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The Order of the Dark Flame: Book 5. (story, no spam)

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Ned Flanders
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Post by Ned Flanders »

He puffed away on his slag observing the mist circling above. The skeleton reached into another pocket of his vest producing a flask. He popped the cork and arched his skull back to receive a few drops of the sweet whisky contained within. However, the flask had run dry and with a grimace he lobbed the empty container several feet away from him. Looking above, he took note of the mist beginning to move. Standing up, he extinguished the cig with his largest of metatarsals and followed his undead friend.


It had taken Uther longer than expected to track down her prized Flanders. Traversing the portal was a clever move but he could not hope to escape her prying eyes. Recent events had also left his mind vulnerable. She was amused upon learning he actually followed the group through the portal, perhaps he was beginning to understand his place in all of this. Electricity coursed through the negative energy that was Uther when she discovered he had taken his first victim, a meaningless drow male, however, he had fed. Flanders was not even aware of her presence so lost was he at the moment. She retreated from his mind and took focus on other undead in his near presence.

The skeleton warrior offered zero for mental capacity. There was little to delve into save the rougish Lorne Greene/James Garner psyche the summoned denizen possessed. Another odd yet welcome side effect was her ability to see. She could see Faerun!!!!! She could see the vampiric mist of Flanders swirling above her. She was filled with an invigorating confidence she would walk the prime material plane again!!!

The mist above began to stir and move. Uther tried to look up, attempted to force the skeleton warrior into action, however, she had no control over the drone and could only see through its' eye sockets. Fuming in frustration, she was relieved to view the skeleton warrior standing up and following Flanders on his own. This passive position suited her allowing her the chance to study her progeny.
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Post by Aegis »

Aegis let out a groan as Aqua's magic began to twist and mend his wounds. He had never liked the feeling of magic on him, whether it was good or bad. Something about it always unsettled him. He grimaced, his face clenching up tightly, eager for it to end. Then, as swiftly as his face changed, it began to relax, and his breathing became regular. The sword wound on his side had closed up, leaving little more than a thin, white scar. The blood still caked his clothing, and looked odd upon his fresh skin, but he was feeling comfortable now. The Elven ranger began to push himself up off the ground, stumbling somewhat. Almost immediatly, both Mysteria and Farscape were there, supporting his ascent.

He glanced towards both, offering a thankful smile, then turned towards Aqua-Chan.

"Thank you." He nodded, and slowly began to push himself off of his companions.

He lowered his hand to the hilt of his blade, to check it was still there. Once satisifed with it's presence, he took a few steps forward. As he placed his foot onto the groun, his knee cap buckled violently, throwing Aegis sprawling. Before he could hit the ground though, Mysteria had grabbed hold of his arm, and hoisted him back to his feet. Shaken, he tried to gain his footing.

"Relax." She said gently to him. "You lost much blood from your wound. You might be a little dizzy for a bit" She smiled, and released his arm.

Aegis nodded. He steadied himself, and took another, slower, step, this time testing his footing. That continued on for a few minutes.

After making sure his balance was steady, he turned around. Farscape had dissappeared for a moment. When the ranger looked quizzingly towards the two women, they just shrugged, not having noticed his leaving either. But, as Aegis turned around, he heard the approaching footsteps.

"Elfie," Farscape said, in a jocular tone, "I have brought you something to help!" Aegis turned, and smiled when he saw what it was. Farscape had gone back to the scene of the battle, and broken the tip off of a drow spear, and fashioned a crude walkiing stick. The big man offered it to the elf, with a grin on his face.

"Thank you, friend." Aegis took the stick, and placed it between his arm and body to steady himself. Once secure, he turned to the three others. "I believe we should be going now. It seems the others have gone ahead without us." He turned, and began to hobble somewhat into the darkness, following the path laid out by the Dark Flames.
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Post by Aqua-chan »

Aqua-chan smiled at Aegis as he thanked her for assistance. It didn't take him far too long to collect himself inpreperation to move on. She was impressed that he had such a great determination and will to find the others, even when he was wounded so badly.

Aegis was given a staff that actually looked as though it had just been in combat. She figured this because all of the spattered blood soaked in the wood towards the damaged bottem.

Soon they were leading eachother down another unexplored corridor, limping and collapsing on eachother as they may. Torches provided little light for the adventurers, but there were some lucky few who possessed infrasion.

Aqua-chan slowed down her pace. Keenly, she picked up an image of something small and red-colored crawling about the far-edge of the tunnel.

