Mine boss
Mine boss
Im looking for the Caldera Mine boss who is supposedly SW of the caldera mine.ive searched all the way up to those mountains but i cant find his house so could some1 please tell me where it is.
-Mayer from Family Guy
Death dosn't scare me. His big scyckle does.
-Mayer from Family Guy
Death dosn't scare me. His big scyckle does.
I believe the mine boss you're looking for is in the town of Caldera itself and it's the mine that's to the southwest. Your first mine quest has to do with getting evidence which the previous reply refers to. In phase two you're asked to shut down the mine
by either freeing the slaves or killing this boss. Look for an imperial on the first floor of the big castle in town and see if he matches up with the name in yoour journal.
by either freeing the slaves or killing this boss. Look for an imperial on the first floor of the big castle in town and see if he matches up with the name in yoour journal.
He moves. You move first.