ok cool guys
we got some members and now we can become a very powerfull guild and concer all!!!!!!1 mwhahahahahaa
ok enough of that
@jon-e-boy great good questions
i think that backstep is better then traps expecially when u have poison-wapon it really defastates mages and other human enemy's
I don't know if a assassin or a bouthy hunter is better.
I play a assassin and i played a lot with yoshimo.
And the special trapss are really cool, killed all the golems in d'arnis keep.
But the poison is also a really good abillaty, when u did just not enough dammage with your backstab the poinos is always a good finisher.
about the equipment i have:
daystar and arbane's sword i do use dual weilding and spended points on long/short sword scimeltar and katana.
ring of human influence/invis/pick locks, shadow armor/nights gift, boots of stealth/speed, cloak of the sewers.
TheDude proud founder of the 3 membered Shadow Guild
[This message has been edited by TheDude (edited 03-31-2001).]