This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
Redoran House in my case. Have done a couple jobs, however there isn't any option of advancement. Guilds there always has one present. Is the Houses different? All requirements mentioned in the Faction list for next rank are met.
...for tomorrow never comes ...
Not anyone in the house can advance you, you have to find the right person. He got the "Advancement" option listed. Usually they're found in the main buildings (headquarters etc.)
Hope this helps.
A sharp mind easily smites a sharp blade. Ylossakram, Archlich Inquisitor.
No for House Redoran you have to go to Aldruhn for your quests. You will have to enter "Skar", talk to people in Aldruhn about "House Redoran" and "Someone in Particular".
if I remember correctly the first person who gave me quest and advancements for House Radoran was located in Radoran Council Hall under-Skar in Ald'rhun. Don't remember the name but is a female redguard she is the only female redguard there so she should be easy to find.