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BIG n00b post

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silent assassin
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BIG n00b post

Post by silent assassin »

hello. This is my first post and its one hell of a n00b post, sorry. anyway, I just ordered morrowind off amazon so i should get it tomorrow or tuesday. But to try and save me a bit of time when i get it so i can get playing quicker, i've got a couple of questions about the custom character making.
firstly, im gonna make a kind of ninja/monk/mage. Its gonna have to be sneaky and stealthy, nimble and quick, uses throwing stars from range and hands and daggers at close range. It'll wear no armour and needs to know alchamey, restoration spells, alteration and maybe destruction and conjuring. so here's the question, is this possible?? can i choose that many attributes?? I know they advance through use in the game but can i choose all of those at the start? And which race should i choose??
Also how many points do you get to play with?
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Post by frudi »

in the start you get to choose 5 major and 5 minor skills. all the other skills are considered miscelaneous. major skills start at 30, minor at 15 and misc at 5, plus any bonuses from specialization, race and class. the major and minor skills also increase faster with use. you can increase skills either through use or you pay for training at NPS's who offer training.
you progress through levels by increasing your skill, every time you increase any 10 of your major/minor skills you level-up. any combination will do, either increase one skill by 10 points or increase each of the major/minor skills by 1 or any other combination.
you can increase three atributes at level up, but by how much you will be able to increase each atribute depends on the skills you've increased to level-up. for instance, if you increased short sword skill by 10, you would get a 5x multiplier for speed at level up, since speed is the governing atribute for short sword. note that increasing misc skills does not cout for leveling-up, it does however count for determening the multipliers.

now, on to your character. the skills you would need:
- unarmored (speed)
- hand-to-hand (speed)
- short sword (speed) (this is for daggers, they don't have a special skill for those)
- marksmanship (agility) (for ranged weapons)
- acrobatics (strength) (makes you jump higher, reduces falling damage)
- alchemy (intelligence)
- restoration (willpower)
- alteration (willpower)
- destruction (willpower)
- conjuring (willpower)
that's 10, so you've got everything covered). i would recomend a change, though. since you're going for stealth i'd recommend taking up illusion since it gives you spells like invisibility, chameleon, night eye and some others. also, it's governing atribute is personality which none of your other skills cover.
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silent assassin
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Post by silent assassin »

thanks frudi, ok so you choose 5 things as major factors and 5 as minor, ok I'll use illusion instead of conjouring but i also want to have enchant, should i get rid of restoration (alchemy should give me enough healing potions?)
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Post by frudi »

yes, that would be a good change too. restoration is good for healing or restoring drained atributes, but with all the potions you're gonna be making with alchemy you got that covered. also, with enchant you can create items that can heal or restore, even items that constantly regenerate health or fatigue.
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