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Lets Talk Parties

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Post by mynamewasstolen »

I find it mostly depends on my PC. A PC will always be stronger then the NPC's... or at least most of the time. So I just go with a lot of the opposite of what my PC is and try to use the rest of the party as a counter balance. If you are a theif another thief is useless, if you are a fighter than having more clerics is helpfull, and for a mage more fighters, etc. It works for me.
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Post by Aqua-chan »

My Current party (In order using the three-line formation):

Eva Rena (Paladin) Anomen (Fighter/Cleric)
Mazzy (Fighter) Jaheira (Fighter/Druid)
Imoen (Thief/Mage) Aerie (Mage/Cleric)

It's nicely balanced, and that's what I like about it.

PS- I never liked Nalia: her thieving skills stink and she's not a great spellcaster...
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Post by island007 »


I like mages.

My current party.

P/C Kensai/Mage - Main Tank/ Artillery
Minsc Ranger - Pure Tank
Valgar Ranger - Scout/Backstab
Aerie (Cleric/Mage) - Artillary/Healer
Jan (Thief/Illusionist) - Thief/auxcillary mage/Backstab
Tashia (Sorceress) - Heavy Artillery

Only thing is it makes all the SOA bosses and most of the TOB bosses way to easy.

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Post by Malakian »

I have other parties but my current one is:

Summer - Monk (level 15)
Mincs - Ranger (level 14)
Edwin - Conjurer (level 16)
Hear d'leas *not sure how to spell* - Blade (level 15)
Yoshimo - Bounty Hunter (level 16)
Jaheira - Druid/Figher (level 15 druid, level 14 fighter)

This is the party I have had since the start of the game and plan to finish with.
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Post by Malakian »

Oh yeah, since Yoshima will betray me he'll be replaced by Imoen obviously.
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Post by Impaler987 »

First party I ever played to completion (an evil one, hahaha, beat SoA and ToB, with a certain change, w/ it):

PC: Malector - Chaotic Evil Assassin-17/Fighter, dual-wielded w/ long swords, katanas, and scimitars plus had a lot of other proficiencies from his previous profession (short sword, short bow, etc.)
Viconia - romance
Ha'er Dalis (Ugh, what was I thinking? Luckily, the perfect replacement came in ToB, hahaha)

Party I last beat ToB with:

PC: Altilucius - Cavalier who dual-wielded Purifier w/ Foebane or Angurvadal
Keldorn - Carsomyr +5 wielder
Aerie - romance

Current game (SoA), party I aspire to finish SoA with and carry into ToB:

PC: Zangivan - Elf Stalker, dual-wielder, long swords/katanas/scimitars
Jaheira - working on the romance (man, it's much slower and tougher than Aerie or Viconia)
Minsc (to be replaced by _someone_ in ToB, maybe)
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Post by ARcheR_S_ »

I allways want a diiferent party.........thats why Im never able to finish the game.

I WANT this party:
Sytze (ARcheR)
Imoen/ Nalia
(Anomen) Saravok
Since this fits me from a good Roleplaying perspective. Minsc, Jaheira and Imoen from beginning (BG1)
Aerie since shes rescued first and could need some help, Anomen cause I find him first together with Nalia..........and I dumb Yoshimo because I just dont like him,

But this party is getting dull now ( I want too finish through ToB with them.....but im never able too :( )
So from a fun perspective this would be my party:
Sytze (again
Imoen (allways and 4ever)
(Kelsey) Saravok ( hey its my bro :) )
Hear' Dhalis

I dunno if this is a very strong party......and I find it hard too send Minsc and Jaheira away or to reject Aerie........anyone who can make sending them away "right" ??

"Sometimes Dreams are wiser than waking"

"One day I will leave this world and Dream myself to Reality"

"Dream your life, live that Dream"

"I have a Dream"........Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.
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Post by Lost One »

Originally posted by ARcheR_S_
I allways want a diiferent party.........thats why Im never able to finish the game.
Funny, same thing happens here.
I can be often perfectionist when it comes to games and a party just has to be interestin' and suit me throughout all of it.
I've restarted so many times for reasons such as 'didn't know about the romance', some NPCs lettin' me down, boring PC, etc...
Interestingly enough, now it's:

Lynx - half-elven shadow warrior (or fighter/thief if you like :) )
Korgan - pure strength
Edwin - amazin' firepower
Viconia - romance + neat clerical abilities

Basically, your all-evil party, which allows me to do whatever I really wish throughout the game (RPG-wise), except for goody quests with no rewards (far and few of these). 4 characters for optimum perfomance (IMO), levels quicker, can pick up other NPCs for quests, does not get overcrowded in certain areas & no other evil NPCs really.

SPOILER QUESTION about Viconia: i've heard lots of stuff about how you can turn Viconia's alignment to neutral or good in SOA/ it possible to romance her throughout both games and keep her evil? (because at the moment my romance with her seems to be attractin' her to the good side, if you know what I mean).
Check it out! One of my earliest, and certainly, more creative threads! :)

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Post by Bruce Lee »

I know what you mean about restarting. I have tried every possible combination to try and find the ultimate party both with nps and with my own characters. In the end it seems tto be more fun to have a weak character and try to develop him/her than to powergame... I love powergaming but i tend not finish those games.
However if you have ToB and want to play with npcs I can recommend to bring Aerie, Jaheira and Jan... they are really great because they are multis.
I played with
Daralanteriel- Elven kensai dual wielding foebane and belm
Very cool party I thought.
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Post by VonDondu »

Here's the answer to the SPOILER question about Viconia:


Viconia might become Neutral if you romance her, but only if you choose the appropriate dialogue options. (She resolves to try and become a better person.) If you choose other dialogue options, her alignment won't change, even if the romance remains active. It all depends on you.
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Post by serjeLeBlade »

I'm now playing with

Aunrae (pc, female totemic druid)
Jan Jansen

Odd party, isn't it?
Since druids start with only 10 rep, I think it shouldn't be too hard to keep Korgan around for a long time.
I wanted to try him because I never did before.
Just hope Korgan and Anomen won't come to blows sometime!

Also, looking closely at it, that party has access to nearly any ability available in the game.
Save for monks', but who needs'em?
Where we came from, we don't know
Where we're going.... (even worse)
And about who we could be, we actually have trouble in clearly defining the term "to be" in the first place...
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Silver Knight
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Post by Silver Knight »

I played the game through several times with this party, I never found one I liked better:

PC - Cavalier, Carsomyr/Crom Faeyr + runehammer
Minsc (just can't leave the big dumb ox)
Jaheira - girdle of giant strength, blackblood etc

I would have liked more fighting power but that's just me. I had to use Minsc as an archer as nobody else had, or could have, any skill with longbows!! However I soon discarded that approach and went for maximum melee damage backed up by heavy duty magic.

Keldorn is not strong enough and his dex is rubbish.
Annomen excels as neither fighter nor cleric. He is also supremely irritating to boot!
Valygar was ok but there's nobody I want to drop so as I can include him.
Next time I play ToB I might just take Sarevok instead of Nalia though.
"Magic is impressive but Minsc leads now, swords for everyone!"

"It is no shame to run away now and to come back later with bigger swords!"
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