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Generic Guild question

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Generic Guild question

Post by Vas »

Say i have joined a guild and have done all of their quests and have become the highest rank possible. Now I want to join another guild and do all the quests that other guild offers. Can i quit my old guild?? Or am i going to get killed by all of them. I have not joined any guilds yet because I am affraid of sutch commitment. I mean who would want to be tied up to a guild where you done all the quests and achieved the hightest rank??
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Post by Ares2382 »

you don't need to quit your old guild to join a new one, just make sure that the new guild is not the mortal enemy of your old guild.
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Post by Vas »

what happends if i do??
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Post by Sirius_Sam »

I think you can be a member of all the guilds and both the Temple and the Imperial Cult, at the same time. You can only be a member of one of the Great Houses though and I believe only the Telvanni and the Mage's Guild actually have conflicting goals (they actually may not...just a guess, since I'm a member of Hlaalu, not Telvanni).


EDIT: Y'know, could commit a crime against the guild you no longer want to be a part of. They should revoke your membership and kick you out immediately (you don't have to do anything drastic...just attempt a sure-fail pickpocket or something). In theory, you should be able to pay a fine and clear your name, but I don't believe you would still be a guildmember unless you specifically cleared your name with the guild. It may be an option anyway :)
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Post by cjdevito »

Actually, the telvanni and mages guild have zero overlap in their quests, except for Trebonius 'kill all telvanni councilors' quest. But that one is totally skippable, and folks aren't likely to even ever see it (you need to do his first quest, not become archmage, finish the main game, then return to him for that quest).

There are two guilds it'll be extremely tricky, if not impossible, to maintain at the same time. Thieves and Fighters. They're basically at war, and some of the high level quests for both are kill the high-level folks of the other.

I'm also not sure about Morag Tong. I know some of the grandmaster-level quests there involve killing members of different guilds and houses, but I'm unsure if any of it's lower-level quests do.

From a practical standpoint, though, I don't recommend doing all the guilds with just one character. I played through the first time with a dark elf warrior/mage who did telvanni, mages guild and the tribunal temple. This time out I'm playing a khajit stealth boy in thieves, morag tong and hlalu (and after doing those three, he's going vampire and will be a backpath character. Ignore all of the main quest, kill Vivec, and finish the game from there). Next time will be the imperial-patriot orc, in the legion, imperial temple, redoran and fighters. He may go backpath, too, but if he does it'll just be because he figures the Empire will be better off without Vivec :)
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

ive seen somewhere, another forum, like the bathesda main, that if you do all redorn or hlau quests and become grand whatever, if you try to join the other house, you can click on advaance ment and become grand pooh bah of the other house...

but i plan to join trev, since having dwemer robots for guards sounds too cool...

so how do you avoid kill all the councellors quest???

and will persuiting the main line quest, wont it force you to kill trev concillors anyway???

trev also has some KILLER spells, you need levitation device, but at trev main island hq, go to the top and you can get summon golden saints spell and other really good summon spells...

i think at least one secreet master is on island...
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Post by Sirius_Sam »

Yeah, I see your point :)

I'm really just getting into the quests for the guilds and don't really have an affinity for any of them except the House Hlaalu, Thieve's Guild and the Morag Tong (although I actually belong to every guild right now, I don't have any real aspirations to becoming Archmage or continuing with either the Fighter's Guild or the respective religious orders...with this character at least).

I may go Vamp after awhile, but since I've (re)started the game a bazillion times, I think I'm gonna go through all the quests I can with every guild until I hit a wall and have to make a choice(s) between being loyal to the ones I really want to be a part of and those I don't. May as well see how high a silver-tongue and a sharp dagger can take you in each guild until I'm forced to leave :)

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Post by cjdevito »


so how do you avoid kill all the councellors quest???

All you have to do to not ever get that quest is to become archmage in the mages guild before you finish the main game by killing dagoth ur. Trebonius won't give you that quest til dagoth ur is dead, and if you become archmage before that point Trebonius won't be in the picture any more.

and will persuiting the main line quest, wont it force you to kill trev concillors anyway???

Only councilor who has to die is Archmagister Gothren. All the others can be dealt with peacefully. Although you -can- kill any of them you like except Aryon without problems, you don't have to.

S_S: Well, if you like the Morag Tong, -definitely- become grandmaster there. Your reward for that is the Black Hand dagger, probably the single most powerful weapon in the game.
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