It was a great struggle for the cat-woman to restrain herself from the urge to hunt the little mouse, but rodents always had a way to distract her from the task at hand. She wanted to chase after is SO badly, but the warriors who didn't see the mouse mught have thought her crazy. She would have to wait, unbearable as it might be.

Though she didn't look it, Aqua-chan was completely focused on that mouse. She watched and examined it's every move, but her hunt was rudefully interrupted.

"Listen," Aegis stopped the group. Everyone fell silent.

It was a broad voice from another room far away, but Aqua-chan heard it clearly. It must have been a Giant, or something along those lines. When it moved, the entire floor did her prey, she noticed irritably as the mouse scampered off into a hole.

It wasn't completely heard by her sharp ears, but she was able to pick up something sounding much like "I'm supposed to kill you now."

Aqua-chan turned to Aegis, Mysteria and the others and muttered sickly "I think we need to get moving, now."
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Post by Obsidian »

"I'm supposed to kill you now."
"Man. I love it when people say stuff like that. The party took off running down the corridor, leaving aegis behind.
"haha, woops" Chuckled Farscape as he jogged back. "Can't leave my favourite elf behind." Scooping the injured ranger over his shoulder quite uncerimonisly, he ran down the hallway, with Aegis slung over one shoulder, Aegis face was stoic, determined to remain aloof and unembarrassed by this mode of transportation.
When Farscape caught up to the rest of the darkflames, they were standing gaping at a large moss covered wall.
"Hey guys, whats going on?" Asked the paladin.
Suddenly, the wall moved. "Oh, I get it. Shambling strider." The muffled deragotory comment from over Farscapes shoulder was neither heard nor necessary as Aegis was set down so he could lean against the wall.
The waves came crashing in like blindness.
So I just stood and listened.
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Post by Aegis »

Seir had been wandering th tunnels for some time now, turning aimlessly, trying to find a way to join his Master. His face had contorted and twisted, and no longer appeared as the same face of the hearty warrior who Aegis had freed from imprisonment. His face now wow a grim look of evil, his jaw locked, clenched together. His eyes seemed empty, betraying nothing, but showing no semblence of knowledge, or even consciousness. He was tired, but he didn't feel it. He gripped his axe so tightly, that his knuckles had lost all the blood, and had turned a pale white. The reast of his body seemed to be following. The tone of his skin was dimishing, draining of all colour. He didn't stop, though his muscles begged him too. He couldn't feel anything, couldn't hear anything, but one thing. One thing repeated inside his head. It was a calling. It was the hollow voice of the Shadow Master leading him by the noise, bringing Seir to him...
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Post by Yshania »

With a metallic swish, Yshania swung both scimitars horizontally, ready for her special decapitation of beastie attack, only for the burning troll to turn it's back and start to walk away...the flash and flinch as the flames continued to devour it's flesh. She hung painfully mid strike, her blades weighing heavier as she fought the chaotic impulse to strike from behind, fought the darkness that crept and beckoned to take this creature despite it's sudden vulnerability. She also fought the very sudden bizarre temptation to ditch her blades...

It stumbled towards a compatriot, a flaming tongue hanging thirstily from it's maw...beside her, Yshania acknowledged a summoned elemental, hoping that her fighter mage friend had him dominated to a point of suppliance, yet as the elemental obeyed it's mistress and began swiping with it's plus fours, Yshania became aware that these were no normal trolls they encountered, these were a lost and forgotten beast...their driving force hedonistic and liquid.

She smiled and pulled a threatening hip flask from her pack...
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Post by Der-draigen »

Der-draigen and the Shadow Master locked in combat (for oh, about a month or two :D ). The cleric's powers waxed and waned, now supremely strong and triumphant; now strangely feeble, almost collapsed. Der-draigen didn't know what was going on; but she fervently hoped it would all be over soon. Even with the power of the Stone of Rohais, of which she had yet to learn much, she could not seem to get the final upper hand. This deadlock was growing tiresome; she felt as if she would not be able to keep up the cycle of gain and loss much longer...

In one of the moments when the Shadow Master was the greater contender, and Der-draigen lay nearly broken before him, she clasped the talisman within her cloak and muttered that strange guttural tongue in which she spoke to dread wolves. How they would get into this place she did not know; but the instant she spoke the words, she felt them answer and respond.

The Shadow Master stopped. He was in his cycle of strength; but Der-draigen's ancient words seemed to make him halt. He chuckled when he understood what she was doing. "Fool!" he said harshly. "Do you not understand that all creatures of darkness are mine?"

