I'm in the process of acquiring a freeware spam filter, at the moment. (I'd do shareware, but all those I've found leave out features which are only initialized after you've paid, and I won't pay for something I can't test in totality.) I went to one page that offered a product with the significant name of SpamWeasel. Before listing its features, it included a bit of, well, poetry:
"Once there was a weasel that was set to guard my mail
A task both large and complex that many others failed
But Spam the little weasel bared his fangs and growled
And sent the spammers running off with their trousers fouled
Its hard to find a product that meets your expectations
But Spam the little Weasel deserves hearty congratulations." -- Allan Tisdell
Now, I ask you, doesn't this make you want to rush right out and try the software? And just what is Weasel's connection with this product?
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
Alas, the next great conspiracy. I would think if folks around here believed Weasel had any direct involvement with the Spam Weasel project, they would steer clear of the final product in fear of Weasel gaining total control of their computer (which he probably already has).
The poem is tough to resist though, quite clever.
by allan tisdell
And sent the spammers running off with their trousers fouled
He's probably been sitting on this line for years waiting for the right opportunity to use it.
Crush enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women.
Originally posted by fable And just what is Weasel's connection with this product?
Due to my lawyers advice...I cannot tell you I get 35% of the gross profit, plus a hidden cookie allowing access to your computer.
Location...it will be in your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM and will imbed itself and cause you to have to reformat to get rid of it. Sorry this will not be anywhere in the EUA.
Now please disregard this message and help Weasel support his 3500 children.... today.
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Spam email filtering, great poetry, and marketing
Originally posted by Weasel In my presonnal opinion......I wouldn't mess with that file.
[turns on imitation blonde voice]But I just got this email telling me that file is a virus and I should deleted it . . . [/turns off imitation blonde voice]
Jesus saves! And takes half damage!
If brute force doesn't work, you're not using enough.
[turns on imitation blonde voice]But I just got this email telling me that file is a virus and I should deleted it . . . [/turns off imitation blonde voice]
[turns on imitation Darth Vadar voice] Disregard the e-mail. [/.....decides not to turn off Darth Vadar voice]
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
Re: Re: Spam email filtering, great poetry, and marketing
Originally posted by KidD01
Curious indeed...but I wouldn't disrupt Weasel's effort to "support his 3500"children
The idea of 3500 Weasels all frisking about the Internet fills my heart with the kind of dread I normally reserve for William Shatner movies and recordings of the Village People. Is there no relief?
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Spam email filtering, great poetry, and marketing
Originally posted by Weasel Frisking....I like that
You would.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
i saw a funny weasel
it sat upon a hill
it ate my snacks and robbed my kids
and started turning tricks.
soon it wrecked my laptop
with email spam and porn
and twice it chewed my modem
so i hit it with a stick.
Re: Re: Spam email filtering, great poetry, and marketing
Originally posted by Georgi
Evidently none. The proof? The software claims to prevent spam... it can't be anything to do with Weasel.
Yes, it claims to prevent spam, but you'll note we have no proof that that is in fact what it does.
Hmm, purple beer. We don't serve that one yet...Hmm.
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