This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
Um don`t know how, but i`ve been kicked out of the blades, i get a message in square brackets when i speak to the Caius blokey saying [This path to your destiny is closed].
When i speak to ther members of the blades the say i can`t get training untill i make amends.. Other guilds say i have to speak to the guildmaster to make amends if this sorta thing happens.
Anyone know what to do? Any help would be most appreciated
Got a horrible feeling Caius is the Guildmaster..
We must bear these vicissitudes with patience and equanimity.
but i do not believe he's the guildmaster. Do you remember some things in his room? Or didn't Hlaalu officials have very interesting remarks about him?
If this game is following the usual way the advice to make amends might mean there is a choice.
BTW, had you a talk with Empire official who sent you to Balmora?
Not sure, of course...
BTW, just curious, how did you manage to get kicked out of Blades?
...for tomorrow never comes ...
Can you tell me where you got that code from, I killed a guy way early in the game that I now need alive to complete a quest, no one responded to the post I made. If they have a code like that, maybe they will have one that will ressurect someone ?
To restore a dead or inexplicably missing NPC, call up the console and type:
placeatpc "sharn gra-muzgob",1,1,1
Put the full name of the appropriate NPC in the quotes. This will spawn the NPC right at the PC, so it'd make sense to do it whereever the NPC is supposed to be. Of course, if you have the telvanni level 3 stronghold complete with dungeon, this is also a great way to stock it with annoying prisoners like Crassius Curio
There's also a full console commands list with some explanations on the official morrowind site forum. Just do a search for it.
In fear of ruining the game (maybe) for lots of people (I find that once you get hold of cheats or walkthroughs it's nearly impossible to not enter them in at some point when you get frustrated enough), I won't post the link.
This is episode 666,
Destination Chaos
Speaking for myself, I use the cheats for one thing: cash
If I find something worth 60000 and can't find anyone to sell it to, I'll go to a merchant, try to sell it just to see the price they -would- pay if they actually had more then 400 gold. Then I'll sell them the item for whatever amount of gold they do have, then use the console to put the remaining amount I -should- have earned in my inventory.
I feel very justified in doing this, as I can't believe there aren't any rich shopkeepers in Morrowind. That was a -horrible- design decision that definitely takes fun out of my game, so I don't think twice about using the console to put the fun back in
How many vendors do you know that carry 40K in cash? How many times have you seen signs next to the cash register that say "Clerk carries less than $50" or "No $50 or $100 bills allowed"
I think vendors with little cash adds an intriguing element to the game...
You know, like what people used to do all the time.
Use that great item to barter for something else you want. Or barter with 1st vendor for something the 2nd vendor wants if the 2nd vendor has an item you want.
It's not for powergamers, granted.
My 2cents.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled posting.
Or economists. Sorry, but trading a 20000 gold pair of daedric greaves for 1200 and another 3000 in steel armor, that I'll -still- have a hard time unloading for cash, doesn't do it for me.
How many clerks do I know who have 20000 bucks in their pocket? None. But I know plenty of high-end antigue stores, art galleries and jewelers that do. And of course, they can always write a check. Not likely to happen in Morrowind, of course -- no banks. Which means they almost certainly have their life savings someplace around their house/shop or person.
I don't expect every vendor to be rolling in the cash, but I expect there to be at least a -few-. And there aren't.
I should add that the lack of vendor cash and the inability to barter for training/enchanting is -obviously- bethesda's heavy-handed method for adjusting how easy it was to hit high levels in daggerfall through training (funded by loot runs). Heavy handed it is, but also artificial and -- for me -- a great way to take fun out of the game by making gathering loot barely worth my time.
I used a house MOD, it creates a house with a guard outside it, the version i had was bugged so i couldn`t get a key. TO pick the lock i killed the guard but the guard is set as being a Blade..
We must bear these vicissitudes with patience and equanimity.
Thanks for that resurrect command dude, I finished the game as far as I am concerned. Neverrine, Guildmaster, and Redoran Archmaster with my own stronghold, excellant game, I wish though that they would have named my stronghold after me, it would have been quite satisfying and very easy to do for the programmers.
the cash thing would not be so anoining if I could barter for encahntments. say trade in a 150,000 item I cant use and enchant one I can no actual gold changes hands!