"We shall see," Der-draigen replied, struggling to stand against her opponent yet again. And when she was on her feet at last there stood not a halfling but a great and mighty warrior, tall and shining darkly. The cleric of Moander seemed to falter yet again, as the cry of the wolves drew near and the dust of the ancient keep's foundation slithered down the walls. In the power struggling between them, Der-draigen and the Shadow Master, two forces of great strength and greater evil, the stones themselves began to shiver...
"I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."

"So do all who live to see such times; but that is not for them to decide. All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you."
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Post by Mysteria »

A quick step brought Mysteria close to Aegis who was struggling to get up and she helped putting him on his feet, only to have catch him again just in time to keep him from hitting the ground. With a tight grasp, she put the lightweight elf back on his feet, making sure he could stand before letting go of him. Giving him some reassuring words, she frowned as soon as he had his back turned. Watching him take some hesitant steps, she wondered once more what determination drove him as he urged them on.

Strangely enough backtracking their steps did not lead them to Dragon Wench and Yshania, but rather down yet another unexplored passageway. Looking at the walls around them, in the flickering torchlight, Mysteria had the distinct impression that they were … alive. Worried about where they were going to, she got even more worried when she saw little blue lights flickering over the tunnel walls and desperately tried to get a grasp on her magic.

”So, are we in for yet another magical show?” Thantor smiled as he saw the lights, and Mysteria found herself smiling too, happy to see him less burdened than just moments before, for once seeing the funny side of her wild magic. She realized, in that moment, how she had come to enjoy the sense of safety she had with him, the sense of ease, knowing she could talk to him openly without fear of being rejected. Perhaps this was something that most people took for granted but in Mysteria's chaotic life, this was something special, something she treasured. She looked up, sharing her smile with him. Uncharacteristically, he brought his arm around her shoulders and gave her a small hug.

Then he asked, "Are these episodes only triggered by negative emotions?"

She shook her head slowly, "No, almost every strong emotion triggers them, be it negative or positive." She sighed, "I think it would already be a lot easier if it were only triggered by bad feelings, I'd just have to stay happy.

"Just?", remarked Thantor, eyebrow arched. Mysteria laughed, appreciating the irony of her own statement. "The only pattern I've been able to see so far," she continued, "is that, as a rule, negative emotions entail more destructive outbursts, positive ones mostly harmless, even funny effects, but there are always exceptions. The worst always happens when I'm startled into violent feelings ...", she sighed. "I don't know if this is helpful at all."

He didn't answer for a moment, then he said, "For a few days, I want you to think of yourself as a tree."

"What?!", she exclaimed, almost bumping into him.

"Yes, a tree. In fact, I will give you the following koan to ponder." He swinched his face into something resembling a prune and said, "If you were a twee, what kind of twee would you be?"

She almost burst out laughing, "You cannot be serious."

"Oh, but I am. And when I come to you for the answer, you had better have it, little grasshopper."

A deep, rumbling voice brought their attention back to more pressing matters, within an instant, they were both running after Farscape, carrying Aegis as if he were a mere sack of potatoes, and Aqua-chan. Neither of them really liked rushing headlong into combat like this, but they couldn’t stay back either and Fang was already close on Aqua-chan’s heels. The tunnel sloped down sharply and they came to an abrupt halt as they joined some, but not all, as Mysteria worriedly noted, of their friends. Still staring at the shambling mound, she heard a sucking sound behind her and she turned only to find the corridor they had just emerged from closing up. She shivered at the thought that the rock could maybe have ‘eaten’ them if it wanted to, but there was little time left for wondering as Nippy had already engaged combat.
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Post by Aegis »

The dwelling of the Mound was too small to allow the elven ranger to effectivly use his longbow, not without the chance of hitting one of the toher Dark Flames that were in there with him. He pushed himself off the wall, and discarded the crude walking stick Farscape had gathered for him. For a brief moment, he felt the rush of blood move through his body, sending a tingling sensation throughout. His head went light for a moment, almost forcing him to balance himself against the wall, but passed before he lost balance. He shook his head, clearing the dizziness away, and reach for Sunfang at his waist. In a fluid movement, the sound of the blade being drawn was heard, and the shining weapon was out, it's deadly tip poised in front of Aegis, the metal glowing with a slight fiery orange glow.

