Ah, dragon wench! I am honored to meet someone who has changed their avatar more frequently in the past 24 hours than I have!
Indeed.... I'd had the same avatar since the new forums came into effect back in January sometime. I must have been affected by the changing season or something....either that or I have developed a strange affinity for Doppelgangers!
tsk-tsk It would appear that you are fresh out of dish detergent. Oh well. Perhaps another time, then, oh Mistress of Painfully Acute Suffering and Achingly Deep Longing...
LOL! I'm sure there is some shampoo kicking around the showers, at least there was this morning. Don't you think that lavender scented dishes would be appropriate for the Home of the Depraved?
Erm........ *wonders if she should.....ahem... change....*cough*...disciplines*