the actions of Eerhardt
@Stilgar: hey, great to see you've finally returned. I'll edit in a longer update later (that's going to be quite a piece of work), but for now I'll just let you know what our members are up to: Ode has a week of archiving to do, but he'll drop by whenever he can, Beldin is on holiday for 3 days - starting yesterday, Archeron made a cameo appearance not too long ago, but I haven't seen him since, Brink... well, he's in and out all the time and will return within X days, weeks or months, Astafas is around most of the days, but it's hard to say when he'll drop by, Kam was caught up in exams until yesterday, so I expect him to start visiting more often soon too and as for the Founding Fathers... it's hard to say when they drop by. Plus, Vicsun might join the Rolling Thunder
TM crew (check out yesterday's posts) ** takes another drink from his MC² **
EDIT - WARNING: long post!
It was your SYMian birthday (
congrats@1 year GB, man)
Mysty's been around quite a bit (she finished Planescape Torment and eagerly awaits Neverwinter Nights). We had a nice discussion about the SLURR merchant's

visit to Sigil.
We've given thought to sueing Weasel for
sabotaging the Rolling Thunder, but Astafas rightfully stated that Weasel's Swiss bank accounts were empty.
Astafas did offer to suck him dry another way, though
Weasel has repeatedly tried to sabotage the Rolling Thunder again after that, but up till now, we managed to foil his plans time and again.
Azzy dropped by once, but we may have scared her away

Mah and Fas have been visiting the Rolling Thunder regularly, supposedly to
steal our drinks 
At one point, I even come close to
COMMunicating, but luckily McBane was there to bail me out...
Tam has also become somewhat of a regular here

after reaching an
understanding with Dusty and Dottie dropped by a few times and sparked a conversation on
who to trust in SYM?
Georgi has been a tease as always, resulting in Ode and Astafas
bickering and Beldin calling them to order and me giving Georgi a nice
purple colour-wash 
. Later on, that resulted in
upsetting Georgi and Ode and me inventing the term "dualdrowning".
With Ode chucking together all of the Rolling Thunder drinks, he created the
Überbooze. That stuff will eat through anything!

- we haven't tried it since, though. And, of course,
Ode hit 3k and we had a party - Rolling Thunder-style