He moved forward, holding onto the hilt of the blade tightly with both hands. Every step he took seemed to create a stitch in his side. The magic, it seemed, didn't remove all traces of the wound. He quickly shook the minor pain off, having dealt with worse. He absent-mindedly blinked his blind eye. He watched as Nippy charged towards the mound, his armour shining resplendantly, even in the dankness of the caves. Aegis followed suit, moving a bit more swiftly. The adreneline began to coarse through his body, and the pain seemed to fade away. It seemed, he thought to himself, that he was finding himself in combat more and more often since meeting the Dark Flames...
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Post by Gwalchmai »

The Shambling Mound stood blocking the archway, great entwined legs like mangrove trees seemed immovable. It had a quizzical look on its face with one eyebrow raised, tiny bluebell flowers dangling incongruously. Through the rooted vines of its legs, Gwalchmai noted the sudden appearance of several of his friends as they skidded to a halt before the same obstacle.

Farscape grinned and drew his sword.
Aegis limped forward and drew his sword.
Thantor looked grim.
The cat creature looked, well, catty.
Mysteria looked worried.
Fang looked contented as he lifted a hind leg against a nearby vine/foot of the Shambler.

On Gwalchmai’s side of things, Nippy crouched and moved forward.
Bloodstalker unsheathed his blade.
T’lainya mirrored Thantor’s grim expression.

And Gwalchmai took all this in and realized an inexorable driving force that typifies these encounters. Once the first blow was struck, there would be no turning back, and events would unfold to their unstoppable conclusion. Surely, it didn’t have to be this way? Desperately he cried out, his voice full of pleading, “Can’t we all just get along?”
That there; exactly the kinda diversion we coulda used.
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Post by Yshania »

Turning to Dragon Wench, Yshania saw her friend seemingly relax...her battle of wills with the elemental won. The druid winked and held up her hip flask before nodding towards the tunnel from which the barrel rolling troll had emerged. Her friend responded with a grin and they slipped into the heavy shadows against the tunnel walls and headed slowly towards the source of the ale...but not before Yshania conjured a couple more fire elementals to keep the trolls distracted.

The troll that was rolling the barrel had initially tried to ward its friend off the brew, stopping every few rolls and waving both great arms at its torched companion...its guttural insistances appearing to request it came no closer, as it pointed with much agitation at its comrades state, and then at the barrel. As Yshania's summons appeared, it squawked loudly and angrily jumped around before setting off in a stumbling run down the tunnel away from them, the barrel clattering and bouncing over the uneven floor. The flaming troll cried beseechingly, holding out it's arms lovingly towards the disappearing beverage, then the three elementals closed in and moments later the troll lay smouldering, its thirst unquenched. The elementals moved to engage the remaining trolls...

Taking in this sight, the two women turned to each other 'that is one special brew it seems!' whispered Yshania, stifling a giggle.
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

Early next morning, back at the gypsy caravan

Ode woke up abruptly with a sense of unease and a slight headache. His vibrant green eyes (which were slightly bleary at the moment) pierced the darkened room of the caravan, but couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary. Admittedly, traveling around as a SLURR merchant had clouded his perception of what exactly was ‘out of the ordinary’. Still, he had a strange feeling and being an elf and a ranger, he had learned to trust his feelings. He decided a breath of morning air might help clear his mind a little and focus on this premonition, as opposed to the apricot-flavoured smoke-drenched atmosphere inside the caravan, which seemed to overload his senses, though thankfully it did take the edge off his headache. He carefully made his way past Beldin and Eerhardt, who still lay on the ground, in the middle of a pile of empty kegs of purple ale and various empty potion bottles. Eerhardt was snoring heavily. ‘I told him he shouldn’t have drunk that third potion of MC², but did he listen?’, Ode thought, ‘He always ends up snoring when he’s had too much of that stuff, every time.’ Not, of course, that it usually bothered Beldin or Ode as they too generally ended up overindulging in the MC² themselves. However, on the rare occasions they didn’t, well… things could get pretty ugly between them. Though the sense of unease, now having grown into a disturbing sense of imminent danger, was pulling at every corner of his mind and growing stronger every passing second, Ode couldn’t be bothered waking Eerhardt, especially on something so uncertain as an unconfirmed premonition. Pulling on his boots and making his way over the mess on the floor with silent footsteps, Ode reached the door without disturbing his companions. He opened the door and walked over to his left, to the rain barrel, which was filled with fresh water from the storm the previous night. Bracing himself, he plunged his head into the ice-cold water, and then threw his dripping head back, wiping the freezing water off his face and wringing out his hair with one hand. At that moment, he heard a shriek from his airborne falcon, who had taken the opportunity to stretch her wings the moment he had opened the Rolling Thunder’s door. At the mental urging of the sharp-eyed raptor Ode let his gaze wander over the horizon and noticed a dust cloud in the far distance, coming closer and closer. His superb vision allowed him to make out the giant shapes of the creatures which were causing all this dust to be blown up as they rushed towards the Rolling Thunder.
“Mielikki’s bane!” breathed the shocked ranger. “The Ogre clan!” Ode quickly started counting their numbers, but when he got to 20 and still hadn’t counted them all, decided that this might be just a bit too much for the three mates to handle whilst still so sober this early in the morning, and rushed back inside. Thankful for the chance to stop the incessant drone in spite of the danger the SLURR-merchants were in, he kicked Eerhardt in the side, effectively stopping him from snoring and instantly waking him up.
“W’sat? What in the…” began the fighter/mage, but before Eerhardt even had the chance finish his sentence, he had already seen the dust cloud approaching through the still open door, immediately guessing that trouble was on the way. The two comrades woke up Beldin and rushed him to the front telling him there “was no time to explain” and that “they had to get out of here as soon as possible”. Ode climbed up onto the roof of the caravan as Beldin jumped onto the coach-box, took the reins and let them crack.
“Gee yah, Roller and Thunder”, he cried out to the black stallions, and they took off like lightning, with Ode standing on the roof of the carriage, balancing easily and firing arrows at the approaching ogre clan.

