second tidbit
This will be short, I don't have much time.
Just wanted to let you know that I'm still almost as much just looking around, enjoying the scenery as doing quests.
Speaking of quests, it's beginning to become more interesting and a tad more difficult too. I died once last night, and my henchman once too. I was just stupid and didn't see that attacker...
Well, I've now taken to swapping camera modes so I'm always in the most fitting one.
What annoys me is that my henchman either uses ranged or melee weapons, he's apparently unable to swap weapons according to range ...
At least (he's a thief) he keeps me away from traps and the like.
I'm also surprised at the number of items that are readily available. Just bought a light-ring giving me light, very practical.
Got to run, catch you later