Do my eyes deceive me? BS! Good to have you back! How was the break?
Oh, and it was all Dottie's fault
Proud SLURRite Test Subject and Nick Counter of the Rolling Thunder™ - Visitors WELCOME!!!
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Sleep is for n00bs, and people with too much blood in their caffeine. Have YOU voted for Kayless' Dungeon Crawl Inc. yet today???
Reality is an illusion created by alcohol deficiency
The break was much needed, and now I am thouroghly rejuvenated. I also managed to finish IWD finally. Now I just need to catch up n everything I have missed. I see the sight has went subscribtion. Well, I guess it was bound to, where did I put that CC?
Uh, what was Dotties fault? Plotting behind my back??
Lord of Lurkers
Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!
Uh, what was Dotties fault? Plotting behind my back??
oh, everything is/was/will be his fault
Here where the flattering and mendacious swarm
Of lying epitaths their secrets keep,
At last incapable of further harm
The lewd forefathers of the village sleep.
Originally posted by Bloodstalker Uh, what was Dotties fault? Plotting behind my back??
I was more thinking eliminating you from the game, but it's all the same really No - you still have Denmark, just no units to defend it with and no way of getting them
Glad you're feeling better Gotta run - see ya around
Proud SLURRite Test Subject and Nick Counter of the Rolling Thunder™ - Visitors WELCOME!!!
[size=0](Feel free to join us for a drink, play some pool or even relax in a hottub - want to learn more? )[/size]
Sleep is for n00bs, and people with too much blood in their caffeine. Have YOU voted for Kayless' Dungeon Crawl Inc. yet today???
Reality is an illusion created by alcohol deficiency
Time out? Why do I feel like a 2 year old? And no, I would never put you on that list. I don't comprimise my own personal well being.
Dead pc? what happened? Pool of Radiance?
LMAO! sorry, I was forgetting my position for a moment
Ack!! no, it was PoR that killed my PC at Christmas - I have learned that lesson harshly. Hopefully this is a temporary setback, once identified. More a connection fault than a dead PC in general...
Parachute for sale, like new! Never opened!
Guinness, black goes with everything.
I got lost a bit up north, in a place called Neverwinter. You should visit there some time, they could use some cheering up with the plague they have up there.
I've got an animal companion: it's currently a dire wolf, but before that it was a black panther. I think I'll go with simpel wolf on the next level up. (you can change at each leveling up)
What is annoying me is that my henchman is incapable of switching between melee and ranged weapons.
It's one or the other, no swapping. It's just stupid!
*grabs a GIGGLE*
I'll see if this can cheer them up. If it doesn't, nothing can
Glad you like it, Mysty. You haven't missed much, well, nothing besides the usual at any rate.
Maybe we'll head to Neverwinter on the Rolling Thunder motorcycles sometime. Thank goodness for our 25 Constitutions, that plague won't be a problem.
I'm thinking that when/if I get MWN I'll go for a falcon for my ranger (of course I'll go a ranger) and probably a badger for any druids I start.
I think a wolf would suit you, a la your DF character.
The henchmen sound like they suck a little.
Proud SLURRite Gunner of the Rolling Thunder (TM) - Visitors WELCOME!
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Originally posted by dragon wench
[B I will actually be heading off sometime soon to enjoy the sun a bit [/b]
...I just hope you don't get to run into your boss/co-worker in your interesting attire.
This is another COMM and run for me as I'm also doing some multi-tasking at work.
"There is no weakness in honest sorrow... only in succumbing to depression over what cannot be changed." --- Alaundo, BG2
Brother Scribe, Keeper of the Holy Scripts of COMM
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** returns from the lab ** Good morning, all - weather's looking much better today .
@Mysty: Neverwinter Nights wàs "developed by the creators of Baldur's Gate" was it not ? Why would they have henchmen not being able to switch between melee and ranged attack then? *sigh* If that's the case, I prefer a six-member party too. Hope the rest of the game makes up for it (since I am planning to get it for... what, the past 2 weeks now
@BS: woohoo! The King has returned - can we expect another tunnel entry soon?
@Mah: looks like I'll be combining answering calls, re-writing the monthly reports and hanging round SYM too
Proud SLURRite Scientist, Brewer and Chronicler of the Rolling Thunder ™ - Visitors WELCOME !!!
([size=0]Feel free to join us for a drink, play some pool or even relax in a hottub - want to learn more?[/size] )
Morning oh busy one. **Gets out some C.C.B.s**
Maybe Bioware will include the option to switch between melee and ranged attacks in a patch or something...
It's a pity that they made it so much for multiplayer and neglected some aspects of the single-player game though.
Proud SLURRite Gunner of the Rolling Thunder (TM) - Visitors WELCOME!
([size=0]Feel free to join us for a drink, play some pool or even relax in a hottub - want to learn more?[/size]