Over the sounds caused by the caravan’s wild flight, Eerhardt heard someone - or something - stumbling up the basement stairs. Eerhardt had already readied an exploding potion, in case the ogre clan had called upon their ogre mage to teleport them into the Rolling Thunder basement, when it suddenly occured to him that the footsteps were far too light for an ogre. Wary nonetheless, he swiftly hid behind a pile of kegs, keeping his left hand near the hilt of Frost Viper but still leaving the fearsome blade sheathed at his waist. Imagine Eerhardt's surprise when he saw a grinning face surrounded by blond curly dreadlocks and a braided beard popping up the stairs, muttering something about “getting all the chicks now”. The warrior pinched his arm in mild disbelief: no, he wasn’t dreaming, and since his vision wasn't that blurred and the tribe of dancing pink elephants that had so bothered him the previous night were mercifully absent, he could only assume he was seeing the intruder correctly. Looking around at it’s surroundings in astonishment, the figure evidently must have thought the coast was clear; as it moved more into the light Eerhardt could now see what it was. "Well, I'll be damned,” muttered Eerhardt to himself in elven. “A stowaway halfling in our caravan. How’d he get in here?”

The halfling was apparently awestruck over the facilities inside the Rolling Thunder as he put down the small rabbit cage he was carrying and carefully studied the pool table and the hottub, even as Beldin let the reins crack again and again, hurrying the horses along and making the Rolling Thunder swing left and right. As one of its wheels hit a large rock, the pile of kegs behind which Eerhardt was hiding tumbled over and the halfling noticed he had been spied upon. He immediately withdrew a small silver crossbow from somewhere beneath his voluminous cape, and withdrew a crossbow bolt from the quiver at his side, although - judging by the trapped look in his eyes and the barely noticable trembling of his hands - he didn't seem all too eager to engage Eerhardt in battle. Eerhardt slowly put his hands in the air, trying to reassure the halfling that he had no hostile intents. "Hey, buddy, relax, I don't want to hurt you, why don't we discuss this over some beer? By the way, my name is Eerhardt - what's yours?". In answer to this the halfling dipped his crossbow bolt in a small vial containing a clear liquid, and fired the bolt into Eerhardt’s leg. “Hey! yelled Eerhardt angrily, yanking the tiny bolt from his leg. “What was that for?” Marching over to where the stunned halfling stood,, Eerhardt reached down and, picking the halfling up by the ears, lifted it up until the two were eye-to-eye. “Okay, you little runt!” began Eerhardt, “What’s the big idea shooting at me like that?”
“ shouldn’t...paralysed...poison...” stuttered the halfling, Eerhardt, annoyed though he was at the thought that someone had tried to poison him, could not suppress a laugh as he told the halfling “You tried to poison me? You can’t poison a SLURR-merchant, after some of the things we’ve drunk poison stopped being problem for us long ago!” Setting the halfling down, Eerhardt pourred two tankards of purple ale, managing to avoid topping them with too much head despite the unsteady footing in the rapidly moving caravan, and handed one to the bemused halfling before taking a large draught of the refreshing brew. Sighing contentedly, the mage enquired of the stranger how he had come to be in the secret laboratory in the first place, and listened interestedly while the halfling drunkenly boasted that he used to be a gnome named Stilgar, son of the Great and Mighty Tiax, and soon-to-be ruler of Toril, who had changed himself into a halfling by drinking a magic potion he had brewed in the Rolling Thunder’s secret laboratory, using Eerhardt’s potion equipment. Having to speak up in order to be heard over the sounds of Ode loudly taunting the ogres from atop the carriage, Eerhardt listened patiently, occasionally unable to suppress a snort of laughter at Ode’s running conjecture on the ogres’ probable (and often wildly improbable) lineage, as the halfling continued to narrate just how he had found himself in his current sitation, the explanation getting more unlikely as the halfling got progressively more drunk.
Proud SLURRite Gunner of the Rolling Thunder (TM) - Visitors WELCOME!
([size=0]Feel free to join us for a drink, play some pool or even relax in a hottub - want to learn more?[/size]

