@Georgi: I think Flammie should have you for dinner, if you keep this up
@Tam: yeah, I got it - turns out the game runs slow with my Savage3D card even though my pc meets the recommended requirements - guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend... (checking drivers, disabling virus scanner, disable screen saver, *curse*,...)
** finishes his Heineken and pours himself a Jägermeister **
Proud SLURRite Scientist, Brewer and Chronicler of the Rolling Thunder ™ - Visitors WELCOME !!!
([size=0]Feel free to join us for a drink, play some pool or even relax in a hottub - want to learn more?[/size] )
Originally posted by Vivien Georgi: When has the men saying 'no' stopped you before?? I say you pick one and just go with it
ROFL *makes note of Tammy's reaction...*
Hmmm, a rather opportune time for BS to turn up, don't you think?
Afternoon @BS
@Eery Flammie won't have me for dinner, he likes me... and who do you think is looking after him while Odie's away? Now you see why I'm not even bothering with NWN... I think my computer probably meets the minumum requirements, but I'm sure it won't run it.
@Tam: disturbing news - thanks for the warning. I dò have an Athlon with a Creative Sounds soundcard.
@BS: and a good morning to you too. I'm ok today, like I told Viv. What can we get you?
** takes a drink from his Jägermeister **
Proud SLURRite Scientist, Brewer and Chronicler of the Rolling Thunder ™ - Visitors WELCOME !!!
([size=0]Feel free to join us for a drink, play some pool or even relax in a hottub - want to learn more?[/size] )
How about a triple of whatever you decide Eerhardt. I'm not picky today, and Viv seems to think I am doing terrible things to the turkey population as it is.
@Georgi...is my timeing not impecc....impikab.....uh......good, as always?
@ Tam....of course she took notes, what did you expect?
Lord of Lurkers
Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!
Some guy from Myst III, apparently. I asked not too long ago...
Proud SLURRite Test Subject and Nick Counter of the Rolling Thunder™ - Visitors WELCOME!!!
[size=0](Feel free to join us for a drink, play some pool or even relax in a hottub - want to learn more? )[/size]
Sleep is for n00bs, and people with too much blood in their caffeine. Have YOU voted for Kayless' Dungeon Crawl Inc. yet today???
Reality is an illusion created by alcohol deficiency
@Georgi and Tam: like Kam said, it's Atrus.
@BS: here you go, man ** hands BS a triple Electric Shine Stinger ** The classics never fail
Proud SLURRite Scientist, Brewer and Chronicler of the Rolling Thunder ™ - Visitors WELCOME !!!
([size=0]Feel free to join us for a drink, play some pool or even relax in a hottub - want to learn more?[/size] )
Originally posted by Tamerlane Hence the need for it to be destroyed. Imagine the scandals if I became supreme ruler of the world and this sort of stuff was still around.
Not all configurations make problems.
My system has got a Creative Sound Blaster AudioPCI 128, AMD processor and GeForce3 and doesn't make problems. (the graphic card is from Hercules though, but it should be the same)
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."
Originally posted by Bloodstalker How about a triple of whatever you decide Eerhardt. I'm not picky today, and Viv seems to think I am doing terrible things to the turkey population as it is.
Yes, well, we northerners KNOW what you southern farm boys do with your animals.
Edit: As for NWN, it's running okay. Every now and then it locks up when I try to identify something, but as I tweak all of my games they usually do that anyway
The bad thing is that My summoned badger went away when I rested, and my bard doesn't have the inate spell ability.
Now that's a lie Viv.....we are a lot more affectionate with them than we get credit for.
Downs his drink.....ahh nice kick to jumpstart me.
@Mysty....what card do you have? I have a Hercules Prophet 4500 and one of the reeasons I haven't bought the game is that I have trouble with a couple others with that card. I think you may have given me hope.
Lord of Lurkers
Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!