Imagine what they are going to throw at us to reach 8,000,000 XP!
Obviously, a simple dragon won't do anymore. We'll just slice that one too. A nest of dragons would be nice.
There are rumors about a quest that involves around dragons. I like the sound of that.
Balors, demi-liches, drow, mind flayers, dragons, beholders... We've had it all.
Now to all D&D fanatics, I ask you this:
What kind of monster out there could still be challenging?
I have a few suggestions myself.
Tarrasque: in 3E D&D this thing is supposed to have 45 STR, this could be cool to fight.
But most of all:
Dracolich: isn't this supposed to be the toughest creature in the D&D campaign setting? I mean, a dragon in lich form! Whoa baby! Hope there's one of those in ToB!
We've faced lots of extraplanar creatures in BG2, but it's on the Prime Material. Facing a Balor on it's home turf will be MUCH tougher than facing him on the Prime. Wait until you meet the Balor's big boss man!
Personally, I want to hunt down SPELLJAMMER.
Lil alurl velve zhah lil velkyn uss...
Your friendly neighborhood
Drow in Sunglasses,
Jhareth of house Noquar
Lil alurl velve zhah lil velkyn uss...
Your friendly neighborhood
Drow in sunglasses,
Jhareth of house Noquar
Tarrasque is way to powerful for a mortal, except a lv.40 person. The tarrasque is more powerful than a draco lich but im not sure. I'd like to have a dragon flight with 3 or 4 dragons. They could also have some giants like fire giants. Also some demon lords and their minions. Maybe u could participate in war. The whole map area would be covered with the firendly army and the enemies. A war between the drow and surface elves and you fight for a certain side depending on your alignment. A draco lich would be cool. Its worth the xp of the dragon + some more. More species of dragon? I've seen a pic of a blue dragon. Green dragons, yellow dragons, wyrms, a deep dragon?(its not that powerful but it would be fun)
[url=""]Blades of Banshee[/url] Are you up to the challenge?
yeah, more dragons certainly will be cooler. that is as long as they are not like the green dragon. yeah and I think we should fight a tarrasque and maybe Cyric himself!!
Nick_Dude is a proud member of the Shadow Mages. All who stand in Shadow Mages' way will fall!!
Realistically, I think the enemies will be more of the (demi-)humanoid spellcaster type, as they are the only things to provide a challenge (with the proper AI). How about a Tarrasqolich? If that's what it's doesn't matter, as long as its the Tarrasque in lich form!
The world's foremost authority on the throwing of dwarves, halflings, and gnomes.
"I was talking aloud to myself. A habit of the aged: they choose the wisest person present to speak to." - Gandalf
No tarrasque lich doesn't exist. Some fans made it up. A tarrasque has animal intellignece(1) so its impossible to make it a lich. There is only 1 tarrasque in the prime material plane and there is no undead or vampiric version. A tarrasque is hard enough, why want something which is immposible to kill?
[url=""]Blades of Banshee[/url] Are you up to the challenge?
from what i've been reading, you'll only get to level 40 if you play through, import char, repeat. like getting to level 30 in HoW. i think playing through the first time will be very challenging, especially if they fix the AI to avoid letting players use tactics like casting cloud kill just out of sight of a dragon. i've always loved the really tough battles where you really need to use tactics to win, and i'm sure ToB will have plenty of these.
As long as there's more challenge than in BG2
There's no drows anywhere near this pla...
No, you're overlooking one vital quest they embedded the beginning of in BG2. It's a quest to take down (or, possibly, rescue) a mad lich-bard, a singer that refuses to die, or at least to get everyone to admit that he's dead.
The clue for this is in the Five Flagons Inn, where this lich-bard has left records of his power (and maybe other records, too... you'll have to interrogate Thunderburp).
Quite simply, I'm talking about the quest to find Elvis the lich-bard!
Warning: Elvis is likely to be a level 35 character! Do not approach while you have food in your inventory!
Colossal Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 48d10+576 (840 hp)
Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 35 (-8 size, +3 Dex, +30 natural)
Attacks: Bite +57 melee, 2 horns +52 melee, 2 claws +52 melee, tail slap +52 melee
Damage: Bite 4d8+17, horn 1d10+8, claw 1d12+8, tail slap 3d8+8
Face/Reach: 40 ft. by 40 ft./25 ft.
