any help on my 2 questions would be greatly appreciated as i am just about to take on the second challenge now. Thanks.
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Post by Baldursgate Fan »

I believe the attachment is what you are looking for. I got it off
Baldurdash's site; description as follows:

"Bhaalpowers Addition allows the player to gain new abilities after completing each challenge in the Abyssal Pocket Plane that were originally planned; they abilities will appear under the "special ability" icon and which ones are received depend on the dialog with the Solar prior to each challenge. As David Gaider explained: "We originally had planned out some Bhaalspawn powers that the player would accumulate after doing the challenges in the pocket plane. It was scrapped because it was thought that these extra abilities plus all the high-level abilities would get too confusing. All of the abilities are still in the game, though, so it was minor scripting to add them back in for those people who would like to try them." As the abilities were originally by designer intention, and removed only because of possible confusion and not due to throwing off game balance, they can be called a "tweak." The most recent (minor) update adds the full descriptions of the abilities into the ReadMe, as several players were wondering what the abilities did."
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Post by chanser69 »

yeah thats the one i already got.... or is the upgraded slayer-ravager included in that? or is that separate? thats what i was wondering
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Post by Baldursgate Fan »

It's included. The answer is to be found in the Bioware forum.

Hope that helps.
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Post by nightshift001 »

Im not 100% sure on this but i think the upgraded slayer/ravager ability is only on the ascention happens once the player reaches a certain level.....
ascention also gives powers after each challenge room but they are different to the bhaal powers download mentioned above.
As u said tho ...dont try ascention until youve beaten the game a least a few times....
If u wanna be the ravager u must ascend i think.
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Post by Quitch »

The Slayer upgrades are Ascension only.

Ascension includes the Bhaalpowers update, and Improved Balthazar.

Ascension makes the last battle a lot harder.

Ascension does not modify any other battle.
Past: Ascension
Present: The Broken Hourglass
Future: Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship
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