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resting in town

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resting in town

Post by barugon »

The only place i have been able to rest so far is the bedroll in Seyda Neen. I am a member of the fighters guild in bamora but i still can't use their beds(it says it's illegal). Also i paid for a bed at the Southwall in Bamora but it still says it's illegal to rest there.
Am i missing a step here or is this a bug?

I'd appreciate any help.

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Post by THE JAKER »

no no no, it's not a bug...

I'm pretty sure your problem is you're hitting 't' to rest, but in the beds in the guild or the ones you rent at the tavern, you just have to hit the space bar when you're pointing the crosshairs at the bed. If you hit 't' it gives the resting here is illegal message.

Hopefully that's it, if not then we'll try to think of something else.
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Post by barugon »

yep, that did it. I knew it was something stupid.

thanks :D
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