the sunhammer!!!!
i call that for a serioulsy kick ass weapon spell effect...
ok, so you hit a dungeon with mondo monsters and full of really icky diseased rats, and bunch of ghosts... and you run into room full of them and you no have a chamelon ring, or have good armor...
so in balmora, you bribed the enchanter person and make 1 best weapon you can buy, with damage health, (anything will do, really) and set magnitude to 2 to 20, my fav, since game seems to like that, (hint, hint, fireball??) and set to 1 second or higher with better weapons, and set radius to 20!!!???!!!!
the morrowind game engine does not let atronach birthsign recharge by throwing area effect spells near you, by making you immune to your own spell a sunhammer, any weapon will do, using looted daedric axe from warlock ring quest, piece of junk....
with a nice damage type, if you increase the blast radius, it will damage everything within radius, except you!!!
so this is a weapon you keep with you at all times, and if you like me, uses bound weaponry most of the time, you quick swtich to sunhammer when a bunch of monsters are getting too close, kissing distance, and a few whacks at any of them, and most are dead or dying...
sorta like a sunfire spell, except better...
sure it eats charges like crazy, but really, this weapon is your emergency they are too close, i can smell their BO...ick...wonder what an ancestor ghost bo is like...icky...
you unleash the sunhammer, best with a ebony staff, huge blast and duration is the key...
and most of them are dead, dying and easy meat with sword or magic...
some quests you escort someone else out of a area, avoid using sunhammer, but this, like petroleum jelly, will get you out of some pretty tight places...
sorry over the line???
please delete the line if its bad....