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Post by dragon wench »

Leaving the fire elementals to dispatch the trolls Yshania and Dragon Wench headed towards the now unattended keg and examined it carefully. Peculiar markings adorned its oaken surface, and it emanated a faint glow that seemed to dispel and combat the maloderous shadows haunting the tunnels.

"I can see why the trolls were so keen to see the arrival of this stuff, it possesses a magical essence unlike any I've ever encountered," spoke Dragon Wench with a gleam in her eye.

Yshania appeared equally entranced by the cask at their feet, and a dreamy smiled graced her elven features. "I suppose we had better bring this back to the others," she said with some reluctance.

"I think I have an identification scroll in my pack somewhere," replied Dragon Wench thoughtfully. Remembering the noise the barrel had made and not wanting to alert nearby foes of their presence, she attempted to hoist the keg to her shoulders. Its weight, unexpectedly heavy for its size, made her reel for a moment. "This should not be so difficult to lift," she muttered, frowning suddenly at the thought of trying to transport their prize through the dank network of passageways stretching endlessly ahead.

Yshania turned her attention to Dragon Wench and studied her friend. Beneath a fragile mask, the fighter's eyes flickered with a strange light....shadows advanced and receded across her face in a constantly shifting pattern.....a reflection of her still unsteady grip upon tumultuous and conflicting emotions.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
.......All those moments ... will be lost ... in time ... like tears in rain.
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Post by Gwalchmai »

“Why?” the great plant monster asked as lichen grew on its north side, “Why should we ‘just get along’?”

At these words, Nippy stopped his forward progress, Bloodstalker allowed his sword tip to relax to a defensive position, Aegis stopped in his tracks and reached out a hand to grab Farscape by the back of his platemail to prevent him from attacking during a parlay. Farscape’s grin faded to a look of disappointment. Mysteria and Fang swapped quizzical glances and Aqua-Chan yawned and scratched herself behind the ear. T’lainya and Thantor continued to exchange grim looks.

Gwalchmai cleared his throat and tried to answer the unexpected question. “Well, why should we try to kill each other? Isn’t there another way?”

The Shambler looked askance at Gwalchmai. “Have you experience with summoning?”

“A bit.”

“Then you know that I am under a compulsion to obey IT. IT wants you destroyed.”

“My experience with summoned monst…. er, helpers, is that they are much more single minded in their obeisance, and don’t tend to stay summoned for weeks on end. You seem to have circumvented those details.”

The Shambler scratched its chin, dislodging several mushrooms in the process. “I admit that I expected to be unsummoned before now. And now that you mention it, ITs control has weakened considerably lately. Especially since dusk.”

“How does it know when dusk is down here?” Bloodstalker whispered to Nippy.

“I am well in touch with the circadian rhythms of the earth, Meat Walker. I don’t have to see the sun set to know when it occurs.”

T’lainya spoke up, “We may know something about the Abomination’s recent weakness, but that’s beside the point. If it weren’t for your summoned obligation, would you want to kills us?”

“Only if you threatened my swamp, my seedlings, or myself.” At this, Aegis strengthened his hold on Farscape’s collar.

“Then perhaps a battle here and now is unnecessary?” Gwalchmai ventured, “If you let us pass, we may be able to help you in return?”