Special Attacks: Frightful presence, rush, improved grab, swallow whole, augmented criticals
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 25/+5, carapace, immunities, regeneration 40, scent, SR 32
Saves: Fort +38, Ref +29, Will +20
Abilities: Str 45, Dex 16, Con 35, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 14
Skills: Listen +21, Spot +21
Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will
Climate/Terrain: Any land
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Level: 20
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 49+ HD (Colossal)
Frightful Presence (Su): The tarrasque can inspire terror by charging or attacking. Affected creatures must succeed at a Will save (DC 26) or become shaken, remaining shaken until they leave the area of effect.
Rush (Ex): Once per minute, the normally slow-moving tarrasque can move at a speed of 150 feet.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the tarrasque must hit a Huge or smaller opponent with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can try to swallow the foe.
Swallow Whole (Ex): The tarrasque can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Huge or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d8+8 points of crushing damage plus 2d8+6 points of acid damage per round from the tarrasque’s digestive juices. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by dealing 50 points of damage to the tarrasque’s digestive tract (AC 20). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The tarrasque’s gullet can hold two Huge, four Large, eight Medium-size, or sixteen Small or smaller creatures.
Augmented Criticals (Ex): The tarrasque threatens a critical hit on a natural attack roll of 18-20, dealing triple damage on a successful critical hit.
Carapace (Ex): The tarrasque’s armorlike carapace is exceptionally tough and highly reflective, deflecting all rays, lines, cones, and even magic missile spells. There is a 30% chance of reflecting any such effect back at the caster; otherwise, it is merely negated. Check for reflection before rolling to overcome the creature’s spell resistance.
Immunities (Ex): The tarrasque has fire, poison, and disease immunity.
Regeneration (Ex): No form of attack deals normal damage to the tarrasque. The tarrasque regenerates even if disintegrated or slain with death magic: These attack forms merely reduce it to -10 hit points. It is immune to effects that produce incurable or bleeding wounds, such as a sword of wounding, mummy rot, or a clay golem’s wound ability. The tarrasque can be permanently slain only by reducing it to -30 hit points and using a wish or miracle spell to keep it dead. If the tarrasque loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 1d6 minutes (the detached piece dies and decays normally). The creature can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.
Skills: The tarrasque receives a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.
I want to fight one of those!
------------------ The Pope, known in the Realms as Gabriel, is a Proud Member of the Brotherhood of the Woods
Maybe developers can arrange some kind of competition on net and pick 5 or 6 best PC’s and put them in ToB as one (evil) or two (evil+good or neutral) gang.
okay, its been along time since I've played AD&D and frankly I've neverheard of the Tarrasque. In fact, back then, the highest HPs anyone could have was 400 (and those were major deities).
But as far as this goes, I'd say what about the "creeping doom" 7th level druid spell (that I think did some 1000 or so points of damage, although it may have been poison) or the trusty sphere of annihilation or even the arrow of slaying Tarrasque.
I really would want to move away from the Big Kahuna theory and more into the mass fight arena. My favorite stuff on BG1 is the major fights where I'm fighting several guys (not unlike the Rune Gang).
Originally posted by the Elfstone: from what i've been reading, you'll only get to level 40 if you play through, import char, repeat. like getting to level 30 in HoW...
No, this is impossible. If there is enough xp's around in TOB to allow a big party of 5-6 to acheive levels 25 across the board, there is certainly enough for a soloing character to hit 40 reasonably soon, or a small party of 2-3 to hit 30 or much higher on their first run through the game. I'm not saying soloing will be possible: it may be too tough (I hope it is). But 2 characters may be powerful enough, and will rack up lots of xps.
Even in BGII a small party (2-3) maxes out quickly (Chapter 5 or so). Soloing you "max out" in Chapter 2-3.
Note that certain classes, like Monk and Bard, which have much flatter experience curves that other classes (especially mages), have a big advantage. I don't know what the experience tables will look like for sure, but it is not unreasonable(given the xp trend) that if a 17th level mage=23 level bard, a 20th level mage= 28th level bard, a 25th level mage = 35+ level Bard, etc. Monks will move up a little more slowly I suspect.
If special bonuses ARE granted to 30th level+ characters, it will be interesting to see how this tips the scales from multi-classing to pure single-classing.