Can anyone point me in the direction of some good ones? Master, Grandmaster or higher? Preferably Grand 
We must bear these vicissitudes with patience and equanimity.
I have yet to see a grand - Big Helende has some masters for sale in Sadrith Mora - she is in Dirty Muriel's cornerclub.
I also believe there are some for sale at the Mora Tong secret headquarters...
I also believe there are some for sale at the Mora Tong secret headquarters...
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huk la ~
Once you've completed the Thieve's Guild quest where you recruit Hecerinde into the Thieve's Guild as a security master, she will sell you Secret Master's Lockpicks and Probes. They have a quality of 1.5 and a value of 500, and are by far the best I've seen. I don't know if you can buy them before finishing the quest, but her house is in Balmora, close to the water, on the eastern side. It's marked on your map.
Once you've completed the Thieve's Guild quest where you recruit Hecerinde into the Thieve's Guild as a security master, she will sell you Secret Master's Lockpicks and Probes. They have a quality of 1.5 and a value of 500, and are by far the best I've seen. I don't know if you can buy them before finishing the quest, but her house is in Balmora, close to the water, on the eastern side. It's marked on your map.