Sorry if this is just wasting space on the board, but I just thought it was slightly odd, and I wonder if it's happened to anyone else...?
So I was doing the De' Arnise Keep, right? The usual party- Jahiera, Minsc, Anomen, Yoshimo, PC Totemic Druid, and Jan.
Well, we're sitting on the roof of the Keep so we can kill the dogs and make the soup to distract Umberhulks. Well, it just so happens it was raining (It was raining in real-life too, so I shouldn't have been on the computer anyway.
So I send Minsc and Anomen ahead to turn the wheel that will allow Nalia's guards in the main gate. Just as random as it was before, a bolt of lightning comes down and hits Anomen. Wierd, huh? He's injured, but I had him cast Cure Critical Wounds on himself and kept playing. HOWEVER, that's not the end of it.
It was only a few seconds after did Yoshimo's portrait black out, signaling he was dead. I had no idea what happened because I was focused on Minsc and Anomen. By this time, I was like "What the !@#$ ???" So I scrolled up a little on my dialogue menu, and, of course, it read
"Yoshmo: Lightning"
"Yoshimo: Death"
Anyone else have the gods sending lightning bolts at Yoshi to help my mentallyslow-but-godchild PC figure out he's bad?