“What could you possibly have or do that I would want?” the Mound quaked with laughter, making a sound like the wind in the tree tops.
That there; exactly the kinda diversion we coulda used.
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Post by Gwalchmai »

If one were to peek under the buckskin vest and fringed skirt of the skeleton (a rather cheeky thing to do!), one would note the wide angle of the Pubic Symphysis, and other tell-tale signs that would prove that this skeleton was once a woman. A warrior to be sure, in that “Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better” kinda way, yet a woman nevertheless. There was something else about the skeleton: The skeleton was in love. It gazed longingly at the Mist That Was Flanders, and continued to follow him from afar. There was something about the vampiric mist that resonated from her Sagital Suture all the way down to her Calcaneous. She felt a nigglin’ little tickle back around her gracile Mastoid Process, which may have been the result of her unfelt visitor, but was more likely a sign of infatuation with Flanders. Not that any of these thoughts actually crossed the empty space of her mind, they were more remembered sensations from the Days of Flesh and Blood. One thing was sure: That Flanders was one fine hombre, and a little ropin’ and wrastlin’ might be fun.

But, somehow, the skeleton had to get the attention of the mist. She began to search the cavern for a suitable gift.

A quick note might be in order. A few years back, the High Order of the Pine Druids commissioned an extensive study of a particular flower. The Pine Druids are renown for their scientific exploration of Nature and How She Works, and are always on the look-out for unusual natural occurrences. The Crimson Rhodelia happens to be one such unusual manifestation of Nature. In most respects, the flower is quite normal. It is classified as uncommon in occurrence in most temperate or sub-tropical environments. It is pretty, but unremarkable for any medicinal or other useful properties. Some say it can be used in salads, but most people usually opt for lettuce or spinach if given the choice. It prefers moderate sun and well-drained soil.

It does have one unusual quality, and this is the focus of the Rhodelia Project: It has the tendency to be found under extremely rare circumstances in some of the most barren environments imaginable. To make matters worse, these rare findings are invariably made by people in ‘Love’. This has greatly confounded the Druids of the Rhodelia Project. They have tried in vain to interview the man who was known to have repeated found the flower under such circumstances, but they were rebuffed. Anomen of the Radient Heart had found the flower on at least five occasions; in dragon’s lairs, dungeons, caves, and even in the Underdark. This was most unusual, and he could no doubt provide valuable information. But he categorically refused to discuss it. The druids were left with no recourse but to attempt to locate the Crimson Rhodelia in odd settings themselves. And they knew they had to be in love in order to succeed. Consequently, much of the funding from the Rhodelia Project was currently being spent with Madam Zin in the Copper Coronet.

This doesn’t really bring us back to the story at hand, except that the reader shouldn’t be surprised to find that the skeleton has managed to find an entire bouquet of Crimson Rhodelias.
That there; exactly the kinda diversion we coulda used.
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Post by Gwalchmai »

Farscape glanced around. “There are nine of us and only one of you!” he shouted in his Paladin-ish furor to smite evil, “Why should we give you anything at all?” Spittle flew from his mouth, but Aegis still held him tight.

The Shambler didn’t even bother to turn around, but held up three moss-covered fingers. “Three points. First:” it ticked off one finger, “A simple call from me and many will come running. The battle would be great and hard-fought for you. Second:” it ticked off another finger, “I was the first to be summoned, and have basked in ITs sustaining energy the longest. You have never met one of my kind as powerful as I. Third:” the last finger went down, “Death would be a release for me.

T’lainya took a step closer to the mound and spoke quietly, “But surely such a release would not be un-painful?”

“My spirit would travel back to my swamp, where I would sprout and grow again, but no, it is not the most pleasant way to return home. Better to simply be un-summoned. But that seems to be denied me here.”

“What would dispel your summoning, then?” Gwalchmai asked.

“I suspect that IT is the only thing keeping me here.”

“Then perhaps we can help you after all,” Gwalchmai said stepping closer. “We have come to destroy the Abomination. If you let us pass, and we succeed, you should be returned to your swamp whole and unscathed.”

“That is anathema to my whole purpose here!”

“But think!” T’lainya said, pressing the point, “If the Abomination survives, it will herald the return of a dark and evil blight upon the world! The Abomination will rise to the surface and begin to consume everything in its path! The houses, trees, fields, and….. Swamps!”

“How close is your home?” Gwalchmai whispered.

“I’m not sure.” A vine slipped as the Mound’s shoulders drooped. “Close, I think.” It turned to stare at the globes of light that lined the wall. “To see the sun again; my seedlings. I would like that.” The Mound fell silent.

Finally, it said, “Very well. You may pass.”

“Thank you.” Gwalchmai, Nippy, Bloodstalker, and T’lainya joined their friends on the other side of the arch.

