Yup, they're all lazy just like me
The A level exams take place at the same time as GCSEs, i.e. now, so I'm in the midst of them atm
Go have a look in the Rolling Thunder if you really want to know my subjects (and Ode's as well!). Currently parked in SYM Factions.
Proud SLURRite Test Subject and Nick Counter of the Rolling Thunder™ - Visitors WELCOME!!!
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Sleep is for n00bs, and people with too much blood in their caffeine. Have YOU voted for Kayless' Dungeon Crawl Inc. yet today???
Reality is an illusion created by alcohol deficiency
It's Friday evening now - has everyone got their moves in? If you're waiting for BS and CM's moves, I think it's safe to say they're all holding, either because they aren't here or because it's the only safe choice (go, kamikaze Fas!!!)
Proud SLURRite Test Subject and Nick Counter of the Rolling Thunder™ - Visitors WELCOME!!!
[size=0](Feel free to join us for a drink, play some pool or even relax in a hottub - want to learn more? )[/size]
Sleep is for n00bs, and people with too much blood in their caffeine. Have YOU voted for Kayless' Dungeon Crawl Inc. yet today???
Reality is an illusion created by alcohol deficiency
just the amphibious one's moves left, the romantic foolthe orders shoould go up tomorrow
Here where the flattering and mendacious swarm
Of lying epitaths their secrets keep,
At last incapable of further harm
The lewd forefathers of the village sleep.
He's a gypsy? OMG, I didn't know! frogus I'm sorry for making fun of all your jewelry and the bad smell, will you ever forgive me???
Proud SLURRite Test Subject and Nick Counter of the Rolling Thunder™ - Visitors WELCOME!!!
[size=0](Feel free to join us for a drink, play some pool or even relax in a hottub - want to learn more? )[/size]
Sleep is for n00bs, and people with too much blood in their caffeine. Have YOU voted for Kayless' Dungeon Crawl Inc. yet today???
Reality is an illusion created by alcohol deficiency
erm... hello? is frogus there? do you want to do anything this turn? if you're there, the moves'll go up tonight.
Here where the flattering and mendacious swarm
Of lying epitaths their secrets keep,
At last incapable of further harm
The lewd forefathers of the village sleep.
I'm not fussed, and the subjects listed in the Rolling Thunder are my former subjects, as I'm through with high school.
Which reminds me: .
Proud SLURRite Gunner of the Rolling Thunder (TM) - Visitors WELCOME!
([size=0]Feel free to join us for a drink, play some pool or even relax in a hottub - want to learn more?[/size]
Hey sorry guys. I was out in the wilderness for like 4 days. Just got home and will be sending my moves now. I am really sorry, should check SYM more than once a day i guess!
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
Here where the flattering and mendacious swarm
Of lying epitaths their secrets keep,
At last incapable of further harm
The lewd forefathers of the village sleep.
Hey BS is most likely not going to move you know......he is off on vacations and stuff., You get my move?
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
he's got 10 minutes, then i'm going to watch TV. no orders, no moves. apologies, but the deadline was two days ago, and frogus agreed, and i beliee has signed in since then.
Here where the flattering and mendacious swarm
Of lying epitaths their secrets keep,
At last incapable of further harm
The lewd forefathers of the village sleep.
F Eng S Nth -> Bel
F Nao -> Mao
F Nth -> Bel
F Swe -> Nwy
F Bar -> Nwy
A Ruh S Kie
A Pic -> Par
F Adriatic Sea Supports A Trieste - Venice
F Aegean Sea Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Apulia - Rome
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
F Ionian Sea Supports Italian F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Naples Supports A Apulia - Rome
A Trieste - Venice
F Tunis - Western Mediterranean
A Berlin - Kiel
A Livonia - Smyrna
A Moscow - Warsaw
A Munich Supports A Berlin - Kiel
A Rumania - Budapest
A Silesia Supports A Munich
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Barents Sea - Norway
A Tyrolia - Piedmont
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tuscany
army in Paris attacks Dotties army in Picardy.
BS away, suggest all hold poosition
no move in, suggest all hold position
Here where the flattering and mendacious swarm
Of lying epitaths their secrets keep,
At last incapable of further harm
The lewd forefathers of the village sleep.
OK, I'm going to post a map and retreats - if you've got RealPolitik sorted out please say, and you can do this Robnark...
German A Belgium can retreat to Holland or retreat.
Italian A Venice can retreat to Tyrolia or Apulia or retreat.
Map attached: check it. Although I would love it if BS's army retreated to Holland, as I'm positive it would if he were here, I fear the general consensus will say that he disbands
Proud SLURRite Test Subject and Nick Counter of the Rolling Thunder™ - Visitors WELCOME!!!
[size=0](Feel free to join us for a drink, play some pool or even relax in a hottub - want to learn more? )[/size]
Sleep is for n00bs, and people with too much blood in their caffeine. Have YOU voted for Kayless' Dungeon Crawl Inc. yet today???
Reality is an illusion created by alcohol deficiency
Proud SLURRite Test Subject and Nick Counter of the Rolling Thunder™ - Visitors WELCOME!!!
[size=0](Feel free to join us for a drink, play some pool or even relax in a hottub - want to learn more? )[/size]
Sleep is for n00bs, and people with too much blood in their caffeine. Have YOU voted for Kayless' Dungeon Crawl Inc. yet today???
Reality is an illusion created by alcohol deficiency