Add to that the fact that, outside spells, the monk deals more damage per round than a rogue
hmm, i would say no.
even if the monk has his iterative unarmed attacks my rogue had a better BAB (due to his fighter/barbarian-levels) and 6d6 sneak damage.
since nearly all enemies beside the last ones and undead are vulnerable to sneak damage if my henchman chops on them they got loads of damage,
i managed to dish out more then 150 points per round.
i agree that the monks special abilities make him very unbalanced in this game,
if you like to challenge real spellcasters feel free to play some little encounters with my mages
(DnD playground, not crippled by these rules)
the monk can't wear armor and does not use weapons, thats a big drawback in 'real' DnD and the special abilities balance this.
in NWN there is only crappy equipment, even if its powers are beyond the stuff a NPC is wearing or could handle.
the ring of power and the amulet of the master were indeed some nice items...
for the spells:
the only time i used spells i bought was in the last battle and for my first balor.
i didn't find a shortsword +3, so it was hard to damage the balor (20/+3 reduction...) without magic, a horrid wilting does it.
in the last battle i walked through the minions of the last battle with a mind blank, greater spell mantle and improved stoneskin.
if i knew what to do this wouldn't have been necessary, but i tried many things and had about 10 min real time near the mightiest enemy in the game...
(hmm, i wouldn't try this with irenicus...)
the spellcasters in the game were really crap:
how about nice magic that lowers resistance?
followed by a save or die spell.
first some SR-breaching, ottos irresistable dance and maybe feeblemind.
with some minions in the front there should be enough time to cast, else go with haste and timestop, quickened spell etc.
hey, they should challange!
with an enemy standing 10 min around and doing nothing (not a single greater dispel) its a huge amount less fun.