“You should know, there are others of my kind: ‘Shambling Mounds’ as you ignorantly call us. They are more recent summonings, so their compulsions will remain strong. I will try to contact them, but I cannot be sure they will hear.” It knelt closer, keeping its voice quiet. “There are also two strange beasts, meat bags with many mouths. They make strange noises that shake my leaves. All these things guard the main antechamber that lies before IT. They consort with many Meat Walkers like you, only with darker bark.”

“We thought as much,” Gwalchmai said, “but its good to know. Thank you again.” He reached out a hand and touched the great, leafy head of the Shambler. “My name is Gwalchmai. I wish you well.”

“I am Rhizophora Mangle. Good luck.”
That there; exactly the kinda diversion we coulda used.
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Post by dragon wench »

Disgruntled at the weight on her shoulders, and the thought of carrying the cask through the tunnels, Dragon Wench cursed beneath her breath.

She was of two minds..... Undoubtedly the beverage within the keg was of such an ambrosiacal quality that to leave it would be akin to sacrilege; however, carrying it around presented certain tactical difficulties.

Suddenly, a solution dawned on that was deceptively simple. Startling Yshania with a gleeful laugh, Dragon Wench lowered her burden to the ground, and quickly removed her pack. In something of a frenzy, she rooted in its depths until she found the object of her search.... a small, blue bag.

Grinning at her friend, she opened the endlessly elastic sack and triumphantly dropped the cask into its folds.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
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Post by Aqua-chan »

Aqua-chan scratched behind her ears in thought. This Gwalchmai-guy must be pretty keen with his words to convince a summoned Shambling Mound to let them pass. She had never seen anyone negotiate with such a creature, but then again, she had never seen a Mound actually speak common before.

So the troop continued on, acknowledging Mysteria as she reminded them that the team was not completely gathered. As they moved on down the cooridors (which, got darker as they moved away from the room with the glowing orbs of light) the feline noticed Gwalchmai, or "Gwally" as some of the others had previously called him, staring down on her.

He was quite tall compared to her, and his constant gaze made her feel like she was shrinking smaller every second.

"...Can I help you?" she finally asked, hoping that this encounter would not end up the same way Mysteria's did.

"Ah, I don't think so," he said matter-of-factly.

Aqua-chan, who, was quite unsure if this was usual surfacer behavior or not, shrugged it off...though she still had a nagging feeling that Gwally was going to be a stange ally, at least to her.

Thantor nudged her arm, signalling that it would be best to watch what she was doing. Though she had natural infrasion, she did have a tendoncy to not pay attention to what she was walking on...or in.

"Best not think about it," she told herself. Suddenly, she felt something tug the tip of her right ear.

She snapped her head instinctively to the right, where Gwally was walking along with his arms folded behind his back and an innocent look plastered on his face. With the remaining light he could see Aqua-chan's annoyed expresssion. "What?"

Aqua-chan thought about the course of action before saying anything too harsh. "You know ''what''. Please, don't do that."

"Do what?" he inquired with a face of false confusion. Aqua-chan didn't want to start an arguement, so she simply dropped the subject.

...That was, at least, until somebody tugged on her right ear again.

"This is going to be a long day," she growled helplessly to herself.
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Post by Aegis »

Aegis returned Sunfang to it's scabbered, and let go of Farscape. Gwally had just neogotiated with a Mound, an impressive feat, even by the elf's standerds. Afterwards, the group set out again, keeping a slower pace, as to let the other missing Dark Flames make some ground on them. The ranger, still limping slightly, approached Gwally.

"You are quite the diplomat." Aegis said casually, his voice calm, and face stotic.

Gwally turned around, and looked over the elf quickly. "Thank you, Aegis. I always prefered talking to fighting." He grinned, and kept walking.

Aegis let a small grin slip past his expression before slowing up his own pace, not only to take some pressure of his leg, but to walk next to Mysteria and Farscape.
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Post by Yshania »

Yshania grinned at her friend's ingenuity, her instinct was to cast strength of one but was debating as to whether she would compromise the fighters stats, and was just about to dig for a potion when Dragon Wench had the brightest, yet simplest idea. A spell or a potion would have wore off...but the blessed bag of holding!! Yshania winked 'come on' she said 'we should find the others...oh! and DW?' the other woman turned towards her 'I have heard that the bag of holding can cause problems when better check the label on the barrel'...
Parachute for sale, like new! Never opened!
Guinness, black goes with everything.
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